Originally Posted by sactownjoey
Yeah, vaguely claiming "adult entertainment" was going to work well. Since the money was also flowing TO OP, was he going to claim it was for "adult services rendered"? That would go over well with the bank I am sure.
By the way, banks can ask just about anything they want about where the money is coming from and going. You are a customer of theirs and they can certainly invite you to take your business elsewhere if you jerk them around.
Meh, you can tell the truth without mentioning gambling. I wouldn't recommend flat-out lying, but a little creativity wouldn't hurt. If they press the issue of "What is this online business venture exactly?" you can always tell them it's none of their business and they'll cut you a check for your balance, possibly.
The only time you need to be concerned is if you're getting large wire amounts, in which case telling them it's none of their business may result in a SAR being filed in addition to your account being closed.
In this case, the bank was able to verify accounts belonging to gambling and in turn will reject any wires originating from those accounts.