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A full tilt "red name" button angled me A full tilt "red name" button angled me

06-28-2008 , 02:50 AM
i dun get it ...waht if he was just about to leave the house? we dont all live on teh interwebs...
A full tilt "red name" button angled me Quote
06-28-2008 , 03:17 AM
yeah, I don't get it.

Someone comes in on button, raises, then leaves? What's the deal? Does button not pay blind on FT? If you're concerned about this, call or re-raise?
A full tilt "red name" button angled me Quote
06-28-2008 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by ekdikeo
yeah, I don't get it.

Someone comes in on button, raises, then leaves? What's the deal? Does button not pay blind on FT? If you're concerned about this, call or re-raise?
for those who dont understand why this is cheating, here is a small sample of hu limit play. my winrate over this sample is 2BB/100. my winrate on the button is 9BB/100. I'm not even very good at hu.

A full tilt "red name" button angled me Quote
06-28-2008 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by ekdikeo
What's the deal?
A full tilt "red name" button angled me Quote
06-28-2008 , 04:45 AM
im just sayin that b4 i call some1 a cheater i have to know what the situation do we know his kid din fall off a chair or something right at that moment or his wife din just go into labour and he had to log...just sayin that this wouldnt really have been cheatin then....

im using these examples because its not that uncommon for me to hear a thud and my kid cryin and i need to run off regardless of what hand im invloved in and my wife is about to give birth....but u see what im sayin
A full tilt "red name" button angled me Quote
06-28-2008 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by seefut22
im just sayin that b4 i call some1 a cheater i have to know what the situation do we know his kid din fall off a chair or something right at that moment or his wife din just go into labour and he had to log...just sayin that this wouldnt really have been cheatin then....

im using these examples because its not that uncommon for me to hear a thud and my kid cryin and i need to run off regardless of what hand im invloved in and my wife is about to give birth....but u see what im sayin
The parlay of events here is pretty steep. There's a time frame of about half a second that something real unlikely has to happen. Anything is possible, but the default assumption is that it's cheating. The guy needs to be warned not to do this and OP deserves a refund of his BB.

In fact rereading the OP, I find FT's response pretty ridiculous.
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06-28-2008 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by Leader
The guy needs to be warned not to do this
and OP deserves a refund of his BB.
Don't agree.
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06-28-2008 , 05:21 AM
yeah, i'd think a warning is suffiecnt. I mean really, OP lost maybe $10 in ev. If I were OP, I'd be satisfied with a warning and quite pissed that FT apparently condones this behavior.

Imo its just one of those things that have a potential for abuse, but every single instance shouldn't be punished unless it becomes a pattern. Just like someone getting d/c'd facing an all-in with a draw. It might look bad, but shouldn't be punished unless it comes up more than once.
A full tilt "red name" button angled me Quote
06-28-2008 , 05:33 AM
Refunding the guy seems like basic costumer service to me. Whatever the situation, the guy was screwed. Rectify it and move on. It's not a big deal, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done.
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06-28-2008 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by MarkD
get over it. someone should delete this imo.
Why this kind of knee jerk response? People should be allowed to speak their mind without it eliciting this kind of mindless response. Others have a right to read this even if you don't like the OP's point of view.
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06-28-2008 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Tryptamean
Careful, Tryptamean, you might get lynched in this thread... you've played 6 more SB hands than BB hands
A full tilt "red name" button angled me Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:28 PM
Unless the guy has a habit of doing this I think people are jumping the gun with their accusations he is a cheater.

Maybe his phone rang or something along those lines.
A full tilt "red name" button angled me Quote
06-28-2008 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Leader
Refunding the guy seems like basic costumer service to me. Whatever the situation, the guy was screwed. So of course Full Tilt will never rectify it. It's not a big deal, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done.
i agree completely
A full tilt "red name" button angled me Quote
06-30-2008 , 02:14 AM
A) Stephan was playing other tables at this time
B) After leaving, 1-2 minutes later another person joined and started playing, 3-4 minutes after that Stephan rejoined and started playing 3 handed. He never stopped playing another one of his tables.
C) I would not even begin to ask for a refund of my BB as that's too much, $10 is more appropriate, that's not even remotely the point and I wouldn't even bother asking for it (in fact I wouldn't even want it if it meant no warning/action taken against the other). The point is that it's angle shooting, a shot that can only be avoided by refusing to join anyone else's games, which if everyone was aware of this would lead to no one joining anyone else's games ever and no games ever starting. Furthermore, it's angle shooting being done by *A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SITE*. I've been blown off reporting angle shooters in the past, but I would demand at least some form of disciplinary action taken against a red name. Do any of you think I'd get away with button angling Phil Ivey or David Benyamine more than once? Even once?
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06-30-2008 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by seefut22
im just sayin that b4 i call some1 a cheater i have to know what the situation do we know his kid din fall off a chair or something right at that moment or his wife din just go into labour and he had to log...just sayin that this wouldnt really have been cheatin then....

im using these examples because its not that uncommon for me to hear a thud and my kid cryin and i need to run off regardless of what hand im invloved in and my wife is about to give birth....but u see what im sayin

im just sayin.
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06-30-2008 , 03:07 AM
ethical question:

I grind at low stakes, and usually when a game breaks up the grinders don't like playing HU. Usually I will be the last one to sit out though, I welcome a little HU sparring with good 6handed grinders.

Anyway, often times when the table breaks up and it is 2 handed, they will post the SB, and then leave (so they play 1 hand HU).

I have done this myself as well, but ppl do it to me way more (I don't really caret hough b/c I understand that they don't wanna play HU and are just capitalizing on the edge of playing 1 hand)

What is the correct way to go about this? Is it acceptable if the grinder is 8 tabling? Or is it still a big deal?
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06-30-2008 , 04:43 AM
I just sit out when ever, some times on my sb some times on my bb.
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07-03-2008 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by LT22
I accidentally leave auto-post on all the time at HU
Well just play 2 hands...

easy, isn't it?

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