Originally Posted by Fed Exed
He has even even suggested howard,ivey,ChrisFurguson put there own money up to start paying players back. As he did when he was in their exact situation a few years back.
He a stand up guy in my book. *** it, hes my hero at this point.
If Tony G is your idea of a stand up guy then I can only assume that you don't have too much experience of stand up guys.
Tony G is a shrewd business man who knows exactly what to say to further his own position.
To ask Lederer, Ivey and Ferguson to pony up the money is laughable. It's about as laughable as asking Enron shareholders to pay for the shortfall created by the managers.
Lederer, Ivey and Ferguson may or may not have some say in the running of FTP but let's not get carried away here. If you adopt this position then the owners of every company now have a liability to cover the problems created by the managers.
So...think of Tyco, Union Carbide in Bopal, BP in the Gulf and the list goes on.
Be concerned for sure but be sensible.