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Knowing if you are running bad or not? Knowing if you are running bad or not?

01-05-2012 , 01:30 PM
Have not been doing too well on poker at the moment and i think part of reason is because i am running bad but i am having trouble understanding the all data on holdem manager 2, over 240 6 max $15 games my net winnings is -$145.60 but my $Ev (Expected Value) is 135.29, does this mean im running bad over this period of games? My bb/100 is 2.71?
Knowing if you are running bad or not? Quote
01-05-2012 , 01:39 PM
For SNG you don't really use bb/100, but rather ROI, unless you're saying your bb/100 is your standard WR in cash games? Also, 240~ is a 'small sample size', however given all that and the sample size, it's quite possible you are running bad.

In this situation, I would go through those 240 games and compile a number of key hands, specifically those that knocked you out. If you lost alot of 70/30 flips, then yeah you're running bad.
Knowing if you are running bad or not? Quote
01-05-2012 , 01:56 PM
Thanks, yeah i know it is a small sample size and i do not play cash games, i was wondered if there was any data that shows how you are running in sngs, roi? i know it means return on investment but that is just tournement roi (where u finish isnt it?), also on the tounrments winngs graph there is a luck adjusted box aswell and my luck adjusted line is about $150 higher than my actual profit line?
Knowing if you are running bad or not? Quote
01-05-2012 , 02:19 PM
Generally speaking, EV lines and luck adjusted lines are something you should put very little value in. They can somewhat show if you're running good/bad but for the most part, you shouldn't pay alot of attention to them.

ROI is used in SNG just as in tourneys because SNG are just mini-tourneys. You put up a single amount, and your profit is based on the ROI of that investment.
Knowing if you are running bad or not? Quote
01-05-2012 , 02:24 PM
They can somewhat show if you're running good/bad but for the most part, you shouldn't pay alot of attention to them.
Can you explain why this is so? I was under the impression that their purpose is to tell you if your running good/bad.
Knowing if you are running bad or not? Quote
01-05-2012 , 02:36 PM
From what Ive always been told, EV lines are a vague/semi-accurate indicator because you aren't 'all-in' every hand and there's a large % of hands where you don't showdown. For a true EV line, if you could see every opponents hand and the entire board, it would be far more accurate.

I may be off, but that's how I view EV lines. They can be an indicator of runbad/good, but it shouldn't be taken at face value, more like the most likely scenario given the lack of information.
Knowing if you are running bad or not? Quote
