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12-31-2015 , 12:20 PM
In, varosky, z500 nl.
12-31-2015 , 01:13 PM
The more that the winning regs don't play, the more that players such as myself can win.
When the arrangement benefiting SN/SNE players,did you guys Say anything?? Chrome, Gold and etc?? Exactly.. STFU and Go away..
good luck meeting former sn+ bumhunting your limits and destroying the field. feel free to express your feelings in an year when amaya will nerf platinum- statuses
12-31-2015 , 01:21 PM
(It is no coincidence that other sites are also trying to reduce the impact of high stakes players/regs etc. They have a lot better access to your data than anyone and are surely making business decisions based on that data. They aren't guessing what they think will happen, they pretty much know).
i open pokerscout and see these 'smart' sites aren't anywhere close to pokerstars in numbers of players. also, i would point out ftp and ongame u know why
12-31-2015 , 01:22 PM
GL u guys love your sticktuitevness just don't get it since pokerstars pretty much told grinders last time that the weren't wanted. I don't think any amount of protesting is going to change amayas views.
12-31-2015 , 01:34 PM
They do. And once u rattle their cage a bit too often with that pathetic masscashouts we gonna see a 3% cashout fee for all platinum star+ and all 2+2 will be like wtf just happend...
3% cashout fee is nothing cmpared to a course for unbeatable gaming
12-31-2015 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Thrash370

I will be playing on ACR during this to give another site more market share. I suggest everyone play on some different network during this strike. If sites start making inroads on stars' market share that's scarier to them than the temporary loss in traffic.
BINGO. I will be taking my talents to south beach. I mean PARTYPOKER and suggest more also go to a different network during the boycott.
12-31-2015 , 02:47 PM
i am in. muckit222 SNE. Maily turbo SnGs.

Going to browse ACR and few other sites as well during that period.
12-31-2015 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Thrash370
Already signed up on tilt book.
I've cashed out my (tiny) roll, mainly as a token gesture of support for people like Thrash that have been shafted by Amaya. In 2016, I'll mostly be playing on Unibet (again), as its run by someone that actually listens to and engages with his customers. I have a couple of Stars tourney tickets to use in the next month (and might be back for the lol millionaire dollar freerollaments) but, to all intents and purposes, Pokerstars is dead to me.
12-31-2015 , 04:25 PM
Online poker has been getting worse and worse over the past 10 years in terms of profitability for recreational and professional players. At this stage with recent changes, there will be a lowering of the % of players that are long term winners and there will be a significant reduction in the amount of money that ALL professional poker players will make and fish will probably meet quicker losses.

This is how it is, due to the climate of the industry. Pokerstars has little serious competition. Things may change in the future as the industry of online poker develops.

Professional players need to think about either playing live poker or making a living outside of poker.

There will be a few crushers who can still probably earn a decent amount of money in a year, but their redline will still be severely hurt.

Nobody is entitled to earn money as a professional poker player. Will these changes hurt Amaya's value and profit, probably. Their platform/service may move more towards the format of an online casino (obviously still with some skill element). In the long term, the direction the company is moving may well hurt them.

I think unless the company see's a big impact in the short term from a reaction of professional players then there will be further moves towards what I have stated above. I think if they see a moderate drop of their traffic and holding balances from what it would be expected at that time of year and then things return to normal afterwards, it's probably unlikely to make much of a impact on their stance.

At the moment i am not going to play much online poker for the foreseeable future.

Unless a large % of professionals are seriously ready to stop playing on pokerstars (heavily reducing cash game and SnG traffic and reducing MTT prize pools etc) and either play on other sites, play live or earn a living outside of poker, there will still probably be an ongoing trend towards the 'online casino' format of online poker

Last edited by TGSM89; 12-31-2015 at 04:37 PM.
12-31-2015 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
You're not very smart, are you?

so you cant have a civil conversation?
your position is so weak that you have to resort to childish insults...
but since you asked, my IQ is 142 - own a production company, produced multi-million dollar films ... so im smart enough to debate this with you

my guess is that your 'example' was simply a dumb attempt at creating a unrealistic narrative to support your position -which is again weak AND silly...

as a business man i know everything PS has done has been vetted by (likely) both a internal and external legal team who have vastly more experience in this matter then either of us...

but again .... what 'legalities' has PS violated?
12-31-2015 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by 31Alpha
so you cant have a civil conversation?
your position is so weak that you have to resort to childish insults...
but since you asked, my IQ is 142 - own a production company, produced multi-million dollar films ... so im smart enough to debate this with you

my guess is that your 'example' was simply a dumb attempt at creating a unrealistic narrative to support your position -which is again weak AND silly...

as a business man i know everything PS has done has been vetted by (likely) both a internal and external legal team who have vastly more experience in this matter then either of us...

but again .... what 'legalities' has PS violated?
If you don't know that contest and gambling prizes are governed by law, that their disbursement isn't voluntary; you aren't very smart.

If you ask to be pointed to where you can find a certain tournament when you have been clearly presented with a hypothetical; you aren't very smart.

If you think that your claim to having a high IQ test score (which you ironically haven't presented) tells us how smart you are; you aren't very smart.

If you think that PS' legal team hasn't made some huge blunders, then you've been living in a hole in the ground.

I'm generally very civil, but when someone is clearly trolling, I become much less civil.
12-31-2015 , 08:02 PM
In. ZiWuvdUbtiYd
mid PLO

Thanks to everyone putting in the work on this.
12-31-2015 , 09:27 PM
IceAge0121, Spin and Goe's, 18 man's. Gold Star. Cashed out around 95% or bankroll.
12-31-2015 , 09:28 PM
what's the position of PPA about all this?

suddenly online poker is not concerning them anymore?
12-31-2015 , 09:38 PM
Zoom PLO 100
Cashed out almost everything, some more tomorrow.
12-31-2015 , 10:16 PM
SibiuStar NL100
01-01-2016 , 01:06 AM
xXprivXx PLO
01-01-2016 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by IceQueenAce
I am not claiming they know what they are doing.

I am claiming that other sites are doing the same/similar and they all have access to better figures than we do.

From a recs pov, everytime the regs leave, it gets more fun for the rest of us.
At the end of the day we are all poker players. Professional players have the same decision to make, whether to play or not to play. The games will be better for everyone who chooses to continue playing during the strike.

Sometimes though, it's worth standing for something you believe in. In the long run when pokerstars increases the rake, it hurts all players, not just the pros.
01-01-2016 , 06:04 AM
25zoom - 100z player checking in... ***ai8
01-01-2016 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by FishWithBacon
At the end of the day we are all poker players. Professional players have the same decision to make, whether to play or not to play. The games will be better for everyone who chooses to continue playing during the strike.

Originally Posted by FishWithBacon
Sometimes though, it's worth standing for something you believe in. In the long run when pokerstars increases the rake, it hurts all players, not just the pros.
I think this is where I have an issue.

People aren't standing up because it will hurt all players. They are standing up because they will personally be affected.

And it is that elitism that you see a LOT on 2+2 that sticks in my throat a little.

None of the big players here were going on strike and standing up for insane rakes for micro players (both on this site and many others). Yet now all of a sudden they need to to save poker?

I have no issue with players saying 'you know, this is gonna hurt my profit and I am complaining about that', but to suggest that guys are doing it as some kind of saviour to poker is a bit galling in the least.
01-01-2016 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by IceQueenAce

I think this is where I have an issue.

People aren't standing up because it will hurt all players. They are standing up because they will personally be affected.

And it is that elitism that you see a LOT on 2+2 that sticks in my throat a little.

None of the big players here were going on strike and standing up for insane rakes for micro players (both on this site and many others). Yet now all of a sudden they need to to save poker?

I have no issue with players saying 'you know, this is gonna hurt my profit and I am complaining about that', but to suggest that guys are doing it as some kind of saviour to poker is a bit galling in the least.
Frankly, the rake at micros is completely unacceptable and it has been for a long time. Amaya is going on about how they are increasing rake for elite players, and not providing rb above 1knl, while at the same time doing absolutely nothing tangible to actually benefit the ecology with the money they remove. Other then opening up the SN freeroll, PS has said absolutely nothing about how they are going to improve the ecology.

If pokerstars were to cut down rake at all stakes, and cut back on VIP programs, I think many people would be satisfied, because at the end of the day, less money removed from rake means more money at the top.

The fact is, inch by inch, playing online poker is getting worse and worse, for players of all stakes and skill levels.

I agree fully with you with the fact that the organizers are failing to include micro players and recreational players, and this is wrong, and you are right to demand better.
01-01-2016 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
They do. And once u rattle their cage a bit too often with that pathetic masscashouts we gonna see a 3% cashout fee for all platinum star+ and all 2+2 will be like wtf just happend...
This post is a good example of a wrong mentality. "I am being robbed, but i won't resist cause i'm afraid that robbers will retaliate". This mentality is right in normal society when instead of resisting you can call the cops, but we don't have a poker police so we(all of us) have to organise against greedy robbers.
01-01-2016 , 08:15 AM
Ive spoken up about micro and lowstakes rake for a long time.

Its also a suggestion in this very boycott to PokerStars (lowering micro rake).
01-01-2016 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by blopp
Ive spoken up about micro and lowstakes rake for a long time.

Its also a suggestion in this very boycott to PokerStars (lowering micro rake).
Yes its a 'suggestion'.

It is not a demand though, demands which all benefit elite players.

I also think it is a waste of time though which is why I am not being so supportive. I will continue to follow this thread but will step out of the conversation for the time being.
01-01-2016 , 09:02 AM
In, q3timmy (mid/high stakes MTTs and 60/100 Spins).
