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I cannot win on pokerstars.  Reasons ?? I cannot win on pokerstars.  Reasons ??

08-19-2007 , 09:24 PM
Why would I waste my time.
because then your posts would be based on reality rather than your own fantasy world.

You don't play cash, you just talk about it and talk about others play.
Yes, I do play cash games. I think I'd know!
08-19-2007 , 09:24 PM


If I am terrible, you have to be pretty crappy as well.

Is there really that much difference between 18/12 and 25/10?

lol awesome, i like to be reminded once in a while that 2p2 is still full of a ton of clueless fish hahahaha
For a guy that reg in 07, you reassured me you're in the pool you speak of.

Feel free to post ur stats.
+66k this month, 3/6-10/20 NL

i run at about 25/20

and to those who know, ive been here far longer than 07 ....
Good, so you make up fake accounts ur cool.

Post actually stats please.

25/20 ur agression factor is good, but according to the pros ur vp% is WAY to high, u must be horrible.

So what's it matter if I'm a fish, you would never play me high staker.
08-19-2007 , 09:25 PM
Why would I waste my time.
because then your posts would be based on reality rather than your own fantasy world.

You don't play cash, you just talk about it and talk about others play.
Yes, I do play cash games. I think I'd know!
Then post ur stats idiot. YOu just stated you played 6 max donk and goes.

What are you waiting for?
08-19-2007 , 09:26 PM
He just said that he plays cash-games.

What are you talking about?
Not Jeff dad, I was talking about jokem.
08-19-2007 , 09:30 PM
realjay, every single person that's posted so far says you're bad at poker. you insist that you're not and that pokerstars must be rigged.

think about this for a while and then go post in strat forums until you stop blaming your suckage on everyone but you.
08-19-2007 , 09:31 PM
25/20 ur agression factor is good, but according to the pros ur vp% is WAY to high, u must be horrible.

So what's it matter if I'm a fish, you would never play me high staker.
those 25/20 stats are 6-max figures. that is significantly different to full ring games.

YOu just stated you played 6 max donk and goes.
No, i did not. I play 6-max cash games. Separately, I also play SNGs (10player ones)

What are you waiting for
My stats are currently spread across two PCs, neither of which I am posting from right now.

I'm more than happy to post my stats for both games this evening.
08-19-2007 , 09:35 PM
Yes, I understand that.

He does not play 6-max SNG's.

He plays 6-max NL cash-games AND SNG's.
He has already told you that but you seem determined to not believe him or something.

Your reading comprehension is really struggling.

Regarding Jeff or Dad: You know nothing about his aggression factor. All you know is that he raises more pre-flop than you do but this has nothing to do with post-flop aggression-factor.

25/20 is pretty decent for 6-max games although I am admittedly not an expert.

You might be amazed to know that some of these posters who you are insulting really are actually trying to help you but your attitude is getting in the way.

If you changed your tone immediately and respectfully asked for input then you would get even more than you already have.

Instead you are trying to turn the whole thing into a big e-penis match when it's obvious that you play an inferior game and are talking with posters who play mostly pretty well.

Josem is practically inviting you to take a look at his strategy posts so that you can continue to learn a bit more about the game and all you can do is criticize him for playing SNG's and insult him.

It's really really weird to watch.
Are you drunk or high or something?
08-19-2007 , 09:37 PM
realjay, every single person that's posted so far says you're bad at poker. you insist that you're not and that pokerstars must be rigged.

think about this for a while and then go post in strat forums until you stop blaming your suckage on everyone but you.
I don't even play at poker

Andathar, can you point me to a thread that contains full ring poker tracker stats?

Supposedly they're everywhere....I can't find them.
08-19-2007 , 09:39 PM
Josem is practically inviting you to take a look at his strategy posts so that you can continue to learn a bit more about the game and all you can do is criticize him for playing SNG's and insult him.
Realjaydub could learn a lot more by reading strategy posts by people other than me. The more I learn about poker the more I realise how little I know.
08-19-2007 , 09:39 PM
Yeah its my fault you completely edited your post after i already responded.I shouldve read what you didnt write yet lol...Fixed it for you.
No, its ur fault you're ******ed.

I only edited to fix typos.
Thats actually a lie.But i dont care,im out of this one,its going nowhere fast.Peace!!!
08-19-2007 , 09:44 PM
Yes, I understand that.

He does not play 6-max SNG's.

He plays 6-max NL cash-games AND SNG's.
He has already told you that but you seem determined to not believe him or something.

Your reading comprehension is really struggling.

Regarding Jeff or Dad: You know nothing about his aggression factor. All you know is that he raises more pre-flop than you do but this has nothing to do with post-flop aggression-factor.

25/20 is pretty decent for 6-max games although I am admittedly not an expert.

You might be amazed to know that some of these posters who you are insulting really are actually trying to help you but your attitude is getting in the way.

If you changed your tone immediately and respectfully asked for input then you would get even more than you already have.

Instead you are trying to turn the whole thing into a big e-penis match when it's obvious that you play an inferior game and are talking with posters who play mostly pretty well.

Josem is practically inviting you to take a look at his strategy posts so that you can continue to learn a bit more about the game and all you can do is criticize him for playing SNG's and insult him.

It's really really weird to watch.
Are you drunk or high or something?

LOL No I'm not drunk or high

You guys are seriously a bunch of nutbags.

Everything I post you pick at, someone post something similar and they "right where they should be"

How about quit insulting me? Is it really that hard to figure out?

Initially the nerd herd could have simply pointed out what my numbers should be and why,,,,but no, the nerd herd -small penis club feels the need to insult me from the get go.

So piss off eh?
08-19-2007 , 09:47 PM
Josem is practically inviting you to take a look at his strategy posts so that you can continue to learn a bit more about the game and all you can do is criticize him for playing SNG's and insult him.
Realjaydub could learn a lot more by reading strategy posts by people other than me. The more I learn about poker the more I realise how little I know.

I look forward to seeing your stats.
08-19-2007 , 09:50 PM
josem - understood. But your approach and your strategy posts would clearly be worth a perusal by our good friend regardless.

5th street - Yeah, I said the same "I'm out" thing a bit earlier. I let myself get sucked back in about 15 times now. I'm just not strong enough to be able to look away.

realjay - dude, you kept insulting him for not being a cash-game player when he was telling you that he plays cash-games. That was just weird. That was why I was wondering if you were drunk or something.
Because after like the 5th time of him saying that he plays cash-games and then you saying " don't even play cash-games you ******" one began to deduce that you are either intentionally being silly or you were somehow out of it for whatever reason.
08-19-2007 , 09:51 PM

Andathar, can you point me to a thread that contains full ring poker tracker stats?

Supposedly they're everywhere....I can't find them.
FR forums have a ton of those threads, even in their LC thread
08-19-2007 , 09:57 PM
josem - understood. But your approach and your strategy posts would clearly be worth a perusal by our good friend regardless.

5th street - Yeah, I said the same "I'm out" thing a bit earlier. I let myself get sucked back in about 15 times now. I'm just not strong enough to be able to look away.

realjay - dude, you kept insulting him for not being a cash-game player when he was telling you that he plays cash-games. That was just weird. That was why I was wondering if you were drunk or something.
Because after like the 5th time of him saying that he plays cash-games and then you saying " don't even play cash-games you ******" one began to deduce that you are either intentionally being silly or you were somehow out of it for whatever reason.
Well in my frenzy i must have missed it after reading "I primarily 6-max sngs"

So yeah, I'll call myself a ****** for that...I found it humorous that a sng player would be critiquing my cash play, thats all.
08-19-2007 , 09:58 PM

Andathar, can you point me to a thread that contains full ring poker tracker stats?

Supposedly they're everywhere....I can't find them.
FR forums have a ton of those threads, even in their LC thread
If they're everywhere the search engine should find them.

If anyone has a direct link, hook me up.

08-19-2007 , 10:04 PM
"Well in my frenzy i must have missed it after reading "I primarily 6-max sngs"

I don't believe he ever said that.
If you go back and read you will see that he said he plays 6-max AND sng's.
When somebody says 6-max in that context they are obviously referring to cash-games.

Then after that he and I both told you SEVERAL times that he DOES play cash-games.

I don't know where any stats discussions or screenshots might be and don't feel like looking for them. But if you read around you should be able to find them eventually.

adanthar already suggested you could read the NC thread because there are apparently some that are already in there. so why don't you try doing that?
08-19-2007 , 10:06 PM
I tried looking dude, what else do you want me to do.
08-19-2007 , 10:09 PM
Everything I post you pick at, someone post something similar and they "right where they should be"
I think the issue here is that "we" (by "we" I mean MicroBob, myself, and others) are reasonably particular with what we write. We probably use words that may be subtle to others, but are crucial to proper understanding.

Your preflop stats of 25/10 in a fullring game are drastically different to stats of 18/12 in a fullring game.

Similarly, the 25/20 stats quoted above are from a 6-max cash game. Incidentally, I would consider 25/20 in a 6-max cash game to be very good, but 25/10 to be very poor. while the numbers "10" and "20" are very close to each other in day-to-day usage, they are worlds apart in percentage levels in a finely tuned game like poker.

I almost spit tea all over my PC when I read this next line:
How about quit insulting me? Is it really that hard to figure out?
Mate, your very first words in your first post in this thread were "No, you're the idiot"

Your second post in this thread started with the words "Did you read his post moron?"

Some extracts from your other posts include:
"I suppose ur the same idiot who thinks ub black jack is 100% legit"
"I would like one of you insult hurling tards to prove that it isn't rigged..."
"Replace poker with Black Jack or Online Casinos and you look like an idiot."
"No, they're all legit.....yep, ur an idiot."
"Oh and STFU idiot. "
"Second off, enjoy a grease fire bath plz."
"Andathar is the biggest tard there is."
"Hey tardo, you want me to post all of my starting hands in the 480 hands? "
"I think some people are just here to be a-holes."
"Nice dick tuck."
"Well then, what gives you the authority to comment on my stats when all you do is play donk and goes?"
"Later turd"
"Please, ur the last i want advice from.. ba-bye "
"English, do YOU speak it? "
"You're a donk and go player commenting on my cash play? bwahahahahah"
"For a guy that reg in 07, you reassured me you're in the pool [clueless fish] you speak of."
"No, its ur fault you're ******ed."
"You don't play cash, you just talk about it and talk about others play."
"Ur pretty useless. Go back to donk n goes please"
"Good, so you make up fake accounts ur cool."
"Then post ur stats idiot. "
"You guys are seriously a bunch of nutbags."
"the nerd herd -small penis club feels the need to insult me from the get go"

Like, really, if you are unhappy about people insulting you, you may find that writing things differently may help....

I look forward to seeing your stats.

Whatever turns you on, I guess.
08-19-2007 , 10:13 PM
I tried looking dude, what else do you want me to do.

I will now repeat adanthar's suggestion a 2nd time which makes it the 3rd time it will be said here.

Try reading around in the NC thread!

Seriously, how many times do people need to tell you where to go?

Josem, do you have any stats or screenshot type posts handy that you can link to finally help this guy out?
I understand if you don't want to bother looking for anything as I really don't feel like trying to find it either.
08-19-2007 , 10:28 PM
Josem, do you have any stats or screenshot type posts handy that you can link to finally help this guy out?

Using the search function, I selected the Full Ring forum. In the search terms I typed "+stat -re" (no quotes), searched in subject only, and widened the date to anything in the last year.

This discussed one player's stats
and included a link to this preflop fullring stategy guide

it also returned this seemingly good thread which in turn linked to this truly excellent thread on the issue

more discussion on an individual's stats

more discussion on stats
08-19-2007 , 10:32 PM
Please, please stop trying to educate someone who so obviously is not willing to learn. He's right, everyone else is wrong. He plays perfectly and the only reaosn he loses is that Stars is rigged.

Move along, move along. Nothing to see here, folks.
08-19-2007 , 10:35 PM
I think my August NLHE stats are about as useful as the ones you posted:

08-20-2007 , 12:05 AM


If I am terrible, you have to be pretty crappy as well.

Is there really that much difference between 18/12 and 25/10?

lol awesome, i like to be reminded once in a while that 2p2 is still full of a ton of clueless fish hahahaha
For a guy that reg in 07, you reassured me you're in the pool you speak of.

Feel free to post ur stats.
+66k this month, 3/6-10/20 NL

i run at about 25/20

and to those who know, ive been here far longer than 07 ....
Good, so you make up fake accounts ur cool.

Post actually stats please.

25/20 ur agression factor is good, but according to the pros ur vp% is WAY to high, u must be horrible.

So what's it matter if I'm a fish, you would never play me high staker.
its 6max cash games. full ring is for nits and fish.
08-20-2007 , 12:15 AM
Everything I post you pick at, someone post something similar and they "right where they should be"
I think the issue here is that "we" (by "we" I mean MicroBob, myself, and others) are reasonably particular with what we write. We probably use words that may be subtle to others, but are crucial to proper understanding.

Your preflop stats of 25/10 in a fullring game are drastically different to stats of 18/12 in a fullring game.

Similarly, the 25/20 stats quoted above are from a 6-max cash game. Incidentally, I would consider 25/20 in a 6-max cash game to be very good, but 25/10 to be very poor. while the numbers "10" and "20" are very close to each other in day-to-day usage, they are worlds apart in percentage levels in a finely tuned game like poker.

I almost spit tea all over my PC when I read this next line:
How about quit insulting me? Is it really that hard to figure out?
Mate, your very first words in your first post in this thread were "No, you're the idiot"

Your second post in this thread started with the words "Did you read his post moron?"

Some extracts from your other posts include:
"I suppose ur the same idiot who thinks ub black jack is 100% legit"
"I would like one of you insult hurling tards to prove that it isn't rigged..."
"Replace poker with Black Jack or Online Casinos and you look like an idiot."
"No, they're all legit.....yep, ur an idiot."
"Oh and STFU idiot. "
"Second off, enjoy a grease fire bath plz."
"Andathar is the biggest tard there is."
"Hey tardo, you want me to post all of my starting hands in the 480 hands? "
"I think some people are just here to be a-holes."
"Nice dick tuck."
"Well then, what gives you the authority to comment on my stats when all you do is play donk and goes?"
"Later turd"
"Please, ur the last i want advice from.. ba-bye "
"English, do YOU speak it? "
"You're a donk and go player commenting on my cash play? bwahahahahah"
"For a guy that reg in 07, you reassured me you're in the pool [clueless fish] you speak of."
"No, its ur fault you're ******ed."
"You don't play cash, you just talk about it and talk about others play."
"Ur pretty useless. Go back to donk n goes please"
"Good, so you make up fake accounts ur cool."
"Then post ur stats idiot. "
"You guys are seriously a bunch of nutbags."
"the nerd herd -small penis club feels the need to insult me from the get go"

Like, really, if you are unhappy about people insulting you, you may find that writing things differently may help....

I look forward to seeing your stats.

Whatever turns you on, I guess.

Nice dude, did you read the post were those qoutes were replying to?

I've got the answer I was looking for in the fullring thread.

Suprisingly enough, they were helpful unlike here with ego maniacs.
