Hansa Poker bug causing overbets since recent update
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 3,025
I'm not really sure where to post this, sorry if this is the wrong place.
Hansa Poker had an update today, and ever since the software sometimes bugs when manually typing betsizes. The blinking thingy where you're typing gets moved back to the start at random like you pressed the home key on your keyboard, and the number you enter randomly changes as this happens. This has cost me multiple stacks today (constantly making huge overbets). Is anyone else having this aswell?
Last edited by Grindcore; 11-06-2008 at 01:07 AM.
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 3,025
This bug seems to be across the entire iPoker network and weeks later now still hasn't been fixed. I don't see anything about this anywhere but isn't this completely unacceptable, shocking even?