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***Hero Poker CEO Official Player Relations Thread*** ***Hero Poker CEO Official Player Relations Thread***

06-16-2012 , 01:00 AM
hero is the best skin on merge hands down. where else can u play at and have direct access with the ceo? where else can you go and have $199 in freerolls daily? and if your a night owl like myself- twice a day! the value this site offers is just sick when compared to other skins. this is why i choose to grind on hero over any other skin. i agree with diana (hello by the way ) people shouldnt complain about free money, just give your opinion or suggestion when asked and keep it moving. accept whats given to you with grace
06-16-2012 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by robhimself
You don't have to have deposited, you have to be a "regular player".
It says "For Deposited Users Only" in the lobby.
06-16-2012 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by dirtydiana73
Luckily my opinion is much more relevant than yours. While I may have been misinformed with the smaller Golden Apples and I was focused on the LARGER freerolls involved ($99 daily and the $100 Tri.)which you of course ignored. However, I have no issue talking about the smaller Golden Apples sitaution. Saving the money from the micros G.A. and moving to the monthly and new daily lotto is rewarding those who play on Hero daily(me). Those of us who have stayed with David and grind our rolls up should be more rewarded than those who deposited once for $20-30 and play maybe penny stakes just to abuse the smaller golden apples.

This isn't about a wise guy attitude. This is about people crying about free money being redistributed to those who our much more loyal to Hero Poker skin.
This thread is not about which opinion is more relevant. The title is " ***Hero Poker CEO Official Player Relations Thread***. You can open a thread about your valued opinion but this is not the thread for showing how smart you are.
And you are still misinformed and making assumption without facts. Those tournaments that you quote are also all playthrough at 75 vip per $1.
06-16-2012 , 01:38 AM
Just the sng FR are 75pts/$1. Mainly becuase a selected few were abusing them. The $99and$100 are 10pts per dollar playthrough. For a micro player hero poker is the nuts. No time based promotion's were you have to rake a huge amount to get rewards. Just play and keep earning. Those sng's should be used for learning or earn a few bucks then build it up in the $30guranteed tournaments which always have +$20 in overlay.

Last edited by CtrlAltDel; 06-16-2012 at 01:46 AM.
06-16-2012 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by iBOOBOO
where else can you go and have $199 in freerolls daily?
correction, $398 in daily Free rolls
06-16-2012 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by wwwin
It says "For Deposited Users Only" in the lobby.
I've never deposited, he talks about the actual requirements for it somewhere in this thread.
06-16-2012 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by CtrlAltDel
correction, $398 in daily Free rolls
i was talking about american time. then i said if your a night owl then you can play them twice
06-16-2012 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by wwwin
This thread is not about which opinion is more relevant. The title is " ***Hero Poker CEO Official Player Relations Thread***. You can open a thread about your valued opinion but this is not the thread for showing how smart you are.
And you are still misinformed and making assumption without facts. Those tournaments that you quote are also all playthrough at 75 vip per $1.
Quit acting butt hurt. The point made is too many people in here are crying about free money including yourself. You don't like Hero find another skin to leech off of. I do have an opinion which counts because I have been going to bat for David and Hero Poker since day one trying to encourage players to try his skin well before he offered Golden Apples because I believe in David and what he has done for poker players wanting to play online. Reading the threads the last couple of weeks have really irritated me because of how ungrateful some people are concerning the efforts David and his staff have done for all of us.

Last edited by dirtydiana73; 06-16-2012 at 02:04 AM.
06-16-2012 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by dirtydiana73
Quit acting butt hurt. The point made is too many people in here are crying about free money including yourself. You don't like Hero find another skin to leech off of.
Can you stop harrasing me. I am really not interested in anything you have to say. I am asking Dave, and Dave only, if this thread is only for people that have been with Hero for awhile?
06-16-2012 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by wwwin
Can you stop harrasing me. I am really not interested in anything you have to say. I am asking Dave, and Dave only, if this thread is only for people that have been with Hero for awhile?
when diana made her post she never said your name. you proceeded to single her out with this post

from the looks of it, you threw the first punch at her, she just retaliated
06-16-2012 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by iBOOBOO
when diana made her post she never said your name. you proceeded to single her out with this post

from the looks of it, you threw the first punch at her, she just retaliated
Thank you. But this really does not concern you.
06-16-2012 , 02:19 AM
wwwin, quit derailing this thread. You made your point, you took things too personally and now your ego needs to get the last word in. Simple as this, you don't like what Hero is doing play somewhere else.
06-16-2012 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by dirtydiana73
wwwin, quit derailing this thread. You made your point, you took things too personally and now your ego needs to get the last word in. Simple as this, you don't like what Hero is doing play somewhere else.
For the second time. I am really not interested in anything you have to say.
06-16-2012 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by wwwin
Thank you. But this really does not concern you.
Originally Posted by wwwin
For the second time. I am really not interested in anything you have to say.
if it doesnt concern me then you shouldve started your arguement in private messages. this is a public forum. Saying your not interested in anything someone has to say makes no sense when your the one who started a debate with them.
06-16-2012 , 02:48 AM
Hero is back online with the new software update.
06-16-2012 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by iBOOBOO
hero is the best skin on merge hands down. where else can u play at and have direct access with the ceo? where else can you go and have $199 in freerolls daily? and if your a night owl like myself- twice a day! the value this site offers is just sick when compared to other skins. this is why i choose to grind on hero over any other skin. i agree with diana (hello by the way ) people shouldnt complain about free money, just give your opinion or suggestion when asked and keep it moving. accept whats given to you with grace
Thanks for posting this. I thought the Asia Pacific freerolls were for people in that region only so never tried to register. Dang, I feel like a fool now.
06-16-2012 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by Synergistic Explosions
Thanks for posting this. I thought the Asia Pacific freerolls were for people in that region only so never tried to register. Dang, I feel like a fool now.
That is what I thought too so never tried to register because it said Asia Pacific Country restricted and followed the rules. IBOOBOO has been burning the candle at both ends while posting that Golden Apple was being abused. People in glass houses should not throw stones.

Last edited by wwwin; 06-16-2012 at 03:06 AM.
06-16-2012 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by Synergistic Explosions
Thanks for posting this. I thought the Asia Pacific freerolls were for people in that region only so never tried to register. Dang, I feel like a fool now.
i hope i didnt lose too much EV for letting the cat out the bag ive been playing them for almost a year now i think.

Originally Posted by wwwin
That is what I thought too so never tried to register because it said Asia Pacific Country restricted. IBOOBOO has been burning the candle at both ends while posting that Golden Apple was being abused. People in glass houses should not throw stones.
im not sure what your trying to say about me here. i mean, i thought i was saying stuff everybody knew..
06-16-2012 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by wwwin
That is what I thought too so never tried to register because it said Asia Pacific Country restricted and followed the rules. IBOOBOO has been burning the candle at both ends while posting that Golden Apple was being abused. People in glass houses should not throw stones.
The Golden Apple sng's were being abused, you know that. Isn't that why you are moaning and groaning so much here about it? How about you just play a few cash games and enter the daily chosen tournaments instead? You have to learn to play for real money at some point in life. If you don't really know how, I'd be happy to give you some lessons at a play money table so you could compete well enough to play the nickel tables all on your own. I have taught many people like you who don't have the confidence to risk their money at the cash tables and only want to play freerolls their entire life. I'm sure I could help you become a real money player instead of a freeloader. Just PM me for the help, no problem at all. I might even be willing to stake you 100 BB's for the .02/.04 tables if you show promise.
06-16-2012 , 07:45 AM
The daily $100 Chosen ones is up,
The golden apples 600 will be changed starting Monday.
The monthly will be added at that time too.

Just to address some issues:
1. Cash game players have had no specialized rewards up to this point, and it's something I wanted to address because many of our cash game players are with us simply because of the customer service and our brand reputation, so we do want to give something back.
2. The payout schedule is now: 10-19 players: 40%, 20%, 15%, 12%, 8% (5 Places)
19 players plus: 30%, 20%, 12%, 8%, 6%, 5%, 3%,2% (8 places)
-why I opted to go this way is that, I do want it in a lotto format including the prizes, and the minor prizes gives something back towards what was raked, but the top 2 prizes still are something nice to have on the day rather than just feeling as though this was just another form of RB.
3. The Monthly and the weekly may have a flatter pay out than this.
4. As far as the lotto format; guys, if the seating is random as well (which it should be) then it's fair, of course it ain't fair to the 2 handed table, but it that seating is random, it is still fair, my main issue was that with everyone going all-in every hand, that it would still be able to place the players properly, and I think when it is over 15 players, for sure it is fine.

I am on a furious update of the entire business for rest of this month now that the client seems to be progressing well, our site is now up, (just as a mirror), but things are quickly taking shape.

Thank you everyone for the feedback; the thing is that Hero is trying to grow with it's player base, but we are always open to feedback of course.

06-16-2012 , 08:10 AM
The timebank ought to be off by default.
06-16-2012 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by wwwin
That is what I thought too so never tried to register because it said Asia Pacific Country restricted and followed the rules. IBOOBOO has been burning the candle at both ends while posting that Golden Apple was being abused. People in glass houses should not throw stones.

Quit acting like a petulant child. If we were not allowed to play we would be blocked from playing them much like men blocked from the women's mtt's. Instead of listening to any of us you would rather derail and troll as much as you can because you show how unhappy you are in life. If you have issues with any of us PM us. You have a problem with what we say deal with it since this is a public forum and for you to post you are not interested with what we say here is a solution, when you have multiple people telling you you have been wrong you might want to listen.
06-16-2012 , 08:42 AM
David a few suggestions:

We should really have some new backgrounds for the tables. I know there have been multiple new updates but backgrounds should really be one of them.

Has the rebuy issue been fixed?

What is going on with selling of Hero clothing line?

Any chance in the next year or two Hero poker will have a get together for players at the WSOP and we can wear Hero merchandise for it?
06-16-2012 , 09:19 AM
So how long are cashouts taking to US players on this site?

I made a post earlier about making frequent subtle changes to the software instead of a drastic change once a year or so.

It would be much easier on everyone if you implemented this strategy.
06-16-2012 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by mahoney0022
So how long are cashouts taking to US players on this site?
I recommend checking out the Merge withdraw/cashout thread located in the Internet Poker section for the latest updates on cashouts.
