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Full Tilt could have short-changed bot victims. The botters may mobilize Full Tilt could have short-changed bot victims. The botters may mobilize

10-22-2010 , 02:23 PM
The Shanky official statement is full of comedy.

They came out of left field and froze all our accounts and have confiscated all our funds. This was a very sudden and calculated move on their part. It would be difficult to describe their actions as anything other than stealing,
this was after years of tolerating us to such an extent that most of us felt they welcomed us with open arms.
We at Shanky Technologies now wish to offer a sincere apology to all our customers who have lost funds in this development.
And best of all, the reassurance your money is safe at other places:

we still support at least four other good rooms at the moment, and a couple of these have shown a great interest in having our bots play there. We think that “bot-friendly” is really the wave of the future, and that soon smart operators will realize how much online poker players love tinkering and playing with bot software and will make a “bots welcome” official policy as a result.
I wanted to plagiarize the entire statement on principle, but a modbot would probably object.


Last edited by Bill Haywood; 10-22-2010 at 02:35 PM.
Full Tilt could have short-changed bot victims. The botters may mobilize Quote
10-22-2010 , 02:27 PM
OP for douche/tool of the year. i hate it when people take themselves douchily/toolishly seriously, like that victory poker ceo dude.
Full Tilt could have short-changed bot victims. The botters may mobilize Quote
10-22-2010 , 02:40 PM
I think he gave up when he realized we weren't going to push for FTP to release the names of the botters therefore giving them some privacy issue to go to court over. Really he should have been more worried about the "anonymous legal fund". Would anybody really trust a cheating botter to use that money for a court case? I sure as hell wouldn't.
Full Tilt could have short-changed bot victims. The botters may mobilize Quote
10-23-2010 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by iBotter
Good luck Full Tilt in getting my money that I won with my BOT FARM. I cashed out long time ago. They haven't even banned me. Of course I haven't botted (that's how us "botters" use bot as a verb) in a long time. Oh those suckers who had a lot of money on Full Tilt and lost it. Psh.. no sympathy from me. They did close down the website though.. *********.com - now I cant get an updated bot.. I don't think a 6-month old version of the bot is going to work.. hmm. Oh well.: crazy:
Hey cheater (that's how us non-"bottors" use bot as a noun) I hope your hdd gets infected with robo-AIDS
Full Tilt could have short-changed bot victims. The botters may mobilize Quote
