Originally Posted by kylephilly
8) Please add a time bank to specific games. Allow players to get an additional 15 seconds to make decisions in "Normal" ring games as well as tournaments and SNGs. This will give players more time to think during important decisions. Possibly limit the number of times a player can use their time bank in a given hour.
9) Add commas to stack sizes. This a problem specifically on tournament tables. Stacks such as 10355333 are tough to read and commas would make this easier on the eyes.
Good points^
10?) ALSO
regarding stack-sizes being BLOCKED (just remembered this one is frustrating in ring games) - when a player takes an action (raise/fold), change the way it's done now where the action blocks the players' chip count (i.e. you are trying to make a decision based on action AND stack size of opponent to your left. You have 15 seconds to make this decision, but since the player raised the pot, the words "RAISE" cover his chip count for an extra 3 or so seconds and you have to wait to see the number). This is another example of something very small they could easily fix I'm sure.