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FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please

07-17-2008 , 12:47 AM
So I have 20k in checks MIA and a 2.5k cash pickup that still hasn't cleared (it was processed at 10 in the morning) even though people are averaging 2 hours before receiving their reference number. Should I be a little mad? Probably, but I know this is the climate poker players have to deal with. I sent an email to the cashier asking them where the f is my money and it was rather polite considering the situation and the piece of **** actually tells me to try again in a nicer tone!!!!!!!! Are you ****ing kidding me???????? WTF is going on with FT support?????? They have over 22k of my money in limbo and they have the ****ing nerve to pull some bull**** with me????? Once I get my money, it is goodbye Full Tilt. I have put up with a lot of BS from the site and have always been patient and this is how they treat one of their higher volume customers????? Here is the email: is this really profane. FTP Doug, you can thanks George from support for losing a big customer. FWIW, this was only the 2nd email I have sent support since Jume 23rd (when my checks were "supposedly" sent).

George's response:

Hello Marvin,

Thank you for contacting Full Tilt Poker Support.

We will gladly address your concerns without the use of profanity or vulgarity directed at our staff. Please respond to this email in a professional manner, and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Kindest regards,

Full Tilt Poker Support

My Email:

My friends who used money pickup after me have already received their confirmation number. Why don't I have mine yet? Why do my cash outs always get messed up? Seriously wtf is going on with my account? I have checks missing and now its taking longer for me than anyone else to get my confirmation number.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 12:53 AM
Whats the problem?
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 12:56 AM
they want u to get pissed and cancel it so u play it back they want u too lose the money back it seems to me dude get ur money off the site trust me i been through this same thing ur first cashouts will be first like when ur a new customer then when u cash out a large amount they will slow it down to make u cancel them these sites is dirty sites trust me get it off and leave the site for good
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:01 AM
This copy & paste reply is pretty standard when you use "vulgar" language.
Try asking them the same thing without the "WTF"
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by LearnedfromTV
UMMMMMMM, "respond back nicely and we will answer you questions." What does that sound like to you? If I don't respond nicely they won't help? Was my email out of line in anyway? Keep in mind the circumstances; I think I was a prince.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:03 AM
Today, 12:47 AM
"Are you ****ing kidding me???????? WTF is going on with FT support??????"


but gl anyway
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by Fonzy4
This copy & paste reply is pretty standard when you use "vulgar" language.
Try asking them the same thing without the "WTF"
Full Tilt Support:

We have over 22k over your money somewhere, but we won't help you even though most of it has been AWOL for a month because you wrote "wtf" Please respond again without that and we will give you back your money.


Full Tilt Support

I don't understand how any company can treat customers like this.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by steel108
UMMMMMMM, "respond back nicely and we will answer you questions." What does that sound like to you? If I don't respond nicely they won't help? Was my email out of line in anyway? Keep in mind the circumstances; I think I was a prince.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by royce
Today, 12:47 AM
"Are you ****ing kidding me???????? WTF is going on with FT support??????"


but gl anyway
That wasn't my email to them. That was my post. My email is on the bottom of the post.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:07 AM
send them this follow up email:

Forgive me if my first email sounded
Unkind. Im just worried about my
Check cash-outs arriving on time. If you would be so
Kind as to tell me when I will get my money

You would make my day.
Other people I know have already gotten theirs.
Ultimatly I would like to again appologize for my previous email.


FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:08 AM
LOL, it took me awhile to get that
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by steel108
If I don't respond nicely they won't help?
We will gladly address your concerns without the use of profanity or vulgarity directed at our staff. Please respond to this email in a professional manner, and we will be more than happy to assist you.
Exactly. Is it really that hard to do?
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:09 AM
steel - Your thread title sucks. There is no blackmail involved here.
They definitely overreacted a bit to your use of "WTF" and struck me as a bit condescending. But you are WAY overreacting to their request to address them more politely.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:11 AM
JubilantMale wins this thread.....
eh...screw that....I think he wins the whole internet. That was awesome.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:11 AM
[ ] blackmail
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Fonzy4
Exactly. Is it really that hard to do?
Which part of my email wasn't kind? If you had 22k lost somewhere and finally emailed them about it and that was their response, would you be pissed? Would your email have been as civil as mine? Is this the way to treat a customer who has as much money in limbo as the customer rep probably makes in a year? You have got to be kidding me.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
steel - Your thread title sucks. There is no blackmail involved here.
They definitely overreacted a bit to your use of "WTF" and struck me as a bit condescending. But you are WAY overreacting to their request to address them more politely.
Am I seriously over reacting?????? This is the first response to my inquiry about 22k that is somewhere out there and they send me that crap. I have been nothing but patient with this whole cash out thing and this is their response????? I honestly don't think I'm over reacting at all. I don't even need the money right now that's why I have been so calm through this whole ordeal, but this idiot George and his response puts me on uber tilt after I have been more understanding than most. The word "wtf" gets this email after they have been unresponsive and apathetic towards $22,000.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:20 AM
his response puts me on uber tilt

Am I seriously over reacting??????


I would say that going on uber-tilt over this is some pretty serious overreacting.
No doubt he's being pretty condescending here and your e-mail wasn't THAT bad.
Some people consider WTF to be profanity and other people don't I think.
He was offended apparently and I think that's a bit silly.

But you going on uber-tilt about it is definitely overreacting.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob

I would say that going on uber-tilt over this is some pretty serious overreacting.
No doubt he's being pretty condescending here and your e-mail wasn't THAT bad.
Some people consider WTF to be profanity and other people don't I think.
He was offended apparently and I think that's a bit silly.

But you going on uber-tilt about it is definitely overreacting.
Maybe you are right and I'm just too tilted to see that I am over reacting. My problem with this is that I have never bothered them about my money or anything and when I finally send them an email asking where my significant sum of money is, they tell me to ask nicer. I used the word "wtf." It's like spitting in my face after I have been understanding for a month. Does niceness dictate whether or not Full Tilt will resolve my problem? They have my money, I think a person should be able to use whatever language they want after Full Tilt's stellar customer service.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:34 AM
OP has a right to be frustrated. He's been waiting a long time. FT should pay him already or at least acknowledge his frustration and how they're going to help him. Is good customer service that difficult? This is his second e-mail since June 23.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:36 AM
He is correct that you should address them more professionally.
But at this stage, when you haven't really done that much, he is definitely crossing the line by telling you that. It would be far more appropriate for him to blow off any feathers that got ruffled by your language, chalk it up to your frustration, and to get off his ass and actually look into your money situation for you.

On all that I agree.
But you are totally blowing your top over this it seems and are even calling it 'blackmail' when it isn't anything even approaching blackmail.

You have every right to be ticked that they are screwing around about your money situation and obviously several FT players are in the same boat.
You also should be annoyed that this C/S rep is so full of himself that he would tell you to "ask nicer" about your missing $22k.
However, you really should have asked nicer and that would yield better results for you actually getting some info or getting them on the stick to take care of it. Freaking out about it won't help you much. Arguing about what a prick he is for requesting you to ask nicer won't help you much either.

Think of some of the different hacking situations we've heard about at FT.
Now consider that some of these C/S people who might not work there forever may be able to have access to your personal info or even your password on the site.
Now consider that some of the former employees of UB and AP were the ones who were able to scam the site and the other players through the super-user scandal.

I think that lower-level employees who have potential access to WAY too much information and perhaps won't be working there forever are the types of people you may want to think twice about f'ing with. Seriously.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:47 AM
Good point, they should probably fire george just in case.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:55 AM
steel I had the same problem with them about a month ago, I have been multi- tabling for over a year on there site and deposited over 30k in that time frame and when I asked them why they take my money out of my bank in 2 days but wait over a month to give me my ****ing money ....... they end up giving me the same reply you are getting
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
07-17-2008 , 02:00 AM
[x] FTP overreacted
[x] OP overreacted

Both of you go to your timeout corners.
FTP Support reacting to my e-mails?? FTPDoug read please Quote
