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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,508 34.88%
5,615 55.84%
933 9.28%

11-20-2010 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
LOL, it is you that is blind my friend. Move to China and tell me how you like the goverment running your life.
Once again, like the muppet you are, you completely miss the point. You seem to like making the leap that if two conditions exist in the same place, that they're always directly related to each other.

You defined communism by the horrendous acts that have taken place in a communist country. Alright then, find a scandal involving a congressman in our country and then feel free to label democracy as the reason for it.

You're truly one of the most ignorant people I've ever encountered on here, and that's saying quite a lot.

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 01:32 AM
Ok, so I am going to make an argument about the Merge network, and how it is "rigged" after a cashout attempt. I'm not sure whether I fully believe that online poker is rigged, but I am absolutely terrified to play online anymore after tonight.

Yesterday, I put $100 on, and grinded it up to a little under $1000 playing first 10NL, than 25NL , and mostly h/u 50PLO and 50NL. I'm able to do this regularly, and consider myself a solid heads up player. So i decide to cash out$500, and keep playing.

Great right?

Today I log on, and started with 50NL holdem. I got a few bad beats, typical to the game. The beats continue, over and over and over and over again. I must have had my money in with the best hand 20 different times, just to get drawn out on...for example, I had A3, board was A3K, and I get check raised allin vs. QJ, and they got runner runner QQ. So the $500 i attempted to cashout is now back in play.

I decided to switch to 50 PLO because I just couldn't stand taking another beat in holdem (Yes I know this is very aggressive bankroll management, but I know that my skill at the game warrents the risk, and the fact that I regularly beat the game quite easily was the reason I decided to do this), and I'll explain the most extreme examples with the last of my cash, and I have everything recorded on pokertracker.

50PLO h/u. I have 4587s. I raise button, he reraises and I call. Flop comes A23. He checks, I bet full pot and he calls. Turn is 10. He checks I bet FULL pot (almost my whole stack) again, and he calls. River is a Q which makes flush possible, so we both check it down, and he turns over AJK9 with no flush.


Moved up to 100PLO h/u. The VERY FIRST hand we played went like this. I raise Q10K4 from button, he calls. Flop comes QQ10. I bet a standard pot sized bet and he calls. Turn J, I bet he raises, we get allin, he has QJ64. Ok it happens, its Omaha.


Another buyin was lost where I had a mega wrap and a flush draw on flop, and we got it in, and his kings held up against I think 20 outs. I guess thats normal.


I have AA53 and raises, he reraises, I reraise, and he calls. Flop comes out KQ7, both check, turn 10, check river blank. He turns over KK8J So that stinks, but it happens right? So litterally 3 hands later (i have this all documented on pokertracker), and I get AAJ6s. I raise he reraises, I reraise. Flop comes QK7 (i've got flush draw). I end up check raising allin, and he shows KKJ5 and I miss. That all happened in 45 hands.

So in a time period of approximately 4 hours, I lost the entire $1000.

Yes my bankroll management was piss poor, and yes there is a lot of variance in Omaha....but I just can't get passed the fact that yesterday before trying to cashout, I was totally able to crush the same opponents that I played today, who did not miss a draw, and who's hands always seemed to hold up....idk, I love playing poker, and I know I'm a solid player who is always trying to get better....but days like today really make you scratch your head and wonder. meh.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 01:39 AM
You ran up 100 to 1k in a day, and are complaining you lost it the next day?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 01:48 AM
Honestly that happens to me all the time I put 50 on bodog the other day got it up to 450 and for about an hour playing HU PLO I didn't hit one monster draw and didn't even hit top pair for at least 40 hands in a row....and I've dealt with the same thing u have on merge and I didn't even try and cash out....I think from now on when playing online when I'm running good I just won't stop playing and when I can tell I'm losing too many hands I should win I'll just get off for the day but I know easier said than done.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 02:05 AM
Plo is a very high variance game. Ive had top boats beaten by quads a number of times on merge. 50 plo is a bankroll burner never mind 100 plo. What is your name on merge im a regular at plo there. Hell few bad beats at 25plo can decimate a 500 bankroll. Beats in nl you described are oh so standard for me never mind whether i cash out or not.

Devil behind every tree after cashing out is a myth on all poker sites by the way not just merge lol.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 02:30 AM
OP, you are going to get bashed hard I think, but I'll tell you why:

A small number of bad beats over what was likely less than 1k hands is never, ever, ever going to be compelling evidence that there was some kind of doomswitch initiated by a cashout.

Now, you might counter that a lot of people come on here telling similar stories of being doomswitched, but I'll bet that many more don't come on here to tell stories of not being doomswitched...

I understand that your post is more of a vent than an accusation, but honestly, I doubt that you enjoy hearing other people tell you their bad beat stories....

Personally, I have no problem with people beleiving that there is a real doomswitch/cashout curse. It is just another mechanism used by losing players to explain their losses without having to come to grips with the real reason they lose. I'm not suggesting that this is the case with you, just speaking generally.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 02:33 AM
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by NFuego20
Alright then, find a scandal involving a congressman in our country and then feel free to label democracy as the reason for it.

You can't possibly want American capitalists to regulate poker after Waco and Ruby Ridge.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 06:30 AM
welcome to variance
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 06:51 AM
one day I ran good, the next day I ran bad.

Poker is rigged
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by NFuego20
You defined communism by the horrendous acts that have taken place in a communist country. Alright then, find a scandal involving a congressman in our country and then feel free to label democracy as the reason for it.
Originally Posted by Wiki

You can't possibly want American capitalists to regulate poker after Waco and Ruby Ridge.
Ok I'm having a WTF moment... I know everyone hates BOP and you try to counter him every time, but this is going too far imo, basically defending communism.

That example is indeed defining of communism, that and worse has happened / is happening in every communist country that ever existed.

Hey, national-socialism is not a bad thing, can't say that just because one guy Hitler applied it wrong at times.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by NFuego20
You're truly one of the most ignorant people I've ever encountered on here, and that's saying quite a lot.
This coming from someone who uses Kermit the frog and "your a muppet" as a way to show how smart he is.

Give yourself a gold star Ned.

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 10:07 AM

very funny starting hand stats this month. Basically most of the premium hands are the biggest loosers this month. I have +-0 BB (usually around +10). They never hold up against much worse hands all the time.



Last edited by Mii; 11-21-2010 at 10:13 AM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by ComplexP
Ok I'm having a WTF moment... I know everyone hates BOP and you try to counter him every time, but this is going too far imo, basically defending communism.

That example is indeed defining of communism, that and worse has happened / is happening in every communist country that ever existed.

Hey, national-socialism is not a bad thing, can't say that just because one guy Hitler applied it wrong at times.
There's no way on earth I'm defending communism. But communism has a definition, and kicking pregnant women in the stomach isn't it. I'm not sure what's so confusing about this.

"Communism is a sociopolitical movement that aims for a stateless and classless society structured upon common ownership of the means of production, free access to articles of consumption, the end of wage labour and private property on the means of production and real estate.
In Marxist theory, communism is a specific stage of historical development that inevitably emerges from the development of the productive forces that leads to a superabundance of material wealth, allowing for distribution based on need and social relations based on freely-associated individuals.
The exact definition of communism varies, and it is often mistakenly used interchangeably with socialism; however, Marxist theory contends that socialism is just a transitional stage on the way to communism. In modern usage, communism is often used to refer to the policies of states run by Communist parties, regardless of the type of economic system they preside over."

The idea of communism and the reality that communism doesn't work and is misapplied by those in power are two completely different ideas.

Last edited by NFuego20; 11-21-2010 at 10:36 AM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
This coming from someone who uses Kermit the frog and "your a muppet" as a way to show how smart he is.

Give yourself a gold star Ned.

lol, yeah, any time I want people to know how intelligent I am, I just show them the kermit pic.... you continue to make lots of sense.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by ComplexP
Ok I'm having a WTF moment... I know everyone hates BOP and you try to counter him every time, but this is going too far imo, basically defending communism.
Well, in the first place, communism does not need defending. If that's what the majority want then that's what they should have. It's called democracy.

Of course, the fact that the number of times people have voted for it in free elections is virtually nil is another matter.

That example is indeed defining of communism, that and worse has happened / is happening in every communist country that ever existed.
That's not because they are communist it's because they are run by scumbags. You can have appalling excesses carried out in capitalist societies - indeed in any sort of society. If you think that the excesses are down to communism per se you are very confused.

Hey, national-socialism is not a bad thing, can't say that just because one guy Hitler applied it wrong at times.
I wonder is even you know what you mean by that.

If Hitler had been an ardent capitalist and free marketeer would that have made those ideas evil for ever more?

You need to delineate thing more carefully.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by ComplexP
Hey, national-socialism is not a bad thing, can't say that just because one guy Hitler applied it wrong at times.
Congratulations on your Godwin! Enjoy your prize.

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 12:40 PM
Imo we need a title change for

"Poker is rigged by political systems"


This thread is so entertaining!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
Plo is a very high variance game. Ive had top boats beaten by quads a number of times on merge. 50 plo is a bankroll burner never mind 100 plo. What is your name on merge im a regular at plo there. Hell few bad beats at 25plo can decimate a 500 bankroll. Beats in nl you described are oh so standard for me never mind whether i cash out or not.

Devil behind every tree after cashing out is a myth on all poker sites by the way not just merge lol.
PhishHeadPoker is my I guaranteed we've played plenty of hands together if your at 25PLO and 50PLO

Thanks guys, it def. was more a vent than an accusation. Yes, I understand the concept of variance, and that I was playing too high. I just started playing PLO a couple of weeks ago, so I think i'm just coming to terms with how volatile the swings truly are. I'm still a winniing player, and have been cashing pretty regularly in MTT's...I just got onto deucescracked and have been watching alot of videos, which are great for peoples games btw.....
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
Plo is a very high variance game. Ive had top boats beaten by quads a number of times on merge. 50 plo is a bankroll burner never mind 100 plo. What is your name on merge im a regular at plo there. Hell few bad beats at 25plo can decimate a 500 bankroll. Beats in nl you described are oh so standard for me never mind whether i cash out or not.

Devil behind every tree after cashing out is a myth on all poker sites by the way not just merge lol.
Sunday 50K Guarantee in 45 mins....Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by NFuego20
There's no way on earth I'm defending communism. But communism has a definition, and kicking pregnant women in the stomach isn't it. I'm not sure what's so confusing about this.

"Communism is a sociopolitical movement that aims for a stateless and classless society structured upon common ownership of the means of production, free access to articles of consumption, the end of wage labour and private property on the means of production and real estate.
In Marxist theory, communism is a specific stage of historical development that inevitably emerges from the development of the productive forces that leads to a superabundance of material wealth, allowing for distribution based on need and social relations based on freely-associated individuals.
The exact definition of communism varies, and it is often mistakenly used interchangeably with socialism; however, Marxist theory contends that socialism is just a transitional stage on the way to communism. In modern usage, communism is often used to refer to the policies of states run by Communist parties, regardless of the type of economic system they preside over."

The idea of communism and the reality that communism doesn't work and is misapplied by those in power are two completely different ideas.
Sometimes practice can change the meaning of a concept, I'm sure you agree. The written definition means nothing in this case since no leaders ever believed in it not even before coming to power imo.

Even if they did, kicking pregnant women fits right into it since either Marx or Engels (forgot which) advocated destroying the upper classes first before creating the "new man" => communism includes mass violence as a means of "success" according to its creators

Last edited by ComplexP; 11-21-2010 at 06:29 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Wiki
Well, in the first place, communism does not need defending. If that's what the majority want then that's what they should have. It's called democracy.

Wrong, because democracy protects people's basic rights (at least in theory) and works within those limitations. If the majority of people in your country wanted you stoned to death, democracy doesn't dictate you should be stoned to death.

That's not because they are communist it's because they are run by scumbags. You can have appalling excesses carried out in capitalist societies - indeed in any sort of society. If you think that the excesses are down to communism per se you are very confused.

I think communism makes it a goal to put scumbags in charge, because the leaders ruthless people who they can control to carry out all the orders. Do you think Staling could have managed to kill 20+ million people with communist university professors as governors of the republics?

I wonder is even you know what you mean by that.

If Hitler had been an ardent capitalist and free marketeer would that have made those ideas evil for ever more?

You need to delineate thing more carefully.
The point was communism creates and leads to those types of abuse. It's not an accident, fear has always been the way communism controls the masses. The fact abuses exist everywhere is another matter.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Resistance
Congratulations on your Godwin! Enjoy your prize.

You must have taken the wrong turn sir, Usenet is on the last door to the right. Please be kind enough to turn off the lights on your way there.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
11-21-2010 , 07:44 PM
' \` that coupon still good?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
