Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
If you are worried about loss control dont get involved in a useless pissing match with another reg and run your mouth in public about playing him HU.
Imo the match is over. The dude just flat out quit with the only excuse being, daahhh you are beating me I quit, I only play if Im beating you. The current totals are irrelevant. Any lead Hashy has could have in theory possibly been avoided or minimized if Kowalski had just quit every time he was losing like Hashy did.
Thank you for the support and I agree with you. He's ran like god vs me and I have never and will never quit him. I can honestly tell you all that despite the current total he has been getting wrecked in actual poker (IE not flips and the all-in hands he auto-wins). I have no way to contact him until his ban expires, so once it does I will ask him to play again. If he accepts and doesn't show, or quits me after an inappropriately short amount of time (I expect to play for at LEAST an hour), I'm just done with this whole thing. My whole reason for accepting his challenge was to defend myself, have fun doing something challenging against a better player (turns out he's not even good at all), and hopefully to get him out of a thread I enjoy reading. I believe I've already accomplished the first two, and it seems the 3rd thing will take care of itself judging by the way he's conducted himself on these forums.
Anyway, if he thinks he's going to drag this thing out forever, he's mistaken. We never agreed on a set time to finish the match, because I stupidly assumed he would be a man of his word and make a conscious effort to actually play the match. So far he's dodged me, quit me early, told me to **** myself when I sat him at 6max asking him to play our match, and told me he would take his time to finish the match, before of course quitting me after a total of 20 minutes of play. Where is the line supposed to be drawn? I have never done a HU challenge before so I honestly don't know.