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***Hero Poker CEO Official Player Relations Thread*** ***Hero Poker CEO Official Player Relations Thread***

12-18-2012 , 12:38 PM
Sorry to bump, but this should stay on the front page...

12-18-2012 , 01:18 PM
does this mean i will lose my high roller accolade?

thats like a child to me that i love dearly.

on a more serious note, this is pretty f'd up. havent been this pissed in awhile
12-18-2012 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by iBOOBOO
does this mean i will lose my high roller accolade?

thats like a child to me that i love dearly.

on a more serious note, this is pretty f'd up. havent been this pissed in awhile

I'm fairly certain accolades to not transfer over.

Hack idea: take a screenshot of it, mess around in paint and turn it into your player icon on your new site! (not sure if there are enough pixels available for icons to make it work, but maybe worth a shot heh)

12-18-2012 , 02:58 PM
lol. clever.
12-18-2012 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by iBOOBOO
lol. clever.

I do what I can
12-18-2012 , 07:17 PM
Been away for a while. Can someone gives Cliffs as to why the Merge skins are leaving/getting shut down?
12-18-2012 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Thrahl
Been away for a while. Can someone gives Cliffs as to why the Merge skins are leaving/getting shut down?
Jazzette/Carbon changed their business model and are trying to push off the independent skins, it's been working.
12-18-2012 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
Fellow Players,

I have it on good authority that Hero's departure will be similar to RPM's. I do not have the full details, but it would be extremely prudent to convert or use as many of your VIP points and MTT tickets as you can now based on what happened with RPM. I assume this to be imminent...

Well hell! Unfortunately you're usually right. I hate to see this happen to Dave, he's been so great to deal with and this really sucks for him. He's worked so hard to build a great site and has given unequaled customer service. If Merge was smart, which we know they aren't, they would hire him in a high level position, preferably Poker Room Manager.

Good game Dave you will be missed!
12-18-2012 , 09:38 PM
I'm left wondering why he chooses not to post. Some sort of notice to the player base would be nice. Rather, I should say giving no notice is extremely unprofessional (especially in light of the number of players at RPM that might be getting caught out losing lots of money in points since there was no such notice to the entire player base there). Could there be some sort of gag rule on these deals?

Last edited by Max Cut; 12-18-2012 at 09:45 PM.
12-18-2012 , 09:57 PM
no point being professional once your overhead (merge in this instance) gives you the bird.

im pretty sure he is most likely on super tilt in regards to his business being forced into closure.

RIP hero. this is a sad day forreal
12-18-2012 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
I'm left wondering why he chooses not to post. Some sort of notice to the player base would be nice. Rather, I should say giving no notice is extremely unprofessional (especially in light of the number of players at RPM that might be getting caught out losing lots of money in points since there was no such notice to the entire player base there). Could there be some sort of gag rule on these deals?
He is communicating, you just have to realize it's through Khan. Dave read through the RPM thread, made sure the players were being treated well during the transition, and then PM'd Khan who relayed his message.

Spend your points ASAP and use your tourney coupons. Consider this from Dave himself. Everything will be okay after the transition if you do these two things.

Seriously, do it now, not tomorrow.
12-18-2012 , 11:00 PM
I'm gonna wait until Sunday for a good tourny to spend my points on. I will not be rushed.
12-18-2012 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by redtens
I'm gonna wait until Sunday for a good tourny to spend my points on. I will not be rushed.
I would not wait. It could happen very soon. If RPM is any indication of things to come, you maybe out of points. Just boom vanish they are history.
12-18-2012 , 11:13 PM
Being a franchisee comes with a lot of risk. I applaud Dave for giving it a good try. I wish him and all us players a better poker environment in the future.
12-18-2012 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by redtens
I'm gonna wait until Sunday for a good tourny to spend my points on. I will not be rushed.
You can PM Kahn and get some good advice about how long is to long to wait.Sunday? Gambling.
12-19-2012 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
I'm left wondering why he chooses not to post. Some sort of notice to the player base would be nice. Rather, I should say giving no notice is extremely unprofessional (especially in light of the number of players at RPM that might be getting caught out losing lots of money in points since there was no such notice to the entire player base there). Could there be some sort of gag rule on these deals?
Of course they have a gag order, BCP didn't say a word until their deal was done and neither did RPM. I'm sure if Dave could say something he would. He's never been unprofessional in anyway and I'm sure he would start being now regardless of Merge "giving him the finger".
12-19-2012 , 12:23 AM
just to clarify, im not saying dave is being unprofessional

im just saying i understand his frustration so i dont expect him to make a statement at the moment.

he will when the time is right im sure
12-19-2012 , 12:32 AM
Hi Everyone,

I know there is a lot of speculation out there, I'm not on any gag order of sorts, but I'm just waiting on some final confirmation to some details, but I will be posting as soon as I get such confirmations.

Just know that my priority is our players first and the lack of communication on my part, is more towards ensuring and confirming details that do benefit the players first.

12-19-2012 , 01:01 AM
Beyond pissed off about this! David deserves so much better than this!
12-19-2012 , 01:05 AM
Thank you so much David for offering the best poker site I have ever played on. You have been nothing but amazing since day one. This really breaks my heart. Please let us know what you will be doing personally since you have earned our respect.
12-19-2012 , 01:21 AM
Just got done using up all my points. Does anyone think it would be a good/bad idea to request a check right now? If it does go off in time and Hero closes after the check was cut, would the money be safe?

Only reason I ask is I read somewhere that checks are moving very fast right now

Last edited by bigheadal; 12-19-2012 at 01:28 AM.
12-19-2012 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
Fellow Players,

I have it on good authority that Hero's departure will be similar to RPM's. I do not have the full details, but it would be extremely prudent to convert or use as many of your VIP points and MTT tickets as you can now based on what happened with RPM. I assume this to be imminent...

shouldn't we be worried if HeroPoker follows suit? Can you direct me to the thread where RPM was handling things correctly? I see people in the "RPM whats happening" thread saying the network just shut down and are not communicating/reinbursing players...?
12-19-2012 , 04:53 AM
Sad to see that Hero is likely being closed down. What I will miss most is the unique, lifelong 300 level VIP system. I doubt any other site has anything similar, and I bet we will all have to start our level grinding from scratch. I hope not, since I have been climbing levels for ~2 years. I'd hate to see that all get wiped out. In fact, I would probably choose to not transfer my balance to any skin, rather just cash it all out and be done with the Merge network permanently. Dave, I hope that the VIP structure is a part of your discussions with the network when you mention working out the best deal for the players.
12-19-2012 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by bigheadal
Just got done using up all my points. Does anyone think it would be a good/bad idea to request a check right now? If it does go off in time and Hero closes after the check was cut, would the money be safe?

Only reason I ask is I read somewhere that checks are moving very fast right now
If the RPM players are any idication, what will happen is this:

1) You'll get your check approved in time and all is well
2) Your check won't be approved in time and when your balance transfers it will be short that of your check. You will then have to email support to cancel the pending withdraw and re-request on the new skin.

Originally Posted by deoxribopoker
shouldn't we be worried if HeroPoker follows suit? Can you direct me to the thread where RPM was handling things correctly? I see people in the "RPM whats happening" thread saying the network just shut down and are not communicating/reinbursing players...?
There is no thread where RPM is handling anything at all. Their forum is shut down and their reps haven't posted since Novemember 29th to my knowledge.

In the RPM thread you mentioned, the basic situation is this:

1) Balances are being transferred over by Merge
2) Points, MTT tickets, pending bonuses, missed RB payments from RPM, etc are in somewhat of a dispute. Mostly Merge is saying talk to the new skin you choose, and Carbon (there are no SB/PO reps to comment) is saying talk to Merge, we can't do anything about them, they were RPM's responsibility.

Originally Posted by etothemc2
Sad to see that Hero is likely being closed down. What I will miss most is the unique, lifelong 300 level VIP system. I doubt any other site has anything similar, and I bet we will all have to start our level grinding from scratch. I hope not, since I have been climbing levels for ~2 years. I'd hate to see that all get wiped out. In fact, I would probably choose to not transfer my balance to any skin, rather just cash it all out and be done with the Merge network permanently. Dave, I hope that the VIP structure is a part of your discussions with the network when you mention working out the best deal for the players.

Hero's program was unique, you won't find anything close to it on Merge, or anywhere else for that matter. The choices offered when RPM closed, and presumably offered when Hero closes were Carbon, SB and PO.

1) Carbon offers 35% flat rakeback or a VIP program based on monthly volume that maxes at 45%. The VIP hosts have said that they can help some players out in this regard if the players contact them but in many cases, it's simply going to be easier, and faster for most players to choose RB if they rake < $2.5k (25k VIP points) per month and VIP if they rake > 2500 (25k pts).

2) PO and SB offer similar plans to what RPM and BCP offered, the Ahi program where one has to work one's way through tiers over time using aggregate rake methods to determine one's tier. One could try contacting support here to see if they will do anything about your VIP level, though I've seen no public posts of anyone trying. I do not beleive PO/SB offer flat rakeback of any kind and since they have no affiliates, there is no way to sign up for rakeback upon account creation.

12-19-2012 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
If the RPM players are any idication, what will happen is this:

1) You'll get your check approved in time and all is well
2) Your check won't be approved in time and when your balance transfers it will be short that of your check. You will then have to email support to cancel the pending withdraw and re-request on the new skin.
Thank you!
