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Joint strike on the 1st–3rd of December .... (REGISTRATION), other Amaya/Stars protests Joint strike on the 1st–3rd of December .... (REGISTRATION), other Amaya/Stars protests

11-29-2015 , 07:08 PM
I'm in.

Tigerrtonkin 25c/50c PLO.

Obviously doesn't effect me so much in fpp value etc but it does kill the poker dream!!
11-29-2015 , 07:13 PM
I, alpheusc (100z, 180k VPPs), shall not play from the 1st to the 3rd of December.
11-29-2015 , 07:18 PM
Add me : 0utsplay NL200 6 max
11-29-2015 , 07:19 PM
In, g-pro74 15/30 spins 70k vpps this year
11-29-2015 , 07:20 PM
Posted my .com sn ITT before but I actually play more on so should include that too I suppose:

BoysDontCRAI (.fr), ABI $45 MTTs
11-29-2015 , 07:26 PM
In , phil13ole NL10
11-29-2015 , 07:27 PM
In, Dovmont-60 PLO HU
11-29-2015 , 07:46 PM
In, HammertimeAA - 80000 VPP's this year, MTT's ABI $30.
11-29-2015 , 07:48 PM
in, mysto20
1.5mil vpp lifetime
11-29-2015 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by bombonca
For sure, though i wish he doesn't highlight so much honoring agreement with SNEs ONLY. I am SN and feel very much cheated too if we are talking about broken promises, FPP devaluation aside.
heh he's limited to 140 characters per post, to be effective and efficient, he's going to have to simplify as much as possible
11-29-2015 , 08:01 PM
Kim***** mtts micro to small. playing on stars for a few years and so dissapointed with the new mentality of the company.
11-29-2015 , 08:11 PM
What if we all cashed out x% on the 1st as well? Something like 10-30% perhaps
11-29-2015 , 08:12 PM
In, Silken218 16NL 6-max
11-29-2015 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by istack_u5
What if we all cashed out x% on the 1st as well? Something like 10-30% perhaps

absolutely, as much as you can

from ansky's twitter:

Joe Tall (one of the creators or owners of DeucesCracked) ‏
@TheRealAnsky @Bing0Buddy Having been an operator in iGaming for 4yrs, I would argue withdrawing will have greater impact than play stoppage
11-29-2015 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Syous
absolutely, as much as you can

from ansky's twitter:

Joe Tall (one of the creators or owners of DeucesCracked) ‏
@TheRealAnsky @Bing0Buddy Having been an operator in iGaming for 4yrs, I would argue withdrawing will have greater impact than play stoppage
Well in that case, 100% then
11-29-2015 , 08:29 PM
We need 200 more players and we'll have over 2k supporters:

Originally Posted by GipsyTeam
1616 . touchmynuts1 ()
1617 . VallerK PLO ZOOM 25
1618 . C....5 (hunl 50-200 ,husng 30-60)
1619 . Baraholkin (НЛ16-25)
1620 . Onatole (CAP 400-2K)
1621 . ****"it (Кеш нл16)
1622 . scattygamer (50-100 фр сх.)
1623 . AzEsmTzar (6max sng 300$+)
1624 . Feo****** (MTSNG 3.5)
1625 . rybkabob ()
1626 . Kamapbik (Matt 1-11$)
1627 . artemah (мтт аби10)
1628 . alexBlack371 (NL100)
1629 . (PLO ZOOM 25 / MTT 4-33$)
1630 . Prigaty ()
1631 . ZedBranigan (МТТ ABI 25)
1632 . fNx_R (MTT Abi 50, spin'n'go 30-100, nlh\plo hu 100-200)
1633 . *****a** (Spin 60-100$)
1634 . Desp1cable (Cash - NL2; NL5 SH)
1635 . hu7man (nl5)
1636 . Krowelly (Fobus666 MTT 10)
1637 . tm1TONY1ps ()
1638 . Itsalmost (nl2-5)
1639 . *****a** (кэш нл100-400)
1640 . (ILIUXa) (NL50-100)
1641 . Densome ()
1642 . candid25 (МТТ 5-20)
1643 . k********nus (nl100zoom)
1644 . Kent77a (МТТ, МСНГ abi 13)
1645 . 19sega92 (нл5 zoom fr)
1646 . jumanja777 (МТТ АБИ15)
1647 . shipitbuddy ()
1648 . MaxHendrix (6max CAP+HU CAP)
1649 . WhiteRiver ()
1650 . Lijey (spins 15-30)
1651 . hu******84 (мтт микро)
1652 . VerdadBluff ( NL10 SH)
1653 . Art******* (з50-з100)
1654 . Sam****** (нл50-200 ХА)
1655 . IceWindL (Мтт аби 20. 6max nl100)
1656 . WorksToday (Cash NL10-25$)
1657 . FiltrMan (z50-z100)
1658 . sergbest2005 (nl25-100)
1659 . RadinUA (mtt abi 7$)
1660 . jardinero9 (mtt abi 5, cash nl10 fr)
1661 . edidaz (NL50-100)
1662 . Meizorika (NL10)
1663 . Le*****ua (NL10)
1664 . ice****** (NL10)
1665 . nick***** (NL 25-50)
1666 . ni******** ( nl10)
1667 . umbroSS (МТТ 22+)
1668 . Latiks (nl10)
1669 . Sergio1306 (МТТ аби15)
1670 . gunnersfun ( Mtt abi 13, Spin&go 15)
1671 . blackw0lf_03 (NL200-100)
1672 . WineRys (MTT ABI 5)
1673 . Biopsiya (nl 5-10)
1674 . N****** (nl16z)
1675 . alexkopter (MTT до 5$.)
1676 . L****** (nl100-200)
1677 . ga**_***ep (zoom 16-25)
1678 . whatisICM (freerolls)
1679 . Bectolo4 (МТТ 10$-100$)
1680 . kl... (nl 10-25)
1681 . SVMono (NL 25)
1682 . JOLEBO86 (Spin 15$)
1683 . vasyan7 (MTT ABI $5)
1684 . seregabender (нл 25-50)
1685 . parfen111 (MTT Abi 5-7)
1686 . S******** (MTT Abi 10)
1687 . Gunpowderr (spin 50-100, ZOOM PLO 100-500)
1688 . plspaythxbye (spin 50-100, ZOOM PLO 100-500)
1689 . Bogatur777 (мтт аби 30)
1690 . Pavel9590 (мтт аби 5)
1691 . registr24 (мтт аби12)
1692 . Gigaloff (Horse, flo8, razz)
1693 . RunGodLike (Horse, flo8, razz)
1694 . To0dey (Horse, flo8, razz)
1695 . wgdjunior (SNG Hypers mid/high stakes)
1696 . slayerv1fan (mid-nosebleed stake hyper turbo)
1697 . WayneDaBang (Mtt's avg bi 60$)
1698 . aejones ()
1699 . AK87 ()
1700 . Aurum (MTTs Up to 1050$ )
1701 . pads1161 (MTT/zoom)
1702 . AJ*** (playing NL5)
1703 . Riphraph94 (PLO 500)
1704 . Yoshi smokes (25nl-50nl)
1705 . MagicTrick28 ()
1706 . ComptonMasta (HU sngs 60-200$)
1707 . Sect7G ()
1708 . Puyan ($15 Spins)
1709 . omyg0t (150$ abi MTTs & 500z plo)
1710 . boczekboczek (mtt abi 30$)
1711 . Vers ($30-$100 spins)
1712 . Karolijanas ()
1713 . feisas7991 (MTTs/180s/90s/rebuy sats $27)
1714 . JohnSmith (Cash PLO + hyper sng's)
1715 . Makuherra (MTTs)
1716 . looshle (MTTS)
1717 . OneH1tWonder (mtt abi 40$)
1718 . songo_fafik (NL25-50FR)
1719 . slickrick110 (100plo zoom)
1720 . Wa5ha (fifty50 low)
1721 . Bocmanis82 (5nl zoom)
1722 . yummy_yey (zoom 16-50)
1723 . theproksa (nl100)
1724 . Eran4444 (nlh 400-2000nl)
1725 . leggieblufs1 (MTTS/100nl)
1726 . TheGuv88 (hunl )
1727 . thebebe (mtts abi $20)
1728 . rcknthesbrbs (mid-hs mtts)
1729 . Marlboro*** (NL5)
1730 . Flatzie (25NL - 50NL)
1731 . fabiko (NL50-100)
1732 . Pimola (50$ avBI MTTs)
1733 . Donjuanmt (lhe mid stake+)
1734 . Martybeast (lowstakes MTTs)
1735 . paulgees81 (high stakes mtts, cash, sngs)
1736 . MANILA RE (10nl)
1737 . 7th Lion (PLO25z / PLO50z)
1738 . iamapoopie (MTTs abi $20)
1739 . Brolle77
1740 . peixete (PLO25)
1741 . C1awViper (nlhe cash 200-600)
1742 . Syous (400-10k Plo)
1743 . ubersherms (PLO)
1744 . ze**de (NLHE upto 1k)
1745 . 2erpaar (mtt, abi-20)
1746 . wombert (NL Midstakes Cash)
1747 . elmerixx (hs mtt (150d abi))
1748 . bparis (mtt abi 75)
1749 . GoGetaRealJob (PLO 500-2k)
1750 . SpeedUp2 (mid-stakes plo)
1751 . Ph33roX (PLO50 & PLO100)
1752 . Fold**** (NL50 FR, torunaments $5-$50)
1753 . Tonaldinho11 (mtt abi $35)
1754 . WhyAlwaysYou (NLH 50 & PLO 50)
1755 . butros* (NL5-NL10, microMTT)
1756 . peledazmogis (MTT)
1757 . theIpoker (hunl/plo 50)
1758 . ooobovverooo (plo10-50)
1759 . theSitnik (NL5-10)
1760 . Tagult (Plo 200-400)
1761 . bertulsons (avg bi 50$)
1762 . altiFC ()
1763 . JuanSilti (nl200z)
1764 . masonliu1988 (lifetime)
1765 . masonliu1988 (PLO100-200)
1766 . SmallPeePee (micro/low 9max sngs)
1767 . DuFisch (Zoom50-200 //MTT up to 215$)
1768 . x_ROSH125_x (NL10z-NL50z)
1769 . SteTruce (SSMTT/HT)
1770 . UncleAnte9 (HSMTTs)
1771 . kris70lo (mid/high nlhu and plo)
1772 . davylicious (nl50)
1773 . bjela1988 (15$ hu hypers)
1774 . c**li (MTTS-15$ ABI)
1775 . bodogari2ndaccount (mtt's)
1776 . mylove190207 (6-max ZOOM and MTTs)
1777 . PhoeniXIIX (NL50 NL100)
1778 . sgk31 (NL 200z)
1779 . S***7 ()
1780 . XD89lol<3 (HS PLO)
1781 . eunhobea (Mtteer ABI 50$ )
1782 . Drarr (low stakes SNGs & MTTs)
1783 . BrightStripe (200 - 500 zoom and high stakes MTTs)
1784 . Laydown_X (micro stakes s&g)
1785 . Athar (low stakes HUNL)
1786 . ccoonnoorr (mtts $15 abi)
1787 . CarryBuck (spin and go 30 $)
1788 . tauruswow (mtsng 7-35)
1789 . VoloPav (NL25-50)
1790 . Shpektorov (nl25-50)
1791 . first_dnk (nl100-600)
1792 . pic***u (100-200)
1793 . atpwta (nl 2-5)
1794 . Appleness12 (nl50-100)
1795 . LittleSlavik ()
1796 . Rims*** (мтт аби 15)
1797 . Sa****U (нл5-10)
1798 . numnah ()
1799 . withcolor (plo)
1800 . CashW (MTT ABI 25$)
Spread the word guys!
11-29-2015 , 08:40 PM
I'm in!
saleriver - zoom50
11-29-2015 , 09:28 PM
in for the 2k (although 3 days is very lame imho, would be much more keen for 2-4 weeks actually)

MatteoBounce - MTTs
11-29-2015 , 09:33 PM
jon011 (MTTs $20, mixed games)
11-29-2015 , 09:45 PM
In, Wintercheese PLO z 50
11-29-2015 , 09:50 PM
11-29-2015 , 10:00 PM
In. Edd0r. Not a reg on stars but I'll cash out and so should everybody that does care about the future of onlinepoker, its worth a try.
11-29-2015 , 10:03 PM
i'm im


mtts and 50 nl zoom
11-29-2015 , 10:11 PM

CzarDariusz, nl100-200, 100k vpps
11-29-2015 , 10:21 PM
I'm in and trying to convince some other 8 gamers.

Enon, 10/20-200/400 8 game, 27td, plo, 08

3M lifetime VPP playing 10 years+\

Once again thanks to Ansky's activism and clear presentation of the problem. Poker climate is already worse than it's ever been and if this changes sticks I'm seriously considering retiring.
