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03-14-2011 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
Apologies to sdrf for the tone of my post above. I had a very weird day, the site going down was very frustrating as I had a lot of tournaments going.
No problem. I though my post was clearly satirical so I was a little surprised at you reaction. Your frustration came through well in your post though so I see where you were coming from.

These things are very frustrating. I was pretty mad myself just playing rush (and had some weird hands happening there that I came out ahead of before shutting down for the day) never mind tournaments. Glad you did ok in the end.
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03-14-2011 , 04:15 PM
didnt make any gl to u all on the 19th
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03-14-2011 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
PS. I'm pretty surprised that there was no real "push" towards the end. I was curious what the end would bring and TBH I wouldn't have been surprised if it got very competitive, similar to a last min ebay auction or something Anyway, it didn't, so again congrats to all that were in a day or so ago as you are probable still, in.
Maybe it did: if there's a big push by a lot of people trying to qualify at the same time, the leaderboards wouldn't move much as everyone ends up all-in on every flop and turn every hand into a flip .

Seriously, it appears everyone decided similarly to myself: only way to qualify is to play weird losing poker and it's just not worth the trouble. Good job to everyone who made it though, and good luck getting the most value possible!
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03-14-2011 , 08:58 PM
Did anyone get their tickets and bonus points yet?
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03-14-2011 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
Did anyone get their tickets and bonus points yet?
Nope, no tix or points here yet.

@ Typicus...I can relate, it was very wierd losing poker, haven't looked at my PT3 stats yet ...or do I even want to I started playing Rush and decided that wasn't the easy way least for me. So I dropped down to NL2 reg FR and got in to my leaderboard within or under a couple hours. It was very hard to do meaning the "way" I had to play, 100% opposite of my standard play.
Congrats NOFX and others...and thanks for the GL in general, I am sure I'll need it.
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-15-2011 , 01:32 AM
Hey guys, free rolls are up and in the lobby now so I imagine we'll have our tickets pretty soon (no one's registered in them yet).

Gonna be sick, looking forward to it. The "sickest" part is knowing if I/we can just win one of these (and they don't have huge fields by any means) we'll be playing a 25k 9 man SNG for a chance to play for 1.5 milly lol

Put it this way, even if we counted everyone in them (and a good amount will be sitting out/not play so this is super generous) there are 1000 players in the low, 3 advance, 750 in the medium, 3 advance, and 500 in the high, 3 advance. So:

If we count everyone and assume everyone is equally skilled, we'd have a: 1,000+750+500=2,250/9= 1 in 250 chance at advancing and playing a 9 man SNG with a 25k prize pool.

Account for people sitting out/not playing, skill advantage, etc and it's much better. IDK and my formula for figuring the odds above may be incorrect but I do know that I see some decent value in these with just the prize pools alone, with a nice side sweat for a chance at big money.

Before I decided to qualify for these I figured the value of just the free rolls, because I'm a tournament player these days, but I figured them at 1,000/15k= $15, 750/30k=$40 and 500/45k=$90 for a total of $145 value for all there (just prize pool value, not the added value of advancing).

So again, $145 with the added value of not everyone playing and I'm a good tournament player, these are pretty decent over all and I thought this was a good promo. Could have been explained a little better though.

Some people are going to make much, much more than that in bonus points as well. A 4x multiplier using tournament juice as the base (I don't fully understand how they figure full ring and 6 max, I do know that 6 max gets a ton of points though) equals 400 points for every $10 in juice which equates to about $2 (using best case, like mini and regular ftops tournament tickets) or 20% rakeback. That's pretty huge for grinders and is why I think this was a pretty high value promo overall.
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-15-2011 , 01:44 AM
sdrf, wanna take a stab at estimating the value of the 25k 9 man sng and 4 HU matches with durrr?

I kinda do, but I'm playing. I imagine it'd be simple math though. I was curious what the odds of winning 4 HU matches would be figuring the various prizes you get for winning 1, 2, 3 , or all 4 (1.5 mil )

gogogo sdrf

EDIT" Bah...the matrix one is not posted in the lobby yet I would use a matrix from the sng lobby though as a way to figure the distribution of the 25k
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-15-2011 , 01:59 AM
my score made it for the medium group in the 650th range

i see the freerolls, am I going to get a ticket for the 10k freeroll?

how come there are more than one freeroll? do I play in everyone of them?

no points here either, nothing yet just the regular bad beats courtesy of ftp
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-15-2011 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
sdrf, wanna take a stab at estimating the value of the 25k 9 man sng and 4 HU matches with durrr?
Assuming equal skill (a bit of a stretch to say the least, we're talking about durrrr here ) the matrix sng is worth $2777.80 per person (25K/9) and the 4 HU matches are worth $156250 (1/16*1500K+4/16*150K+6/16*50K+4/16*25K+1/16*0).

Unless I miscalculated something, that means the sng is extremely top-heavy; anyone who gets there should play it a bit like a shootout. Gotta go for the KOs with a vengeance (2 points each) without busting early on any table (1 point for each player outlasted).

As for the HU matches, I don't know what the right strategy is... Just ship 'em all I guess .
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-15-2011 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by SukandBlow
my score made it for the medium group in the 650th range

i see the freerolls, am I going to get a ticket for the 10k freeroll?

how come there are more than one freeroll? do I play in everyone of them?

no points here either, nothing yet just the regular bad beats courtesy of ftp
its been said multiple times in this thread that points will be awarded no later than the 17th.

also, directly from the promo site:
Conquer your fellow challengers in three simultaneous Freeroll Tournaments to win your cut of prize money and move on to the next challenge
At the end of the Challenge 1 period, the top 1,000 finishers on the Low Leaderboard, the top 750 finishers on the Medium Leaderboard and the top 500 finishers on the High Leaderboard will all advance to Challenge 2
I don't understand the "regular bad beats from ftp" comment.
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-15-2011 , 12:57 PM

I think you forgot about MGR hits in your calculations. I would be extremely surprised if the freerolls didn't hit MGR.

I also think that since we get tickets anyone who doesn't register won't get a hit (this is good and much better than how it sometimes was before) but it also means those actually playing will get a bigger hit than /1000 /500 or /250. It is obviously still good with fewer players just not as good.

Not sure how to calculate the Matrix. One factor is if there is a further MGR hit for this. I think there will be. Otherwise they might have to spread that hit out over all freeroll players which seems unlikely.

So Matrix is worth $25K=$2778k per player=$750 MGR hit per player. Depending on the IQ of the players I would suspect a deal for at least that amount. Possibly for all of it so it will be played mostly for the chance to play Durrr.

The HU games against Durrr obviously depends on who qualifies to play him. If it's a decent Mid/High player not only will his skillset give him a decent chance but he won't have to change his pants as would a microplayer who got there by luck have to.

Even so Durrr probably doesn't have much invested in the outcome and could play even more relaxed than usual.

If it was me I would probably choose PLO although I don't even know the rules and pretty much go allin on any hand except the very worst ones. Should give me as much chance as actually trying to outplay him.

Also FTP needs to get the player off the MGR hit for the HU or he likely won't ever wanna play on FTP again.
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-15-2011 , 01:20 PM
I dont get this thing, you are getting points or seeing flops, showdowns or multi way pots ???
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-15-2011 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by dbdbdb
I don't understand the "regular bad beats from ftp" comment.
the guy is a rigtard.
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-15-2011 , 01:39 PM
What was the threshold for qualifying on medium? I got 950 or so very early on and just assumed that wouldn't hold.
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03-15-2011 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by holmfries
What was the threshold for qualifying on medium? I got 950 or so very early on and just assumed that wouldn't hold.
top 750 got in - so 969 and above.
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-15-2011 , 10:25 PM
Does anyone have their tickets for the freerolls?
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03-15-2011 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
the guy is a rigtard.

HU? you shrimp FK?
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-16-2011 , 01:49 AM
Sigh. Seriously? Save the HU crap for a different forum, please.
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-16-2011 , 10:06 AM
FR tickets are in account now
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-16-2011 , 11:27 AM
i got my tickets for the 10k freeroll as well and already reg

no bonus points as of yet, someone mentioned the 17th for that

so if someone wins any of the 3 freerolls, they play for more cash? in an sng?

not a bad setup, wish I tried to qualify for the lower one as well
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-16-2011 , 12:40 PM
has anyone received there bonus points yet from the promotion?
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03-16-2011 , 01:37 PM
points awarded here
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03-16-2011 , 02:09 PM
Got my points. Actually more than I thought I would!
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03-16-2011 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by dbdbdb
points awarded here
I'm not sure if I did but I think I might have. I didn't get an email though so I'm not sure, anyone else?
Full Tilt promo: "Challenge Durr" Quote
03-16-2011 , 02:34 PM
no email about it but got mine. you most likely got yours
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