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full tilt poker ignoring me? Cant login now full tilt poker ignoring me? Cant login now

04-15-2008 , 10:05 PM
I have played for a living on ftp for a long time. One of my old screen names was hacked and I was unable to login. I made a new name and they allowed this. Recently about 12 days ago I had 4.5k in my account and it dissapeared overnight. I emailed ftp they said someone close to me prolly stole the money, I dealt with this. I am confident in my ability to win back my roll. So I deposited 75 dollars, won 6th in one of the doubles tourny and got my roll up to near 500. Now I cannot login when I try to login it says contact
Ihave done this several times as well as cashier and support@
NO RESPONSE for several days.
My father who only keeps about a 500 dollar roll also cannot login. He allowed me to playo n his account, I won 50 dollars in a sit n go, tried to transfer it but I cannot since my screen name does not have like 3 months deposit history( i think it says).

So both me and my fathers accounts are frozen and FTP is not replying to our emails. I am wondering if they stole my oriigal bankroill and now are trying to get our remainer 1k because I didnt raise hell about me 4.5k being stolen( cuz I am convinced a someone logged onto my account in my home).

Anyways, please help me out full tilt people, this is very unfair, I play for a SEMI living and its important I either get my money back or continue to play on ftp.
imighthaveit24 on ftp
full tilt poker ignoring me? Cant login now Quote
04-15-2008 , 10:08 PM
also my dad is on my case EVERYDAY ALL DAY asking me if I did anythign illegal (which i assure you I would never) I dont even know why ftp froze either account, they usually send emails when they do this but they did not in this case which is very ODD
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04-15-2008 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by eurospace
I made a new name and they allowed this.
No they didn't.

Originally Posted by eurospace
I emailed ftp they said someone close to me prolly stole the money. I dealt with this. I am confident in my ability to win back my roll.
There's no way you'd take it this lightly, and no way FTP would just say somebody probably stole it. You need to provide some proof.

Originally Posted by eurospace
My father who only keeps about a 500 dollar roll also cannot login. He allowed me to playo n his account, I won 50 dollars in a sit n go, tried to transfer it but I cannot since my screen name does not have like 3 months deposit history( i think it says).
Second time in your post that you've admitted to violating FTP's Terms & Conditions.

Originally Posted by eurospace
So both me and my fathers accounts are frozen and FTP is not replying to our emails. I am wondering if they stole my oriigal bankroill and now are trying to get our remainer 1k because I didnt raise hell about me 4.5k being stolen
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04-15-2008 , 10:47 PM
ehhh, check your xfer history on FTP,

and if that doesnt bring any results then get your full HH from them to see where the $$ went

(once you get your account opened of course)
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04-15-2008 , 10:49 PM
none of this makes any sense.
full tilt poker ignoring me? Cant login now Quote
04-15-2008 , 10:49 PM
please post actual emails from ftp and you
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04-15-2008 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by NFuego20
No they didn't.
FTP would allow him to make a new name if his original account was hacked. So I'd have to disagree with this part of your post.

I'm sure there is some sort of misunderstanding between FTP and you. What I don't get is why you don't play more donkaments. You seem to do pretty well if you can work $75 up to $500 in just a few tournaments. That is besides the point and doesn't matter though.

My best advice is give FTP some time to sort all of this out. There may have been several failed foreign login attempts or something and they could be trying to sort through it. While they might not be the best at answering emails right away they certainly didn't take your $5.5K IMO.
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04-15-2008 , 11:50 PM
i'm going to just guess that your computer has an assload of spyware that is probably stealing your passwords everywhere.
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04-16-2008 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by ekdikeo
i'm going to just guess that your computer has an assload of spyware that is probably stealing your passwords everywhere.
This would also be my guess and that someone hacked your new account and transfered the money causing them to lock it down.
My one question is, why would you try and transfer money from your father's account to yours when you can't login to your account?
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04-16-2008 , 12:23 AM
well the account freezing could be the standard ftp policy when they asscoiate one account with the other and see something they need an explanation for before letting them play again.

a frozen account followed by play and a transfer attempt to that account from an associated account would tend to run up some warning signals. (this is the way it sounded in the post but it makes little sense to attempt to xfer to an account that you cannot access anyhow)

but I'm having so much trouble following this series of events and thinking there's some context missing from the story that who knows really.
full tilt poker ignoring me? Cant login now Quote
04-16-2008 , 12:57 AM
So your FTP gets hacked you believe by someone close to you. Then you continue to play presumably on the same computer. When you find out your account is blocked again you then decide the best thing to do is break their T&C's by playing your dad's account after which you try and transfer funds from his account to your blocked account. If you are telling the truth you are seriously lacking in any common sense.
  • Can you not see why alarm bells would be ringing away at FTP?
  • What was you hoping to do with the money had you been successful in transferring to a blocked account?
If you play semi pro, which I seriously doubt, buy yourself your own dedicated computer, put a lock on your door because it sounds like you know the thieving scumbag hacking your account and just wait until FTP sort out this mess YOU have caused.
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04-16-2008 , 07:08 PM
after i made this post they reactivated both of our accounts. i had no idea we could not play on each others names, sometimes he is logged in, we work in the same office and there is alot of computers.
ya your right, i do pretty well in tournies but they seem to take so long. i used to play sit and gos for a living. i played 5 sit and gos at 50 heads up today and won 4 of them. im thinking heads up sit and gos might be my new calling. is there a place on here that tells you whats the best tournies to play on in ftp becuase i seem to cash a great deal of them when i actually play them, a friend of mine i was coaching bought in for a 50 dollar tourny and i told him EVERYTHING to do and he cashed 2.5k, the bastard didnt give me any more. and to answer the guys question about it not bothering me too much. i relaly think it was not FTP who stole the money i think one of friends of a friend logged into my account because i stupidly had it on auto login.
its all sorted out.. after 2 weeks! this post is what it took, the answer they gave was someone who they were investigating caused my account to be frozen for a while(so i guess i wasnt under suspision and they dont seem to mind that i play on my dads account and he plays on mine sometimes, though i guess ill stop.

Originally Posted by gtpitch
FTP would allow him to make a new name if his original account was hacked. So I'd have to disagree with this part of your post.

I'm sure there is some sort of misunderstanding between FTP and you. What I don't get is why you don't play more donkaments. You seem to do pretty well if you can work $75 up to $500 in just a few tournaments. That is besides the point and doesn't matter though.

My best advice is give FTP some time to sort all of this out. There may have been several failed foreign login attempts or something and they could be trying to sort through it. While they might not be the best at answering emails right away they certainly didn't take your $5.5K IMO.
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04-16-2008 , 07:12 PM
also this is why im not all that upset. i have a great company to make money and im selling parts of the company to who is interested. so 4.5k isnt that much to lose but its the principal....
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04-16-2008 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by chuckb223
This would also be my guess and that someone hacked your new account and transfered the money causing them to lock it down.
My one question is, why would you try and transfer money from your father's account to yours when you can't login to your account?
i tried the transer before it was frozen. sorry i was not clearer
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04-16-2008 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Rek
So your FTP gets hacked you believe by someone close to you. Then you continue to play presumably on the same computer. When you find out your account is blocked again you then decide the best thing to do is break their T&C's by playing your dad's account after which you try and transfer funds from his account to your blocked account. If you are telling the truth you are seriously lacking in any common sense.
  • Can you not see why alarm bells would be ringing away at FTP?
  • What was you hoping to do with the money had you been successful in transferring to a blocked account?
If you play semi pro, which I seriously doubt, buy yourself your own dedicated computer, put a lock on your door because it sounds like you know the thieving scumbag hacking your account and just wait until FTP sort out this mess YOU have caused.
the account wasnt locked til after i tried to transfer the money, also i did not know this was against the rules . why is it?!? why cant you play on someone elses account if they give u permission all the pros make videos on friends accounts, isnt that TOS, shouldnt they be frozen? like taylor and mudd and all those video makers CR pros
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04-17-2008 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by eurospace
its all sorted out.. after 2 weeks! this post is what it took,
you think it was sorted BECAUSE of this post?

Originally Posted by eurospace
the account wasnt locked til after i tried to transfer the money, also i did not know this was against the rules . why is it?!? why cant you play on someone elses account if they give u permission all the pros make videos on friends accounts, isnt that TOS, shouldnt they be frozen? like taylor and mudd and all those video makers CR pros
I guess your OP wasn't clear - so you could access your account but decided to play your dad's account anyway and then transfer to your own account. Well played
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04-17-2008 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by eurospace
I have played for a living on ftp for a long time. One of my old screen names was hacked and I was unable to login. I made a new name and they allowed this. Recently about 12 days ago I had 4.5k in my account and it dissapeared overnight. I emailed ftp they said someone close to me prolly stole the money, I dealt with this. I am confident in my ability to win back my roll. So I deposited 75 dollars, won 6th in one of the doubles tourny and got my roll up to near 500. Now I cannot login when I try to login it says contact
Ihave done this several times as well as cashier and support@
NO RESPONSE for several days.
My father who only keeps about a 500 dollar roll also cannot login. He allowed me to playo n his account, I won 50 dollars in a sit n go, tried to transfer it but I cannot since my screen name does not have like 3 months deposit history( i think it says).

So both me and my fathers accounts are frozen and FTP is not replying to our emails. I am wondering if they stole my oriigal bankroill and now are trying to get our remainer 1k because I didnt raise hell about me 4.5k being stolen( cuz I am convinced a someone logged onto my account in my home).

Anyways, please help me out full tilt people, this is very unfair, I play for a SEMI living and its important I either get my money back or continue to play on ftp.
imighthaveit24 on ftp
Best to post your e-mail to FullTilt - This REALLY looks like you have multiple accounts and they caught you out when you contacted them.

All of that said FTP Support is very slow and they wouldn't ignore your e-mail if it was legitimate - give them time and I'm sure they will pull through.
full tilt poker ignoring me? Cant login now Quote
04-30-2008 , 01:22 PM
Hi folks,

Iīve been facing this problem since yesterday(04/29).

I am new at FTP just played a little since my first deposit that took place like 2 weeks ago.

Last evening just couldnīt log in and a received a message to contact support staff.

I really canīt figure out what happened and although had already sent an e-mail to support got no reply so far.

I am pretty sure that I didnīt violate any userīs terms and conditions and just donīt know what can I do to solve this except wait.

Do you have any tip about this situation?

Thank in advance folks,

Best Regards.
full tilt poker ignoring me? Cant login now Quote
04-30-2008 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by GM_ANDRADE
Hi folks,

Iīve been facing this problem since yesterday(04/29).

I am new at FTP just played a little since my first deposit that took place like 2 weeks ago.

Last evening just couldnīt log in and a received a message to contact support staff.

I really canīt figure out what happened and although had already sent an e-mail to support got no reply so far.

I am pretty sure that I didnīt violate any userīs terms and conditions and just donīt know what can I do to solve this except wait.

Do you have any tip about this situation?

Thank in advance folks,

Best Regards.
Wait for support to e-mail you back.
full tilt poker ignoring me? Cant login now Quote
04-30-2008 , 05:18 PM
had the same type of problem with FTP reason why i dont/will never go back there imo. Froze mine and my friends account for no reason at all! (well they havn't given a reason/not even an email to say why i couldnt log on) luckily i had hardly any $$$ online at FTP or i really would be pissed! i also tried mailing them but no response so have given up and now play a stars.

GG Full Tilt.
full tilt poker ignoring me? Cant login now Quote
