Originally Posted by Monteroy
I would suggest when talking to lawyers that you do this approach. Find one that will work your case for just 2,000 Euro retainer. That way if that one steals your money you will still have 3,000 Euros to go after the 2,000 Euros that were being spent to go after the 110 Euros. May as well have a backup plan. Hope that helps, and keep us updated, and if need be you can do it under a fake posting name to keep the theme going.
All the best.
I think your post sums up the direction this thread is heading ....
Anyway you head me laughing out loud.
But in all seriousness partypoker stole 110 euro from me and somehow i am the only one outraged?? I mean they are a multimillion dollar empire with a good reputation.
I will return to this thread once I have finished my legal battle with this Trash company, that I promise you! Until then ..... may the force be with you