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Has anyone noticed  on iPoker CG seats being constantly reserved yet noone playing on them ? Has anyone noticed  on iPoker CG seats being constantly reserved yet noone playing on them ?

02-05-2015 , 04:55 PM

I see this all the time now, for ex. on a 6-max table 3 seats are taken, 3 are being reserved for hours, indicated with a big R letter, but no one sits on them, and no one gets these seats, even if there is a long waitlist, people can only take the non R seats only.

Am I the only one who experienced this ? If you have encountered the same issue please post a comment in this thread.
Has anyone noticed  on iPoker CG seats being constantly reserved yet noone playing on them ? Quote
02-05-2015 , 05:50 PM
wow probably nobody ever heard something about this
Has anyone noticed  on iPoker CG seats being constantly reserved yet noone playing on them ? Quote
02-05-2015 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by qwertz1
wow probably nobody ever heard something about this
Has anyone noticed  on iPoker CG seats being constantly reserved yet noone playing on them ? Quote
02-06-2015 , 03:48 AM
Started about a week or so ago for me, prob just another broken update. With the issues with tables freezing or d/c's in tourneys every time you get moved, I think I'll be looking for somewhere else to spend my monies.
Has anyone noticed  on iPoker CG seats being constantly reserved yet noone playing on them ? Quote
02-06-2015 , 04:00 AM
it's just broken software and has been going on for about a 10 days, i have contacted support 4 days on the trot to get it sorted but nothing changes. A few times they even said there was nothing wrong and they are reserved for the next person on the waiting list, so tilting.
Has anyone noticed  on iPoker CG seats being constantly reserved yet noone playing on them ? Quote
02-08-2015 , 07:51 PM

same story here. Here is a video about it:

and here is how they handled it:

There is something very fishy about this IMO. I got suspicious when the guy told me that I should reinstall the client. Why the hell would you need that ? It updates itself every time you launch it, so the most up to date version runs every time. Also I saw that no one could take those seats, so the chance that this was caused by an issue on the local hosts is probably nil. And after that the fella was clearly bull****in and tried to divert the conversation, and immediately left the chat when I pointed that out.
Has anyone noticed  on iPoker CG seats being constantly reserved yet noone playing on them ? Quote
02-08-2015 , 09:20 PM
ding ding

seating script
Has anyone noticed  on iPoker CG seats being constantly reserved yet noone playing on them ? Quote
02-09-2015 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by smackmypitchup

There is something very fishy about this IMO. I got suspicious when the guy told me that I should reinstall the client. Why the hell would you need that ? It updates itself every time you launch it, so the most up to date version runs every time. Also I saw that no one could take those seats, so the chance that this was caused by an issue on the local hosts is probably nil. And after that the fella was clearly bull****in and tried to divert the conversation, and immediately left the chat when I pointed that out.
It's just clueless customer service rep who had no idea about what you were talking about (or didn't care enough to want to know).
Has anyone noticed  on iPoker CG seats being constantly reserved yet noone playing on them ? Quote
02-09-2015 , 12:26 PM
@NicestoryiCALL: What do you mean by that exactly ? How could this be caused by seating scripts ?

@Lessu: This is not likely IMO, this issue appears from time to time on iPoker, just like disconnections, app crashes etc.(I have been playing there for 3 years, and this network has always been like that) So there must have been a ton of complaints regarding this previously, and it is surely not new for customer support. If someone is acting like a fool doesn't mean he is one.
Has anyone noticed  on iPoker CG seats being constantly reserved yet noone playing on them ? Quote
