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Full Tilt currently has around ,000 of mine frozen... just a warning to others Full Tilt currently has around ,000 of mine frozen... just a warning to others

03-07-2011 , 01:27 AM
OP, try to continue to be patient. as you surely realize, there are about 99 guilty/fakers for every one cheated person. so you'll have to be patient with the skeptics ITT.

I think it seems highly unlikely that OP somehow chipdumped. And it seems like a lot of scams involve chip dumps. If the "associated" players:

-play different games as OP
-played before OP began playing
(note that these are both claims made by the OP, not necessarily fact. but i believe them. if you don't, these are surely things that could be checked on.)

If either one of these are true, then i dont see how he chip dumped.

Also, note that those tables are full ring. A chip dumper probably wouldnt want 7 others (who could possibly report it) watching. I suppose it's possible to make it look legit to people watching and do it in increments (as shown). But that seems like a big pain and heads up chip dump would be way easier and seemlingly safer.

Finally, even the dumbest of ******s (op is def not in this category) wouldn't chip dump so much money in such a short time. And if they were stupid enough, I doubt they'd have the balls to come complain about it on the unforgiving 2+2 forums.

I'm no expert on scams, but, without chip dumping, it seems hard to scam that much money onto one account. If you exclude chip dumping, can anyone think of a scam that would fit OP's story and full tilt's emails? Because I can't.

Good luck OP, hope you get your money back if you're legit.

As mentioned earlier, it'd be nice to see a full tilt rep comment. Even if OP is a complete scam artist, full tilt still doesn't come off too well here, so it would be nice to hear another viewpoint.
03-07-2011 , 01:52 AM
I love how all these people call BS lol , how would making a fake story on a poker forum benefit the OP?
03-07-2011 , 01:54 AM
If OP is really innocent he needs to work on his communication skills because there are at least a dozen spots in the emails to FTP that make him look insanely guilty. Just behaves really oddly and uncharacteristically for an innocent person here.

IF OP is really innocent his emails made him look guilty here.
03-07-2011 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by CardCatchr22
I love how all these people call BS lol , how would making a fake story on a poker forum benefit the OP?
It happens all the time.

Has anyone asked if OP logging into FTP from hotels might be the association between the accounts?
03-07-2011 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by R_Nasty1
They will not tell me, I keep asking.
Thanks for the people who are acknowledging those who were giving me a hard time without any sound reasoning.

but you respond to every ****** insult instead of trying to find out what the problem is.

Ask them directly if your troubles have to do something with the cards. And tell them EVERYTING about their origin.
Name of the person, reason you used them, how he got them and if requested send him his head.

And stop using stolen cars !
03-07-2011 , 08:45 AM
Who did you communicate with in the security department? Does security get a % of every dollar they confiscate?
03-07-2011 , 09:56 AM
did op post any emails or hand histories? It looked like a couple of the emails where written by him. There is no proof of anything to validate what op is saying and therefore this thread should be locked becasue its slander against full tilt without any proof from op.
03-07-2011 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
did op post any emails or hand histories? It looked like a couple of the emails where written by him. There is no proof of anything to validate what op is saying and therefore this thread should be locked becasue its slander against full tilt without any proof from op.
First off this would be called libel if i were making untrue statements about full tilt that would hurt them. Secondly I do believe the only thing I have said about them is the name of the title which is a fact that is very evident from the emails. You should hang out with spaceghost.
03-07-2011 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by R_Nasty1
Whats Tr? Coolnout im trying to help avoid a similar fate for you guys who are relying on the money in their poker accounts if it hurts your head then move along. If you guys don't give a *** then I'll move along.


You know what TR is as you discussed it in one of your e-mails to full tilt when you looked up the 4 players they asked you about.

So why ask what TR is when you know what TR is especially in the context im which it was asked to you by a poster?

How do you know the regs in the game when alll you did was "make a run in a few days?

Why are the 4 people they asked you about players who have not played in 6months - 2years? Either they don't play or play much smaller stakes

Last edited by NL__Fool; 03-07-2011 at 11:09 AM.
03-07-2011 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by R_Nasty1
First off this would be called libel if i were making untrue statements about full tilt that would hurt them. Secondly I do believe the only thing I have said about them is the name of the title which is a fact that is very evident from the emails. You should hang out with spaceghost.
When are you going to provide any hand histories or any email from full tilt that dosen't look like you wrote them yourself? Just wondering
03-07-2011 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by R_Nasty1
I was very busy WINNING I can see why you would think I had tiger blood.

Here is passport email
Hello Reginald,

Thank you for your email.

Can you please send us the following:

1) A scan of your Passport.
2) A digital photograph of you physically holding your Passport beside your face.

Also, once you get your Bank Statement, please submit that.


Full Tilt Poker
above is an email that looks like you wrote yourself (lol)still waiting for any hand histories that show your incredible winning streak
03-07-2011 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by R_Nasty1
I did but sometimes it won't show up if it was in appdata (which its not) nothing showing for hand history I will ask support for those specifically
Search for one of the more obscure table names. Probably "Zallel" will find your histories if they're on your HD. Hopefully support will be willing to send them to you if not; I want to see the epic run if nothing else.
03-07-2011 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
It happens all the time.

Has anyone asked if OP logging into FTP from hotels might be the association between the accounts?
That's what I was looking for in this whole thread. Can't believe you were the first to bring it up. OP says he was logging in from hotels watching play and taking notes. They could be confused by all the different ip addresses OP has been logging in from.

Originally Posted by R_Nasty1
Hello Reginald,

Thank you for your reply.

Your bank will be able to issue you with a current statement if you drop into your local branch.

Once we receive your documentation we can assist you further.


Full Tilt Poker
That one doesn't sound like something support would say IMO. "drop into your local branch"? That doesn't sound very professional IMO. Say what you want about FTP support but they do seem to keep things professional in my experience.
03-07-2011 , 12:40 PM
1) We need some Hand Histories, OP...Or send Ft support an email requesting them.

2) Has anyone run a search on those 4 names listed in the FT email? Has what OP says about each account been verified?
03-07-2011 , 01:31 PM
If Sean wanted to comment he could confirm the passport email as I told him about it. As for the guy asking why I asked what TR means well the first time you saw lol or lmao did you know what it mean if he said ptr I might have figured it out but ptr meant nothing to me.

To everyone saying I faked the emails ask a rep to confirm. Hand histories I have asked for I will ask again.

But it really is 100% irrelevant and I don't know if I am going to provide them all I don't want people to see the way I play every hand I might have you guys just pick some random tables from the list already provided and I will show those. I say it's irrelevant because this is not about chip dumping any hand histories provided would only help someone that would play against me.
But I will come up with some solution to this if someone can come up with a relevant reason why.
03-07-2011 , 01:33 PM
Actually can a mod just lock this until I get the hand histories?
03-07-2011 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by R_Nasty1
Actually can a mod just lock this until I get the hand histories?
lol . Yes op should be back with them , never.
03-07-2011 , 01:36 PM
I said I was done, but I have to LOL.
03-07-2011 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by R_Nasty1
If Sean wanted to comment he could confirm the passport email as I told him about it. As for the guy asking why I asked what TR means well the first time you saw lol or lmao did you know what it mean if he said ptr I might have figured it out but ptr meant nothing to me.

To everyone saying I faked the emails ask a rep to confirm. Hand histories I have asked for I will ask again.

But it really is 100% irrelevant and I don't know if I am going to provide them all I don't want people to see the way I play every hand I might have you guys just pick some random tables from the list already provided and I will show those. I say it's irrelevant because this is not about chip dumping any hand histories provided would only help someone that would play against me.
But I will come up with some solution to this if someone can come up with a relevant reason why.
Hand histories are irrelevent? Anyone can make any claim and not have to back it up like you are doing in this thread. LOL Op can't even provide any proof he actually went on the run.
03-07-2011 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by R_Nasty1
If Sean wanted to comment he could confirm the passport email as I told him about it. As for the guy asking why I asked what TR means well the first time you saw lol or lmao did you know what it mean if he said ptr I might have figured it out but ptr meant nothing to me.

To everyone saying I faked the emails ask a rep to confirm. Hand histories I have asked for I will ask again.

But it really is 100% irrelevant and I don't know if I am going to provide them all I don't want people to see the way I play every hand I might have you guys just pick some random tables from the list already provided and I will show those. I say it's irrelevant because this is not about chip dumping any hand histories provided would only help someone that would play against me.
But I will come up with some solution to this if someone can come up with a relevant reason why.
Perhaps you don't need to post them all in the open. PM a willing mod the HHs when you get them
03-07-2011 , 02:00 PM
The only reason I read these threads is I love it when the OPs get caught up their own lies. But this one sounds unusually credible. So I am starting to believe that OP really could have gone on two incredible heaters, taking money from CC fraudsters along the way, which has set off lots of alarms at FullTilt.

One question for OP about the HH though, don't you use any sort of tracking software like HEM or PT3?
03-07-2011 , 02:21 PM
I mean OP COULD have faked a story, a sitting down/leaving cash balance, emails and all sorts of other stuff, but that seems like a supreme waste of time considering that full tilt would never give his money back, and a rep could easily come here, make one comment, and have the whole forum on full tilts side.

But I think the story of other people playing on the hotel's ip makes a bit of sense. And full tilt somehow confused him with many of the other people who may have played at that hotel. Makes sense with full tilt's random, lemme-check-your-papers, not-going-anywhere emails. makes sense with those players he is confused with having last played a while ago. also makes sense that they'd play different limits. Maybe someone with more ip knowledge could weigh in on how full tilt could confuse these?

Last edited by Bret21; 03-07-2011 at 02:30 PM.
03-07-2011 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by etothemc2
Perhaps you don't need to post them all in the open. PM a willing mod the HHs when you get them
And than all the little devils went ice skating.....
03-07-2011 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
Nothing suspicious there.
Exactly. I'm sure the other 3 handles stats read something like "deposited $10 bucks once and all of a sudden lost 100k in a 2 hour period". Must have been a really bad run. Come on Nasty. We aren't this stupid. The fact that you did the research and posted the 43K one day loss says it all. We know you were chip dumping. They had the credit card numbers after you swore up and down you didn't do anything to get your account froze. Anyone arguing in his defense doesn't have sense
03-07-2011 , 03:06 PM
credit card numbers is a fair enough accusation. OP perhaps you could give us as many details about them and their origin as you did with the names you were linked to? It would certainly help your case if you're innocent
