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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,525 34.92%
5,627 55.75%
942 9.33%

10-05-2011 , 01:22 PM
8 years of advanced education and your a fool.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 01:35 PM
ok critical thinking test..# 1

School boy.

911. inside job or muslim extremists with box cutters?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 01:57 PM
Real influx of hurrrrrr durrrrrrr this morning.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Sebastes
ok critical thinking test..# 1

School boy.

911. inside job or muslim extremists with box cutters?
I don't think you understand what critical thinking is. If you did, you would know that it's not the conclusion that is important, but rather how you take on board the different arguments, weigh them up, and draw inferences. And that there is usually more than one possible correct answer.

But since you ask, on balance, from what I've seen about it, 9/11 seems to have been a brilliantly conceived, well planned, well executed and extremely effective terrorist attack which exploited a blind spot caused primarily by the US administration's outdated cold war security practices of looking ocean-ward for missile attacks from communist regimes.

But other theories exist and they may be right. To be honest it doesn't interest me enough to care too much. It was a while ago now, in a remote part of the world, and many more people have since died in much bigger tragedies elsewhere in the world. It made for good TV at the time, but really 9/11 was no biggie in terms of mass killings. It's already been a bit too much fuss over what is relatively nothing in world event terms.

Last edited by gothninja; 10-05-2011 at 02:06 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 01:59 PM
Quit shilling for Dick Cheney.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 02:06 PM
Dear friends,

it is no accident that you have become mindless zombies.

Ninja i truly can not believe your response to my test.\\

where are you from obv not USA I think 911 is still a big deal here in NorthAmerica

And the question is a great test for critical thinking.

you are a person who is easily decieved.

Maybe poker isnt a great idea for you.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Sebastes
...where are you from obv not USA I think 911 is still a big deal here in NorthAmerica...
Indeed. Get over yourselves. More than 5x as many people died in the Japan earthquake and Tsunami. More than 30x as many in the invasion of Iraq. More than 500x as many in floods in China in 1931. More than 100x as many from smoking in the USA each year. And more than 3x as many gun-related deaths in the USA each year (the last two are Americans, so you might actually care about those numbers).

So 9/11 is small potatoes really. Move on.

If you want to make an actual difference, look at the conspiracy that keeps people smoking and keeps guns widely available in the USA for a real scandal that costs many many more lives. Or poverty, or healthcare, or pharmaceuticals (I haven't even touched on malaria which kills 1 million people every year). But that's real, with real evidence, so it wouldn't be of interest to you.

Last edited by gothninja; 10-05-2011 at 02:25 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Sebastes
8 years of advanced education and your a fool.
I'm not a grammar nit, but it's humourous when someone makes this mistake when calling someone else a fool.

Anyhow, I can see where your level of discussion is mired. Maybe you should just go back to trying to get Monteroy to remember who the hell you are!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Sebastes
Dear friends,

it is no accident that you have become mindless zombies.

And the question is a great test for critical thinking.

you are a person who is easily decieved.

Maybe poker isnt a great idea for you.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
I am saying in more general terms the olp experiance is a fruad.
Not simply they rigg the deal somehow.
After all its a program isnt it?

Originally Posted by Sebastes
I play Ongame
and Cake

Originally Posted by Sebastes
Seems to me there have been fewrer and fewer crumbs left for suckers like me starting in about 2008

Originally Posted by Sebastes
Just an opinion based on 11-12 years of doing this everyday and playing almost all the known OLP sites.

You may want to consider a new career at this point, perhaps work at McDonalds as that will represent a steady pay check for you and likely a healthy pay increase, and you can eat all the rigged hamburgers you want. The bonus whoring days which were the only way a guy like you could ever make any money at poker are long gone.

We are in 2011, not 2005. Welcome to reality.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
Im done at stars..just waiting for them too announce thier EXIT and steal everyones $$$.

I have a prop bet that is open for anyone to take, minimum $1,000, on just this topic, so after a month or two of the fry machine work get back to me and we can wager on your belief, as for now it is painfully obvious your entire net worth is well below the $1,000 requirement.

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 02:44 PM
You didnt take my test school boy.

Like i care about my grammer nit wit.

You will never admit it, you have been decieved by OLP sites.

I dont want too discuss 9/11 its just a quick zombie test anyone can use.

Goodbye all Its clear to me Ive won.

100% rigged
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 02:50 PM
M for someone that doesnt even play cash games.....

um you were the bonus whore i play and win my earnings.
your the guy using software and angle shooting bringing olp too the complete BS it is today.

Enjoy it while it lasts punk ass
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 03:00 PM
You know dick head
If i was stubborn headed as you I prolly would show 1 million in profit on sharkscope on stars.

How can you sit through those games for hours and hours like that?
Completely rigged software AND full of software using poker player wannabe's
AND its been completely hacked AND full of insiders yet you THICK HEADED FK
you keep going and going.
Hats off to perserverance.
All the while arguing that its a fair game even though you have been reamed up the ass the entire time you been grinding!!!!!!!

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Sebastes
um you were the bonus whore i play and win my earnings.
Originally Posted by Sebastes
Seems to me there have been fewrer and fewer crumbs left for suckers like me starting in about 2008.
The year is 2011. Quit playing a game you can no longer beat and get a job.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
your the guy using software and angle shooting bringing olp too the complete BS it is today.
The software is allowed by the sites, so no rules are being broken. If you cannot adapt to change then quit and get a job at McDonalds.

The year is 2011, come visit it sometime.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
Enjoy it while it lasts punk ass
I still do every day, now get me my fries.

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Sebastes
where are you from obv not USA I think 911 is still a big deal here in NorthAmerica
Where are you from?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
OUCH. Looks like we have a very angry PS site promoter here!
No. I was copying his style for comedy effect. So, as usual, you are wrong.

Originally Posted by TPTK27
Are you deliberetely acting stupid?

The HH I made up is an example of an incomplete info hand.

Since I cannot see my opponents hand, or what he limp called with, what he check called the flop with and what he check folded the turn with, I cannot build any info on whether the hand was rigged or not.

The reason?

I don't know what he had to determine anything. His range is just so wide.

It really isn't hard to understand.

Over the case of a year, you will play hundreds of thousands of hands, all with incomplete information, all utterly useless to determining with the deal is rigged or not.

The reason?

I don't know my opponent's hand, hence I cannot determine anything from them.
Yes, I was pretending to act stupid by agreeing with your ridiculous post. I then asked a simple question which you continue to ingnore because it highlights that you make no sense whatsoever - if you need all the hole card data to prove anything how have you proven it to yourself without that hole card data?

Your theory is that your hole cards are dealt randomly and so is the board but the weak players are given "rigged" cards to help them by a set of rules programmed into the dealing software. What are those rules? Well, despite it being obvious to everyone, you won't tell us.

Originally Posted by 2tight
ROFLMAO...just look at the poll results and there's your answer.

60% + believe that internet poker isn't rigged.
30% + believe it is.

AMAZING...When I play at a live table I watch to see what players I should respect the play of. Strangely enough at a 9 seat hold em table I always find 1-3 players that have a game and 6-8 idiots that are clueless.

Just about the same results of the poll, no? Of course poor players that are successful online would never admit they are bad players. First because THEY DON'T KNOW THEY ARE and secondly, they think they're good players because they won.

"It won didn't it"?...A line spoken by a lucky donkey or fish that doesn't even realize their odds defying wins.

Wake up people...these sites are CRIMINAL ENTERPRISES...they commit multiple felonies daily...they have no interest in being honest...they are governed by no one...they are regulated by no government agency. Their goal is to keep their site activity as high as possible and MAKE MONEY. They do this by manipulating the programing to assist the poorer play....why?...BECAUSE THERE ARE MORE BAD PLAYERS!!!

More players means more money. Sites can live without the 30% of skilled players...they cannot live without the 60+% of non skilled players. If you owned a business would you let over 60% of your customer base leave???

Never mind the bad beat stories because online a bad beat is a typical win. Just ponder this;
I play in a live tournament of only around 200 players every Thursday. The quickest I have ever seen one finish is just over 7 hrs. Some have lasted over 12 hours. Yet online I have been in tournaments of over 5,000 players that finished in just over 7hrs and have never seen one go 9hrs. DO THE MATH!!! Do you really believe internet poker is 25 to 40 times faster than live poker?

This is done by card program manipulation...THERE CAN BE NO OTHER ANSWER.

And don't waste my time with algorithms and computer programing tests. People have become technologically ignorant. They have this belief that everything can be understood through software. Well software isn't my God and I do have powers of do you.

Understand that poker sites have stooges that post contradictory replies or try to discredit even the simplest of explanations that may hurt their bottom line. Here's a simple test you can do with a pen and paper.

Track just the ace.

Make a premium ace column (AA,AK,AQ) and another column labeled any other A with X

Every hand you play or see played with a premium ace vs ace with X, mark the column of the winning ace.

I did this for 1 I can tell you some jag is going to post a bunch of crap about not enough hands tracked or some other nonsense...but here are the results:

If I tracked it for 2 months or 2 years some one would still be here saying I did something wrong...but I CAN SEE AND UNDERSTAND WHAT I SEE. There is NO DOUBT something is crooked.

Here's one more question to ponder; With the numbers of so-called internet pros being in the 100's of thousands and the registrants in this years WSOP main event being almost 80% internet players...why are so few left???

Why does every final table have only 1 or 2 so-called internet pros if any at all? The internet players outnumber live pros by thousands.

Inevitably, some jag will reply with "It's a different game"...BULL$#!t!!! I'm suppose to believe live poker is that despairingly different than internet poker? Tells and table presence have some factor in live poker that an internet player may not be as skilled in but the true fact of poker is IT'S A GAME OF ODDS AND PERCENTAGES!!! Odds and percentages in poker are stone cold realities of the game and only rarely defied in live poker...that's where the term "Bad Beat" comes from.

I know the reason internet players don't do as well in live tournaments. It's because odds and percentages on line are not true...they are manipulated by sites to increase profits...period. So when a player who has done well on line sits at a live game and makes the call as a 5 to 1 underdog, they end up out of the game. Usually they are befuddled and sometimes they get angry that their horrible call with impossible odds didn't hit. They can't understand why because it hits online all the time.

With the number of internet players being so much more than live players every final table should have more internet doesn't. Not one final table in the entire WSOP this year had more internet players.

If you argue any of this logic you can be only one of two things...a shill for a poker site trying to discredit anyone questioning your criminal activities...or a really lousy player who has had online success and you're clueless about your poker abilities. So rather than accept why you have won (these sites assists bad play) and learning poker, you prefer to argue about how great a player you are.
I call gimmick. You tried too hard to sound as stupid as possible
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Bingo_Boy
if you need all the hole card data to prove anything how have you proven it to yourself without that hole card data?

Your theory is that your hole cards are dealt randomly and so is the board but the weak players are given "rigged" cards to help them by a set of rules programmed into the dealing software. What are those rules? Well, despite it being obvious to everyone, you won't tell us.
Also how could your opponent be rigged to get certain cards without you being rigged NOT to get those cards?

I call gimmick. You tried too hard to sound as stupid as possible
Agreed, but well done if so!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 04:46 PM
Simply put, Angle shooting software using..player wannabe's Message board whoring Bonus whoring why That great Idea OLP has gone too ****.
Maybe even why the olp industry had to devolop new software in order to protect the donkies. Inadvertantly affecting REAL honest players at the same time!

Its a scam people a total scam. Get your Money out while you can. And dont put any on .

What you do isnt poker M. People should be up in arms over what you actualy do but most are ignorant.

Come tell me what time it is too my face fool.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 05:00 PM
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Sebastes
Simply put, Angle shooting software using..player wannabe's Message board whoring Bonus whoring why That great Idea OLP has gone too ****.
Maybe even why the olp industry had to devolop new software in order to protect the donkies. Inadvertantly affecting REAL honest players at the same time!
Nice rant, but has nothing to do with reality since your vision of "real poker" has nothing to do with what the industry actually is currently. Still, I give credit for a solid emotion filled crazy dude rant when I see one.

Start your own site of "real" poker for "real" players. Perhaps you can think of a clever name for a site like that...

Originally Posted by Sebastes
Its a scam people a total scam. Get your Money out while you can. And dont put any on .
You should have uninstalled all online poker software years ago and gotten a job at McDonalds.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
Come tell me what time it is too my face fool.
Already told you what time it is - it is time for you to quit playing online poker which you can not beat, and get a job at McDonalds and a few years from now you can rant about their rigged chicken nuggets where you can be friends with this guy.

Additionally, I have told you several times the year is 2011, but that seems a bit beyond you as well.

You are screaming about how everyone else should quit, why don't you quit? You really should and then get on with whatever you define as your life already.

Refill my Coke while you are at it.

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 06:12 PM
As usual you are starting too pmo.

You are FOS

I speak the truth and you know it.
You defend these crooked business even while more and more dirt comes to light.
You yourself have been robbed of who knows how much?

Who are you telling to get a life?
16 983 games played? this year??? On pokerstars where the games last hours and hours??

what is your hourly rate bud?......

I can really understand why you take your position. To admit these sites have been manipulating us this entire decade we been playing is hard too deal with emotionaly.
Especialy with the kind of investment you have made with your time.
You are a fraud as well as the pokersites you defend

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
The year is 2011. Quit playing a game you can no longer beat and get a job.

All the best.
Wake up, dude. Yes this is 2011, and NOBODY beats OLP in the long run. Since you have a financial interest in the OLP scam,and being a poker coach on top of that, I understand you trying to convince people its a fair game.
Give up preaching the lies though. its getting old and stale.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Sebastes
As usual you are starting too pmo.
Breath and count to 10 before you post.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
I speak the truth and you know it.
You defend these crooked business even while more and more dirt comes to light.
You yourself have been robbed of who knows how much?
Have you quit online poker yet? Yes or no?

Originally Posted by Sebastes
Who are you telling to get a life?

Unfortunately, you keep ignoring the advice.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
16 983 games played? this year??? On pokerstars where the games last hours and hours??
I have played 2,537 games on Stars this year (as I do not have time to grind as I used as I had in the past). Some last hours, some (single table sit and gos) tend to last quite a bit less than an hour. I also play 12-20 tables at a time, and my play at the tables represents pretty much none of my poker income any more, other than I headhunt for players to stake while playing (picked up two yesterday in that way).

Not quite sure what your actual point is other than you seem pretty angry about something.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
what is your hourly rate bud?......
Considerably higher than yours is, was and ever will be in your entire life. We both know that, and that is why you are so bitter and angry many years later.

Thanks for the Aquarius user name reminder by the way, until then I just assumed you were a random nut job, but I do vaguely remember that you were the guy with screaming all the world is ending theories at the tables, including one with Pluto or something. How are those world ending beliefs coming along by the way, what is the one for 2012 that you believe in? Looks like the pluto thing never panned out.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
I can really understand why you take your position. To admit these sites have been manipulating us this entire decade we been playing is hard too deal with emotionaly.
The sites do not care about your fragile emotional state, nor does anyone else.

Quit poker already.

Get a job at McDonalds.

Whine less.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
Especialy with the kind of investment you have made with your time.
You are a fraud as well as the pokersites you defend

You can mutter that all you like as you get me my Big Mac, I ordered it 5 minutes ago so get to work already.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane, I had forgotten how annoying the tables were way back in the Crypto days. Kind of funny you are still living in those days, you should hook up with the other guy from those days that pops in here once in a while (solucky is his user name if you want to look up his posts) and moan about the good old days. At least solucky realized he should quit the game a long time ago, and he did. Time you faced reality and quit as well. If you need help with that let's ask the other riggies:

Should this guy quit playing online poker? Yes or no. Let's see if the riggies tell him if he should keep playing or if he should withdraw all of his money. What do you say riggies, if enough of you encourage him to quit playing/supporting the sites he may finally do it. If you do not tell him to quit that means you believe he should keep playing instead.

All the best.

Last edited by Monteroy; 10-05-2011 at 06:45 PM. Reason: No pickles on the Big Mac by the way - thanks
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 06:51 PM
Only Losers quit.
I wouldnt be too sure about your statement on earnings vs me.
Remember i play 5% the amount you do.
Your just a rake machine M. And your training the next generation of machines.

There is really no point for average player who wants to play too put thier hard earned cash at risk on OLP sites is there?

This is the route of my complaint in this thread.
This is why people should pull out asap before they close doors because the truth is out in the light..

supposed to be a game of skill, the very essance is gone.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Sebastes
Only Losers quit.

There is really no point for average player who wants to play too put thier hard earned cash at risk on OLP sites is there?

This is the route of my complaint in this thread.
This is why people should pull out asap before they close doors because the truth is out in the light..
You seem to argue even with yourself at times.

How is the world going to end in 2012? Come on, you know you believe in something in this regard so don't be afraid to share. If you do not then that means you have no beliefs that any conspiracies are at work to end the world.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
I wouldnt be too sure about your statement on earnings vs me.

I'm sure.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
Remember i play 5% the amount you do.
That means you played the equivalent of 127 tournaments for all of 2011, or about 3 a week.

This is your source of income?

Originally Posted by Sebastes
Your just a rake machine M. And your training the next generation of machines.
Rake machine?

I have time to play about 2 days a week, and when I do it is mainly to headhunt players to stake at the tables.

It's as if you live in some weird alternate reality or something.

Dude, it's 2011.

Originally Posted by Sebastes
supposed to be a game of skill, the very essance is gone.
Funny that you think making a "profit" in the bonus whoring day implied you had skill.

You never did.

Quit poker.

Edit to add:

Riggies, should Sebastes quit online poker or not? This should be an easy one for you guys to answer and don't be bothered by the fact that we will agree on the answer.

Odds are the riggies will pretend not to see this question.

Last edited by Monteroy; 10-05-2011 at 07:23 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
10-05-2011 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by 2tight
ROFLMAO...just look at the poll results and there's your answer.

60% + believe that internet poker isn't rigged.
30% + believe it is.

AMAZING...When I play at a live table I watch to see what players I should respect the play of. Strangely enough at a 9 seat hold em table I always find 1-3 players that have a game and 6-8 idiots that are clueless.

Just about the same results of the poll, no? Of course poor players that are successful online would never admit they are bad players. First because THEY DON'T KNOW THEY ARE and secondly, they think they're good players because they won.

"It won didn't it"?...A line spoken by a lucky donkey or fish that doesn't even realize their odds defying wins.

Wake up people...these sites are CRIMINAL ENTERPRISES...they commit multiple felonies daily...they have no interest in being honest...they are governed by no one...they are regulated by no government agency. Their goal is to keep their site activity as high as possible and MAKE MONEY. They do this by manipulating the programing to assist the poorer play....why?...BECAUSE THERE ARE MORE BAD PLAYERS!!!

More players means more money. Sites can live without the 30% of skilled players...they cannot live without the 60+% of non skilled players. If you owned a business would you let over 60% of your customer base leave???

Never mind the bad beat stories because online a bad beat is a typical win. Just ponder this;
I play in a live tournament of only around 200 players every Thursday. The quickest I have ever seen one finish is just over 7 hrs. Some have lasted over 12 hours. Yet online I have been in tournaments of over 5,000 players that finished in just over 7hrs and have never seen one go 9hrs. DO THE MATH!!! Do you really believe internet poker is 25 to 40 times faster than live poker?

This is done by card program manipulation...THERE CAN BE NO OTHER ANSWER.

And don't waste my time with algorithms and computer programing tests. People have become technologically ignorant. They have this belief that everything can be understood through software. Well software isn't my God and I do have powers of do you.

Understand that poker sites have stooges that post contradictory replies or try to discredit even the simplest of explanations that may hurt their bottom line. Here's a simple test you can do with a pen and paper.

Track just the ace.

Make a premium ace column (AA,AK,AQ) and another column labeled any other A with X

Every hand you play or see played with a premium ace vs ace with X, mark the column of the winning ace.

I did this for 1 I can tell you some jag is going to post a bunch of crap about not enough hands tracked or some other nonsense...but here are the results:

If I tracked it for 2 months or 2 years some one would still be here saying I did something wrong...but I CAN SEE AND UNDERSTAND WHAT I SEE. There is NO DOUBT something is crooked.

Here's one more question to ponder; With the numbers of so-called internet pros being in the 100's of thousands and the registrants in this years WSOP main event being almost 80% internet players...why are so few left???

Why does every final table have only 1 or 2 so-called internet pros if any at all? The internet players outnumber live pros by thousands.

Inevitably, some jag will reply with "It's a different game"...BULL$#!t!!! I'm suppose to believe live poker is that despairingly different than internet poker? Tells and table presence have some factor in live poker that an internet player may not be as skilled in but the true fact of poker is IT'S A GAME OF ODDS AND PERCENTAGES!!! Odds and percentages in poker are stone cold realities of the game and only rarely defied in live poker...that's where the term "Bad Beat" comes from.

I know the reason internet players don't do as well in live tournaments. It's because odds and percentages on line are not true...they are manipulated by sites to increase profits...period. So when a player who has done well on line sits at a live game and makes the call as a 5 to 1 underdog, they end up out of the game. Usually they are befuddled and sometimes they get angry that their horrible call with impossible odds didn't hit. They can't understand why because it hits online all the time.

With the number of internet players being so much more than live players every final table should have more internet doesn't. Not one final table in the entire WSOP this year had more internet players.

If you argue any of this logic you can be only one of two things...a shill for a poker site trying to discredit anyone questioning your criminal activities...or a really lousy player who has had online success and you're clueless about your poker abilities. So rather than accept why you have won (these sites assists bad play) and learning poker, you prefer to argue about how great a player you are.
Very good post!! So much truth!!
The whole thing is excellent, but had to put that one sentence in bold. As you probably have noticed, this thread in clogged with those type of people. The forum itself is loaded with site promoters doing exactly that, but especially is thread.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
