so a couple weeks ago i emailed support and asked to delete my account. they replied and the request was granted well two or three days after that i got a email saying i had a outstanding balance of 225 dollars from a bad deposit method. saying i entered in the wrong information. OK i checked and was never charged. so i tried to log in and i cant. it keeps saying wrong player id or password even when i try a password reset which i have 6 or 7 times..
so i then decided to creat another account.. and i loaded 500 bucks to play half of it and pay the outstanding balance with the rest. after about a week or so of play and unsucceful log ins on the first account i notify full tilt to just take the money owed out of the NEW account... well 5 minutes later i get emails saying that the second account will be deleted after i finish the tournement and that if i want to have the funds transfered to my primary account to email them from the second account email.
ok whatever. i tried saying that just delete the first account completely and let me keep the second one because i cannot access the first account anymore.. well sure enough now i cannot access either account and my MONEY is stuck in there somewhere.. I Have not recieved one reply email from support since this happened.. i have emailed them lik 6 times from both email accounts trying to explain the problem and that i want the money out.
serioulsy what the fkkk am i suppose to do now? do they have a phone number that i can speak with someone about this?
it was a 45 man sng $10 bucks nothing big. but it dosnt matter cause all my monies is hijacked.. and i cannot acces my new account or old account.. and i am getting no replies form FTP support
i dont think they are stealing it but i dont think they are actually reading my emails about not being able to access my first account.. they keep saying please deposit money and let us know when its in there so they can take the money owed.. but i CANNOT LOG IN because i requested to have the account deleted and i think it is..
that is why i made the second account.. and now i have money on the second account but now its deleted too.. idk what the fkk is going on im screwed i think
FTP will reply and if you are owed money you will get it. When you get it cash all of it out and find a different game - poker is definately not for people who cannot handle bad beats.
i didnt say it was rigged... and im not complaining about the bad beat.. all i care about is the account issues and money sitting.. quit trying to turn this thread into something it isnt..
OP you seem to be ignoring all the good advice. FTP has always been very receptive to bad checks, multiple accounts, and several emails per day. You just need to do that more to get their attention.