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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,503 34.88%
5,608 55.84%
932 9.28%

02-29-2016 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by huntsman41
See, this is how you lie, and then expect us to credit anything you say as truth.

Only riggies tend to deal in absolutes. We have never said there is no way it is rigged, or that it can't be.

I have yet to see evidence of a rig yet. Plenty of evidence of riggie theory that holds no water. Always they think their tiny human minds can see a rig by their memory alone, which is TOTALLY impossible unless you have a photographic or eidetic memory. So unless you do, all you are doing is blow yet more hot air.

Using what some random fly by night operation has done, or individuals have done to tar all with the same brush is also not evidence.
I dont give a damn if you give me any credit or not.

but heres what I know.

if any business/ poker site will lie to its clients, steal money from its clients accounts , refuse to give clients their money via cashouts, etc....then it is not
to far of a stretch to expect many of these same poker sites to rig software, since they EASILY have the capability to do it, and can do it with only a few key personel within the company, being involved in it.

In other words, when a poker site sets a precedent of unsavory and dishonest business practices, then rigging their software would not be something out of their tactics.

yes, common sense.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
yes, common sense.
And yet, you've yet to explain how they would be able to do this without it being easily detectable.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by madcatz1999
And yet, you've yet to explain how they would be able to do this without it being easily detectable.

Lets put it this way...

its much easier for players to detect that money has been stolen from their online accounts / or refusal of poker sites to grant cashout requests { which we all agree poker sites have done before} ..

so if we all agree poker sites engage in doing those 2 blatant acts of stealing, then why is it hard to imagine they would also rig their software, from behind the scenes, which would be MUCH more difficult for players to prove or
identify ?

Its kinda funny ...the non riggies ADMIT, poker sites lie, steal money from players accounts, wont grant cashout requests, but these same non riggies say "; these sites arent engaged in any type of RCG rigging , because we cant prove so or because software rigging is so much more immoral then stealing players money from their accounts directly.

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
Lets put it this way...

its much easier for players to detect that money has been stolen from their online accounts / or refusal of poker sites to grant cashout requests { which we all agree poker sites have done before} ..

so if we all agree poker sites engage in doing those 2 blatant acts of stealing, then why is it hard to imagine they would also rig their software, from behind the scenes, which would be MUCH more difficult for players to prove or
identify ?

Its kinda funny ...the non riggies ADMIT, poker sites lie, steal money from players accounts, wont grant cashout requests, but these same non riggies say "; these sites arent engaged in any type of RCG rigging , because we cant prove so or because software rigging is so much more immoral then stealing players money from their accounts directly.


According to your beliefs John would also break into a well fortified house to steal some dust from under couches, because people who steal will steal anything for any reason, regardless of risk, because they steal.

Granted you say the above with random all caps and commas, but in the end that is a reflection of your values, and not of common sense nor the general human condition.

Quit all forms of poker and thinking.

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070

I would compare this analogy to someone not knowing how commas work.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
What is a burgular and why do you need to shout? It's also quite funny that you compare stealing money with cashouts being denied, as there are plenty of reasons for the latter.

I expected a little more from the new riggie in town, but this is most definitely a big let down.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by 39suited
What is a burgular and why do you need to shout? It's also quite funny that you compare stealing money with cashouts being denied, as there are plenty of reasons for the latter.

Tell that to numerous players currently on full flush poker, who have been waiting 3- 6 months, to get their cashouts approved , and F.F. management refuses to do it.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 11:07 AM
Play on more reputable sites for your freerolls in future.

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Play on more reputable sites for your freerolls in future.

All the best.
the good thing is, you agree that there are unreputable poker sites, that steal players money from their accounts and wont send players their money via cashout requests.

the next step for you, is to eventually admit that these types of poker sites not only have the ability to rig RCG software, but would probably engage in it since they blatantly steal players money. In fact, they are more likely to rig RCG software, because that is a more clever and less identifiable way to make more money, compared to the tactics they currently engage in such as stealing players money directly from their accounts. If these sites are blatant enough to do that, the rigging their software for certain outcomes, is much easier and more covert,.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
the good thing is, you agree that there are unreputable poker sites, that steal players money from their accounts and wont send players their money via cashout requests.

the next step for you, is to eventually admit that these types of poker sites not only have the ability to rig RCG software, but would probably engage in it since they blatantly steal players money. In fact, they are more likely to rig RCG software, because that is a more clever and less identifiable way to make more money, compared to the tactics they currently engage in such as stealing players money directly from their accounts. If these sites are blatant enough to do that, the rigging their software for certain outcomes, is much easier and more covert,.
Nobody has or would ever deny that this is possible. But that isn't your point at all. Your point is that you believe this is actually taking place. So what evidence do you have of this? If it is merely a belief without evidence, then you should simply avoid online poker (at least those sites) instead of taking your crusade to the web without anything for others to go on. We can speculate that all sorts of things are possible. It's possible you have not yet stopped beating your wife. But I have no evidence of that.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
Tell that to numerous players currently on full flush poker, who have been waiting 3- 6 months, to get their cashouts approved , and F.F. management refuses to do it.

Holy ****! What's up with all the commas? Like what goes thru your brain when you insert a comma every 5 words? Is it like "Oh I'll put one here, and here, and then here, and here, oh and one more here," ? Now that is a ****in sentence bitches!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
the good thing is, you agree that there are unreputable poker sites, that steal players money from their accounts and wont send players their money via cashout requests.
There are definitely some, and I have tried very hard to discourage people from playing on those sites in the past (UB, Lock Poker etc.). People like you though always do play at those places for whatever reason, and then after they steal your money (in this case likely pocket change), people like you whine non stop about how every company must steal from everybody, because a few shady ones stole from you.

Originally Posted by RUMME3070
the next step for you, is to eventually admit that these types of poker sites not only have the ability to rig RCG software, but would probably engage in it since they blatantly steal players money. In fact, they are more likely to rig RCG software, because that is a more clever and less identifiable way to make more money, compared to the tactics they currently engage in such as stealing players money directly from their accounts. If these sites are blatant enough to do that, the rigging their software for certain outcomes, is much easier and more covert,.
Nah, the next step for me is to get bored with you and suggest that you use more common sense in future (unlikely) and avoid known dodgy sites and stick with more reputable ones if you continue your freeroll grind.

I would also suggest you figure out a way to get over your Full Flush experience that cost you a few bucks and theoretically taught you a lesson, even though people of your kind tend to repeat the same mistakes.

A single site stole from you. A single site that has been known to be dodgy for a long time stole from you. That is it. They did not rig the RnG, they did not have to to steal from you. Other companies will not steal from you just because this one stole from you. That is not how the world works, even if it is how you want to rationalize things in your head.

I know none of this advice will have any impact on you, and I do not really care if it does, and you can keep with your pretending other people say.believe stuff to fit your agenda if you like, but that still will not get you back your 4 dollars from Full Flush. Pick better sites in future, and you avoid this problem.

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
Lets put it this way...

its much easier for players to detect that money has been stolen from their online accounts / or refusal of poker sites to grant cashout requests { which we all agree poker sites have done before} ..
OK, so if you concede that it's easily detectable, then I'll ask you this: why has no one detected it?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
I dont give a damn if you give me any credit or not.

but heres what I know.

if any business/ poker site will lie to its clients, steal money from its clients accounts , refuse to give clients their money via cashouts, etc....then it is not
to far of a stretch to expect many of these same poker sites to rig software, since they EASILY have the capability to do it, and can do it with only a few key personel within the company, being involved in it.

In other words, when a poker site sets a precedent of unsavory and dishonest business practices, then rigging their software would not be something out of their tactics.

yes, common sense.

If any one company engaged in business in Industry X lies to and steals money from its customers, then this means that every company engaged in business in Industry X rigs software to make more money at the expense of its customers.

Ahhh .... not sure the "then" really follows from the "if".
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
the next step for you, is to eventually admit that these types of poker sites not only have the ability to rig RCG software, but would probably engage in it since they blatantly steal players money.
No, because stealing money is easy. Rigging is HARD.
In fact, they are more likely to rig RCG software, because that is a more clever and less identifiable way to make more money, compared to the tactics they currently engage in such as stealing players money directly from their accounts.
No, they're more likely to do easier things like slash rewards programs or increase rake.
If these sites are blatant enough to do that, the rigging their software for certain outcomes, is much easier and more covert,.
Those two are mutually exclusive. Easy rigs aren't covert, and covert rigs aren't easy.

Guys like you like to handwave away the difficulty involved with a covert rig by just saying something dumb like "they rig it for certain outcomes", while ignoring that any rigging that obvious is going to stand out in hand histories.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-29-2016 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
I dont give a damn if you give me any credit or not.

but heres what I know.

if any business/ poker site will lie to its clients, steal money from its clients accounts , refuse to give clients their money via cashouts, etc....then it is not
to far of a stretch to expect many of these same poker sites to rig software, since they EASILY have the capability to do it, and can do it with only a few key personel within the company, being involved in it.

In other words, when a poker site sets a precedent of unsavory and dishonest business practices, then rigging their software would not be something out of their tactics.

yes, common sense.
You talk common sense, but don't fricking take one second to read or understand what anyone else says to you. Instead you close your brain off to your own internal rant.

Have we ever said there are not bad sites out there? There are. Do we think that one that would be prepared to steal your money would think not to rig their software too? Why would they? Pointless to do if they plan to just take your money anyway. See common sense at play.

However, you seem determined to paint all with one brush. To your mind if one site will steal money then they all must be going to do the same thing. Is this common sense? Are all people going to commit murder because some have? All people going to commit rape? All people going to steal? And so on. One business with no honesty does not equate to all.

And as said above, rigging is one of the worst ways to get the money for them, and the most likely to be spotted. Just because you don't bother to look deeply at it, or don't have the ability to do so, doesn't mean others don't have that ability and do look closely at the stats.

So, stop talking to us like we are the blind, deaf and dumb monkeys.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-01-2016 , 12:09 AM
I never claimed all online poker sites engaged in rigging.

I claim that there have been several poker sites caught redhanded in cheating and lying to its poker clients , and human nature dictates that if they will engage in such blatant immoral actions, then it isnt beyond them to engage in RCG rigging for nefarious reasons.

logic wins again.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-01-2016 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
I never claimed all online poker sites engaged in rigging.

I claim that there have been several poker sites caught redhanded in cheating and lying to its poker clients , and human nature dictates that if they will engage in such blatant immoral actions, then it isnt beyond them to engage in RCG rigging for nefarious reasons.

logic wins again.
Human nature dictates they will do the easy thing that comes naturally, just take the money, F the rig.

Logic wins again.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-01-2016 , 12:26 PM
The pretty good evidence for that being the case is that a bunch of sites have straight up robbed their customers but even with thousands of people looking over billions of hands, nobody's found any rig.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-01-2016 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Obvious Shill Alt
The pretty good evidence for that being the case is that a bunch of sites have straight up robbed their customers but even with thousands of people looking over billions of hands, nobody's found any rig.
That, and the fact that these small sites almost always are using someone else's network software or third party software, and are running a small business without people who would even have the ability to develop and recode the software to try to rig the deal for more rake to be earned (the only reason to do it). Regardless of what riggies think, that is very far from being a trivial undertaking.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-01-2016 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by huntsman41
Yes, it is not that common to have set over set. I guess it would depend on a few things. How many tables you play, and how many hours you play for. And of course finally it matters if this actually happened at all. By all means post the full hands so we can see them. Including all relevant table data.

And if you say your poker tracker says it is normal... then dur, it is normal. If you are seeing set over set the right to the correct odds, why would you think it is being fixed? So they are fixing it to show up as normal. Seems an odd rig to me, but hey what do I know.

And even if it did happen I don't hear you complaining when the tables run good for you. Like most riggies, if you are winning it's skill, if losing it is a rig.
Here's why. U get no set over set for mints then bingo one day u lose it 3 times. U win with aces 12 times in a row then bingo u lose the next 4 times no matter what u do. One day u hit 10 flushes the next day u can't hit any. One day u flop top set 7 times fill up all 7 times the next day u flop top set 7 times and lose to a 6 draw times.

Originally Posted by NewOldGuy
That, and the fact that these small sites almost always are using someone else's network software or third party software, and are running a small business without people who would even have the ability to develop and recode the software to try to rig the deal for more rake to be earned (the only reason to do it). Regardless of what riggies think, that is very far from being a trivial undertaking.
The skins have no control. The main sites does. And if I ask them they prefer even games. Just a fact. U can never prove even. It's impossible to prove even. This is why winner win 2 bb /100.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-01-2016 at 02:11 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-01-2016 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by NewOldGuy
That, and the fact that these small sites almost always are using someone else's network software or third party software, and are running a small business without people who would even have the ability to develop and recode the software to try to rig the deal for more rake to be earned (the only reason to do it). Regardless of what riggies think, that is very far from being a trivial undertaking.
I have to laugh, at the non riggies who constantly claim that programming a RCG , is so complex. Lets put it this way , programming a RCG is much less complex, then creating it. It is also much more covert in revenue creation for a company, then blatantly stealing it from players accounts. So since poker companies have engaged in blatantly stealing money from players accounts , us riggies are confident they would also have no problem in RCG rigging...its just harder for players to prove RCG rigging because it is not immediately proveable along with the fact that many of these poker sites operate outside the jursitictions of where their players/ clients are from, making it even harder for players to provide 100% proof of the rigging.

Yes, many of these poker sites know they have the players by the " balls" because they can easily :

deny your cashout requests

steal players money from their accounts

lie to players

continually engage in unfair business practices

full well knowing that their clients have little to no recourse of compensation.

I mean, just what exactly is a player from america, gonna be able to do to claim their funds from a overseas poker site that is a scam, and decides to not send that player their money ? All the player can really do is send multiple emails, which are often ignored.

FWIW...I would say poker sites like party poker, have very reputable track records but unfortunately U.S. players are shutout from them.

Originally Posted by jungmit
The skins have no control. The main sites does. And if I ask them they prefer even games. Just a fact. U can never prove even. It's impossible to prove even. This is why winner win 2 bb /100.
The fact that overseas players would have a difficult time to prove rigging, is more of a reason for some poker sites to do it. They know its a difficult thing for players that live 6000 miles away , to prove and those players have no way to get inside the main computer/software area of the poker site, to do a provable audit of the software and its programming.

If poker sites will steal money from a players account, and these poker sites know they will get caught doing that, then those same sites realize the benefit of RCG rigging, with them knowing how hard it is for that to be caught.

In other words, when a poker site engages in corruptions and lies, which they are 100% sure can be caught/proven, then they are very likely to engage in other practices { like RCG rigging} which they know are almost impossible for players to prove .

Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-01-2016 at 02:17 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-01-2016 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by jungmit
Here's why. U get no set over set for mints then bingo one day u lose it 3 times. U win with aces 12 times in a row then bingo u lose the next 4 times no matter what u do. One day u hit 10 flushes the next day u can't hit any. One day u flop top set 7 times fill up all 7 times the next day u flop top set 7 times and lose to a 6 draw times.
That's how randomness works.
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
I have to laugh, at the non riggies who constantly claim that programming a RCG , is so complex. Lets put it this way , programming a RCG is much less complex, then creating it.
No, it's not. Creating an RNG requires being able to randomly generate 52 numbers, that's it. Any kind of rig, even one as simple as "Swap A for 2" is more complex.
It is also much more covert in revenue creation for a company, then blatantly stealing it from players accounts.
The only rig you've even floated out there (action flops) makes sites less money than fair games.
So since poker companies have engaged in blatantly stealing money from players accounts , us riggies are confident they would also have no problem in RCG rigging...its just harder for players to prove RCG rigging because it is not immediately proveable along with the fact that many of these poker sites operate outside the jursitictions of where their players/ clients are from, making it even harder for players to provide 100% proof of the rigging.
What does jurisdiction have to do with proving anything? You guys have problems proving anything because you can't use basic poker software, not because the companies are in a different country than you.
FWIW...I would say poker sites like party poker, have very reputable track records but unfortunately U.S. players are shutout from them.
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
The fact that overseas players would have a difficult time to prove rigging, is more of a reason for some poker sites to do it. They know its a difficult thing for players that live 6000 miles away , to prove and those players have no way to get inside the main computer/software area of the poker site, to do a provable audit of the software and its programming.
Still gonna need you to explain how location matters when we're talking about something that takes place on the Internet with data freely available.
In other words, when a poker site engages in corruptions and lies, which they are 100% sure can be caught/proven, then they are very likely to engage in other practices { like RCG rigging} which they know are almost impossible for players to prove .
Again, no. Some sites doing something incredibly easy doesn't mean all sites do something incredibly hard.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-01-2016 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
I have to laugh, at the non riggies who constantly claim that programming a RCG , is so complex. Lets put it this way , programming a RCG is much less complex, then creating it. It is also much more covert in revenue creation for a company, then blatantly stealing it from players accounts. So since poker companies have engaged in blatantly, stealing money from players accounts , us riggies are confident, they would also have no problem in RCG rigging...its just harder for players, to prove RCG rigging because it, is not immediately proveable along with the fact that many of these poker sites operate, outside the jursitictions of where their, players/ clients are from, making it even harder, for players to provide 100% proof of the rigging.

Yes, many of these poker sites know they have

deny your cashout requests

steal players money from their accounts

lie to players

continually engage in unfair business practices

full well knowing that their clients have little to no recourse of compensation.

I mean, just what exactly is a player, from america, gonna be able to do to claim, their funds from a overseas poker site that is a scam, and decides to not send that player their money ? All the player can really do is send multiple emails, which are often ignored.

FWIW...I would say poker sites like party poker, have very reputable track records but unfortunately U.S. players are shutout from them.

Heh, you are not even a riggie, you are just a nano stakes / freeroller who wasted time playing on a known dodgy site, and are whining about it after. Sorry you lost your 3 bucks or whatever at Full Flush, and good luck moving on with your life eventually.

All the best.

As a bonus - I will now write the same post in a way you better understand

Heh, you, ARE not, even a, riggie, you are just a nano,, stakes /, freeroller WHO WASTED, time playing on, a, {knoWn} dodgy site, and, are, whining about, it, after. Sorry, you, lost your, 3, bucks or whatever at Full, Flush, and good, luck moving on with your life eventually,,.

All, the, best.

Last edited by Monteroy; 03-01-2016 at 02:48 PM. Reason: Quit, ALL, forms, of, poker,,,
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-01-2016 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by RUMME3070
I have to laugh, at the non riggies who constantly claim that programming a RCG , is so complex. Lets put it this way , programming a RCG is much less complex, then creating it. It is also much more covert in revenue creation for a company, then blatantly stealing it from players accounts. So since poker companies have engaged in blatantly stealing money from players accounts , us riggies are confident they would also have no problem in RCG rigging...its just harder for players to prove RCG rigging because it is not immediately proveable along with the fact that many of these poker sites operate outside the jursitictions of where their players/ clients are from, making it even harder for players to provide 100% proof of the rigging.
Hard to prove that much? Not seen anyone provide even 1% proof so far, let alone 100% proof.

Oh, and are you a US player? How are you even commenting on rigging of online poker when you can't play on most sites?

Interesting that you say you think one site might be okay. Are you suggesting it is only the small operations that are suspect? If so, I'd agree there is far more chance of skulduggery from small operations, as they come and go quite often.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
