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Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve?

08-03-2010 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by DrMickHead
Freeroll/Tournament Ticket means either/or to me. Did you register with a tournament ticket? Nope. So, I would not expect to get one by unregistering.
Wrong again, sir. Many times I have not registered for a tournament using a tournament ticket but was able to receive a tournament ticket for un-registering. In these satties I'm referring to, they don't directly credit the tournament ticket to the person's account they just automatically register the person for the tournament (like what happened to me with this tournament) but if the person un-registers they receive the ticket.
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-03-2010 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by magurkin52
Wrong again, sir. Many times I have not registered for a tournament using a tournament ticket but was able to receive a tournament ticket for un-registering. In these satties I'm referring to, they don't directly credit the tournament ticket to the person's account they just automatically register the person for the tournament (like what happened to me with this tournament) but if the person un-registers they receive the ticket.
lol so the fact that it didn't happen proves me wrong huh?

Good luck to you in the future. I just hope you learned from this situation.
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-03-2010 , 12:39 PM
This thread is ceasing to be useful to me or anyone else interested in having an intelligent discussion. There are too many people on this thread who can't understand the concept of certain freeroll buy-ins having the potential to be worth a lot of money, in this case $53. There was one person earlier who said I was better off not playing in the tournament because he played in it and got sucked out on and the final table suckouts would have hurt too much. That's like saying I was better off folding Q-Q pre-flop when my opponent had J-J because the board ended up coming J-high and I would've lost a big pot. This thread is now only useful to those individuals who enjoy baselessly criticizing and insulting others while also propagating erroneous information. Since I already got the opinion sample I was looking for in the first couple pages this thread being closed is long overdue. I already know how I plan on handling the situation if Full Tilt does not even negotiate a compensation with me.
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-03-2010 , 01:06 PM
The guy saying that he got eliminated late was making a joke...and it was a kind of obvious one.

Your overall attitude about this is not really helpful at all here.

Everyone in this thread completely understands the concept of the freeroll having higher EV because of players sitting out. Some of those people do not agree with the idea that it should be factored into a compensation situation. You saying that some of the people don't understand the concept is ridiculous.

Oh...and did I mention that if you posted the entire e-mail exchange you may get some helpful advice on how to proceed? I have no idea why you would want to stubbornly stick with whatever your future plan is. It's obvious that what you have done so far has not worked. You have people here who are directly telling you that they are interested and willing to help.

Good luck on this regardless of what you decide. But I would suggest slowing down a bit in the future correspondence with them and making sure that your communication is clear and doesn't take some kind of tone with them.
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-03-2010 , 01:35 PM
Cliff Notes FOr The Lazy:

OP: This and that happened, I think that FT owes me $50. Do you agree?
Forum: Please elaborate on what happened.
OP: OK, [elaboration here]
Forum: No, we don't agree with you.
OP: SCREW YOU! This thread should be closed because it's not useful and all your guys are morans!
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-03-2010 , 03:30 PM

Full Tilt just posted their response here:
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-07-2010 , 03:49 PM
Full Tilt ended up crediting my account with entry to a tournament with a buy-in worth about $11. Much less than I asked for, but still better than nothing.
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-07-2010 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by magurkin52
Full Tilt ended up crediting my account with entry to a tournament with a buy-in worth about $11. Much less than I asked for, but still better than nothing.
lol this is what you were trying to get when you unregged and now you are saying that its better than nothing. hahahahah
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-07-2010 , 08:13 PM
I thought of that too. A ticket almost certainly would have been worth about that amount when op was trying to get that in the first place.

Op said that unreging didn't matter but I disagree. Op unregged to try to get ticket worth about that amount. Whereas if ft has completely blocked op from tourney in the first place and screwed it up from that end them the argument to get tourney ev including players who were sitting out makes mite sense. But op got almost exactly what she was originally attempting to get.
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-07-2010 , 10:54 PM
For some reason I read this whole thread. Seems like it ought to be titled something like "Full Tilt's software wouldn't let me re-register."

OP actually has a case here but perhaps overestimates the compensation deserved.
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-08-2010 , 12:41 AM
I finished about 50th in the tourney. I would have rather had the $53.
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-08-2010 , 01:27 AM
$11 ticket sounds reasonable
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-08-2010 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by TheTruthSpeaks
LOL @ the OP for trying to unregister from a freeroll to "reduce variance".
yeah that was my favourite bit too.
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-08-2010 , 05:08 AM
PMSL laughing. OP expected action within 24 hours from FTP when 3 weeks is average
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-08-2010 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by cheeseisgood
lol this is what you were trying to get when you unregged and now you are saying that its better than nothing. hahahahah
Guys, I unregged just to see what I might get. If it ended up being an $11 dollar Tournament Ticket or thereabouts I simply would have re-regged and played the actual tournament, which is possible to do for 99.99% of the tournaments on Full Tilt.
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-08-2010 , 04:28 PM
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-08-2010 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by magurkin52
Guys, I unregged just to see what I might get. If it ended up being an $11 dollar Tournament Ticket or thereabouts I simply would have re-regged and played the actual tournament, which is possible to do for 99.99% of the tournaments on Full Tilt.

When you unregged did you expect the tourney ticket might be worth more than that? Like they would somehow say, "here's a $40 ticket because 2/3 of the field are going to be sitting out during this thing."

An $11 ticket is roughly the EV of that tournament without the consideration of so many sitting out. So you ended up okay for your mistake here. The FT support didn't understand or respond quickly enough. And, indeed, it's weird that you could unregister without being able to well as frustrating the FT support is notoriously slow and thus unable to help you in a timely manner.

But when you unregistered you had to know it was pretty unlikely to get some $50 ticket or something way more worthwhile. At best, you could have realistically expected a ticket that you could hang onto for a future freeroll (if it's a monthly event or whatever).

FT didn't do great in this situation. Weird registration glitch, bad CS that couldn't even figure out that you had qualified, and unable to get you back into the tournament in a timely manner. But I think an $11 ticket is somewhat reasonable considering that you started the ball rolling on this just a day ahead of time.

All that said though: I would think that if this happened to you on Stars they would give you the $50 without even thinking and would apologize for the inconvenience, their inability to find how you qualified, etc. It's just how they typically do things and I've experienced this and read about this type of over-response from them a ton of times (in spite of whatever other issues I might have with them).

So FT's response and compensation is kind of the minimum of what they should have done here (and perhaps slightly lower) which I think is not atypical for them.
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-08-2010 , 05:03 PM
i think this is more around the maximum of what full tilt should give him. if i were full tilt i wouldnt give him anything. unregging from a restricted freeroll and expecting to be able to rereg... do ppl unreg from regular freerolls expecting 2 cents then complain to full tilt when the tourney filled up before they could reregister?
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
08-08-2010 , 05:21 PM
cheese - I've unregistered from freeroll and other tournaments I have qualified for on Stars before.

I either get a ticket that I could use for a future event or I get a pop-up that tells me, "you are not allowed to unregister from this tournament" or something else.

OP did nothing wrong by clicking on the button just to see what would happen. Her expectation that it wasn't going to obliterate her from the tournament forever was a completely reasonable one. I'm extremely surprised that it wouldn't let her re-register (as was she obviously) OR that it simply wouldn't let you unregister in the first place. It HAS to be either one or the other. The site is in the wrong for setting it up that poorly.

And also surprised that FT couldn't even freaking figure it out or see where/how she qualified for it in the first place.
Full Tilt screwed me out of huge +EV tournament what compensation do I deserve? Quote
