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Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days?

04-29-2011 , 09:43 PM
Well it seems like compared to the last couple weeks (even post-black friday), the past 3 days have had more players online and what seems to be like more tables around low-average plrs/flop. I'm confused.

Overall, the numbers of fish seem similar, but table selecting based on stats doesn't seem accurate anymore.

I don't know if suddenly a bunch of regs started showing up or the software changed the way plrs/flop is calculated, but this is odd, because even in the week or two following black this was not the case until a few days ago

Last edited by Fortify; 04-29-2011 at 09:48 PM.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-29-2011 , 09:53 PM
Play pot limit stud there, nobody has played it before and everyone is having fun learning how.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-29-2011 , 09:56 PM
I was thinking this the other day. I thought it was pretty odd that it decreased too.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-29-2011 , 10:13 PM
Seriously, have you not seen that every 6 max table now has 4-5 yank regs at them with tag stats, gone are the days where the euro fish outnumbered the tags.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-29-2011 , 10:23 PM
this is obviously going to be a problem for the immediate future. It makes perfect sense why too. Most recreational U.S. players that got booted from FTP/PS aren't going to be depositing anywhere else anytime soon. So the only people moving are the grinders and regs. I was thinking about depositing on Carbon but have since decided it's probably not worth the effort and risk of losing it since i just play micros for fun/side income.

Until Merge starts heavily advertising, I'm afraid the abundance of new fish just isn't going to happen. And when/if they do start advertising in the U.S. you can be sure there's going to be a huge target on their back. So... really damned if they do, damned if they don't.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-29-2011 , 10:30 PM
This is like the ****ing cod overfishing crisis

There are a ****load more tags and I've even started to see shortstackers (I don't mean donks who don't rebuy), which is something I RARELY saw before

Glad to know I'm not crazy. If this doesn't get better soon I may have to ship my roll elsewhere until the fish come back
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-29-2011 , 11:16 PM
I do wonder about that players per flop stat.
It feels like there are maybe more than just one stat. For example, maybe there is one that calculates what percentage of the time there is a flop and Another that calculates that when there is a flop, what percentage of players at the table are seeing that flop. Dunno, just a guess...
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-29-2011 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by MrAggromonkey
I do wonder about that players per flop stat.
It feels like there are maybe more than just one stat. For example, maybe there is one that calculates what percentage of the time there is a flop and Another that calculates that when there is a flop, what percentage of players at the table are seeing that flop. Dunno, just a guess...
Are you saying you've observed the same things as the others in this thread, or proposing an explanation?
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-29-2011 , 11:30 PM
What stakes are you playing that you are seeing these huge amounts of regs? I put $100 on there with the plan of grinding it up to play 25NL again.

Is 25NL comparable to that of FTP/STARS pre 4/15?
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-29-2011 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by redarator
What stakes are you playing that you are seeing these huge amounts of regs? I put $100 on there with the plan of grinding it up to play 25NL again.

Is 25NL comparable to that of FTP/STARS pre 4/15?
I haven't seen huge numbers of regs, but before you cuold EASILY find several 10nl and 25nl tables with higher than 50-55% players to the flop, now there's rarely one.

I'd say on average there's one less fish and one more tag per table than last week
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-29-2011 , 11:56 PM
Is 25NL still massively profitable though?
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by redarator
Is 25NL still massively profitable though?
I don't feel I have the skill, nor a good enough working definition of what massively profitable means to answer that question
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 12:33 AM
you guys are surprised? geez, people that know anything about merge are the ones that care about online poker, mostly people that post in forums. do you think an average joe would drive somewhere to deposit just to lose his money? games will suck unless, they spend money to advertise to the general public and make the deposits easier.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 12:37 AM
if you want a table with 3+ fish dont get on a waiting list just start your own tables.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 01:14 AM
All the American regs booted off FTP/Stars are playing there. I'm not sure why Merge would want American players as it seems very short sighted. Non-Americans would have to insane to play there, and there is a risk of the DOJ going after them next. A site should have a mix of regs and fish, but too many regs flooding in will kill the room.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 01:45 AM
yea stop coming americans. everyone is solid here
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 02:52 AM
I don't know why anyone is surprised by this. When the UIGEA bumped off American fish from PartyPoker, the softness of games went way down.

Black Friday shouldn't be any different.

The regs will drain the fish pool, and then the bad regs will become the fish drained by the good regs.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 03:18 AM
YouWager is the only American site not infested with regs so far. Hurry!
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by Maso777
All the American regs booted off FTP/Stars are playing there. I'm not sure why Merge would want American players as it seems very short sighted. Non-Americans would have to insane to play there, and there is a risk of the DOJ going after them next. A site should have a mix of regs and fish, but too many regs flooding in will kill the room.

But, this is the way things will go, isn't it?

All the US regs will crowd onto the remaining sites that will accept them and all the Euro fish will turn tail and head for PS/FT/PP where conditions are more conducive to their enjoyment of the game.

Only the US players that actually relocate will find anything other than tough games.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by Maso777
Non-Americans would have to insane to play there,
Because there's a risk of legal action putting their rolls in limbo, or because the games will be much tougher?

Okay, let's do a little more outside the box thinking. Where's a GOOD place to head to find fish now? iPoker? Party? Stars?
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by Fortify
Okay, let's do a little more outside the box thinking. Where's a GOOD place to head to find fish now? iPoker? Party? Stars?
Basically, anywhere Americans can't play.

It's unfortunately the case that until it becomes possible for US cits to play freely, anywhere they can play is going to end up with a lot of the more serious US players who are going to be harder to make money from.

This will, of course, scare away the fish making things even worse on those sites.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 04:44 AM
I played about 10,000 10nl and 25nl carbon poker past few days. I was 50nl reg was winning at solid rate at Pokerstars. (11bb/100 for more than 200,000 hand has a graph on micro forum)

Let me just say 25nl at carbon right now is tougher than 100nl at stars right now. I would play 10 tables and whole time I was asking myself " I'm playing 10 tables of 25nl how come there is no limping ? "

Answer = Because all the other players at my tables are other regs playing 10 tables that's why lol . All the tables were basically all same players .

Im planning to move to thailand this summer who's coming with me?
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 05:14 AM
decrease in quality is an under statement.
i'm considering moving my play to some .com italian sites.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by Maso777
but too many regs flooding in will kill the room.
Not so sure about this, they still pay rake so the site ain't bothered and with few options open to the Americans they will just keep playing reg v reg.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
04-30-2011 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by fix9
Not so sure about this, they still pay rake so the site ain't bothered and with few options open to the Americans they will just keep playing reg v reg.

I suppose it depends on what you mean by 'reg'.

If you mean someone who plays regularly for the purposes of providing or augmenting an income, then the regs most certainly won't keep playing just regs. The weaker ones will be lost to attrition leaving only super-tough games.
Has anyone noticed a decrease in Merge Game Quality in the past few days? Quote
