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FTP checks thread FTP checks thread

07-22-2008 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Brettster
I'm so pissed about this 7/11 check. WTF Give me my god damn money, I ****ing hate this ****.

took the word right out of my mouth...except I'm from 7/10...
FTP checks thread Quote
07-22-2008 , 06:24 PM
One week after my email to FT that a check had bounced( i attached a scan of the check that came back from BofA) i got a email stating it would be reimbursed in 48-72 hours, 24 hours later i got the deposit email and my account was flush.

going on 48 hours waiting for approval of cash pick-up
FTP checks thread Quote
07-22-2008 , 06:26 PM
don't get mad at FTP
get mad at the US government
FTP would like nothing more than to give u ur money
FTP checks thread Quote
07-22-2008 , 06:31 PM
ok. I need some help. FTP told me one of the checks I didnt recieved was cashed. I told them to send me whatever info they have. Whats my play here?I never got that check. FT is just ******ed.

Also, how easy is it for someone to cash a 5k check at one of those ghetto check cashing places?

Last edited by steel108; 07-22-2008 at 06:45 PM.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-22-2008 , 07:54 PM
Cashout Requested: 7/13
Cashout Approved: 7/14
Received: Still waiting
FTP checks thread Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:07 PM
FTP, I requested a check last Thursday night on Stars and received it today. It comes from CA and I live in NC. They had to mail it out within 24 hours of me requesting it. That's how a business should be run.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by wetleg
FTP, I requested a check last Thursday night on Stars and received it today. It comes from CA and I live in NC. They had to mail it out within 24 hours of me requesting it. That's how a business should be run.
Word to Big Bird
FTP checks thread Quote
07-22-2008 , 11:21 PM
This is why I am complaining. THIS is the email I received from FTP. Do you think that they have answered my emails regarding this??

This was an UNSOLICITED email from FTP. They are promising to pay me and have not done so.

After reading this email from FTP any of you who think that I am whining is way off base.

The only money of mine that will be deposited on that site until this issue is resolved is the next $100 that they give me by way of apology.

Dear cat923

You may have become aware of a temporary issue with our check processor which has affected a small number of recent check withdrawals.

We have analyzed your recent withdrawal and determined that you are not affected by this issue. Therefore your check should clear as normal, if it has not already done so.

DATE: 08 July 2008

If you require any further information, please reply to this email or contact


Full Tilt Poker Support

You received this email because you are a player at Full Tilt Poker. To make sure you continue to receive our emails optimally and in your inbox (not sent to bulk or junk folders), please add to your address book or safe sender list. Thank You.
To be removed, visit:
FTP checks thread Quote
07-22-2008 , 11:33 PM
Between the echecks debacle and this, I cannot express in words how much I regret having started playing at Full Tilt earlier this year. Every day I read this thread I just want to bang my head against the wall.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-22-2008 , 11:55 PM
I emailed to see why my check is still "processing" instead of "approved" after 3 days, and they basically sent me a form letter that said their cashier is busy and just wait.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 03:19 AM
well of course no answer from email support or cashier regarding the july 10-11 approval dates withdrawals...
watching people get paid from the 16th and all days between has steamed me up and tilted me into poker stars waiting arms
this cash out is from my rebate from a check that was " not affected" but turns out they didn't even bother sending it and decided to give it back to my account... no big deal of course, except that now i still have no check..
original date of request was i believe july 2... approved on july 4, refunded the tenth, cashed out and approved the 11th
o and btw
stars ****ing rocks so far... gl to me and all others in the ftp check sh it house
keep us updated people as i will
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 11:54 AM
FWIW, cash refund worked fine and quickly for me, in Wisconsin, took a day to process and I only needed a driver's license/state ID. I'm not canceling this 7/11 check in case they decide to give another forgive-us-bonus, but most everyone else probably should, because it's probably not coming anyway.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 12:02 PM
Still no reply or money.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Kowalski
Still no reply or money.
Ditto for me. What I would really love is the option to cancel my check withdrawl and cashout using the money refund option. I request the cancel 8 days ago, no response yet.

Can we get FTPDoug on the thread again. This service/debacle is just flat out horrible.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:03 PM
Here's an email response I was sent just today after sending them on at 3am (i can't believe how fast they answered---but then again there have been other times I haven't ever heard from them)

"Hello XXXXX,

Thank you for contacting Full Tilt Poker Support.

Your check for $1750 was approved and sent to our processor for shipping, however, our processor has not yet updated us with the shipping information for this check.

As you are aware, our processor recently experienced an issue that affected some checks. Unfortunately, this has also caused a delay in the turn around time for this information. We have requested an update from them at this time and will let you know as soon as we receive a response.

Thanks in advance for your patience. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email us. We're always here to help.


Full Tilt Poker Support"

Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I got nothing out of it. More jibberjash---talking in circles----nothing to really help put me at ease.

Down below is the email I sent them. I asked them to answer 2 questions. Notice how she didn't even come close to addressing them.

"Original Message Follows: ------------------------

So back on June 16th I made a withdrawal and was approved.

answer from Full Tilt after the 1st check fiasco

"According to our records your check for $1850 was sent on June 20th, check number XXXXXX. It has been 10 business days since this check was sent. If you have not received this check by July 11th please let us know and we would be happy to assist you further."

When I finally received the check (July 1), it would not cash because of the zip payment fiasco. And I was patient. On July 8th I believe, you guys redeposited the $1850 + $100 + $300 bonus (which pleased me to an extent). So I again made a withdrawal and was approved on July 10th.

"Your Player ID: XXXXXXXX
Date and Time: 2008-07-10 23:46:26
Transfer Number: XXXXXXXX
Check Amount: $1750.00

Now its July 23, and yet here I'm still waiting for money. And obviously again there is an issue. I was on the 2+2 forum have had noticed that people that requested checks on July 10th and 11th are not receiving there checks while people who have requested on later dates (July 16th was the latest I saw) have been receiving them. I saw one guy who made a request on July 9th and the 14th and has received both checks. So please do not give me the 15 business day excuse. I live in Nevada and I can't imagine a check thats coming from California would take this long. Now add in the fact that I had to deal with the bank transfer in May (in which again I had to wait over a month to receive my money) try to imagine how irate I am becoming. I have been playing at Full Tilt since May 2005 and yet I can't get a rakeback deal. Nor can I make timely withdrawals (I can accept waiting 10-15 days, but the last 2 times I have made a withdrawals its easily been over 30 days for both).

Instead of making excuses just answer me these 2 questions. Why should I play at Full Tilt anymore? Would you play at FT if you were in my shoes? I have to say that I am completely disappointed with full tilt.

Kind regards"
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:12 PM
I received a check from FTP in about 5 days. I was suprised since they say it could take up to 15 days.

I just did an instant cash withdrawl last night. I am not worried about the cash withdrawl because I know that the money more than likely will be in my pocket faster than it would be if I was waiting on a check from FTP.

I am amazed/amused/disgusted with the level of bitching going on in this thread.

Instant cash is a good thing, even if it is not instant. It comes faster than the check thats the bottom line imo.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by CantGetRight
I received a check from FTP in about 5 days. I was suprised since they say it could take up to 15 days.

I just did an instant cash withdrawl last night. I am not worried about the cash withdrawl because I know that the money more than likely will be in my pocket faster than it would be if I was waiting on a check from FTP.

I am amazed/amused/disgusted with the level of bitching going on in this thread.

Instant cash is a good thing, even if it is not instant. It comes faster than the check thats the bottom line imo.

congrats on your successful withdrawals
but saying you are disgusted and amazed with us , well thats ridiculous and you should seriously think before you type..
we have NOT gotten or checks in five days or in my case 12 days
we have NOT gotten any answers, and have had to sit thru the 2 month wait fro transfers, the bounced checks, the checks not coming, and being out right lied to by support
so either think and retract or STFU
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by ********va
Requested 7/14
Approved 7/16
Recieved 7/22 in Oregon

im in oregon to, approved on the 15th but still no check........
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:32 PM
I am not going to get into a tit for tat about this. I guess I have a different mind set. I am not going to have money in a poker account that I want or need quickly. While I did not read everypost, the majority of the ones I did read were imo whining. I do find it kind of disgusting when a whole bunch of grown men (assuming) complain and whine about something, no matter what it is.

I realize that individuals have grievences with FTP regarding their funds. If I offended anyone, my apologies. Put all those individuals in a thread and it becomes what this thread has become, a bitchfest.

I did not expect that when I clicked on the thread.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by CantGetRight
I received a check from FTP in about 5 days. I was suprised since they say it could take up to 15 days.

I just did an instant cash withdrawl last night. I am not worried about the cash withdrawl because I know that the money more than likely will be in my pocket faster than it would be if I was waiting on a check from FTP.

I am amazed/amused/disgusted with the level of bitching going on in thisthread.

Instant cash is a good thing, even if it is not instant. It comes faster than the check thats the bottom line imo.

well bro when you have been in some of our shoes then see how you feel.

I did a bank transfer it may and it took 35 days to clear

then I made a check withdrawal on June 16, received a bad check, made another check withdrawal on July 10th and still havent received anything which means its been 37 days (while other who have made check withdrawals on later dates receiving their money)

And that instant cash thing just came about in the past week or two. Hell there was a period where there were no options at all to make a withdrawal.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by CantGetRight
I received a check from FTP in about 5 days. I was suprised since they say it could take up to 15 days.

I just did an instant cash withdrawl last night. I am not worried about the cash withdrawl because I know that the money more than likely will be in my pocket faster than it would be if I was waiting on a check from FTP.

I am amazed/amused/disgusted with the level of bitching going on in this thread.

Instant cash is a good thing, even if it is not instant. It comes faster than the check thats the bottom line imo.
I'm not sure if you realize this, but the cash pickup withdrawal option was made available after the people in this thread waiting for their checks made their withdrawals.

In fact, most of the people in this thread waiting for checks wish that they could get them cancelled and use the cash pickup to get their funds instead. However, the funds are in some weird sort of limbo where they may or may not be on their way to the user in paper check form.

Perhaps you could go to the FTP cash pickup withdrawal thread and post your results as they are doing (if you haven't already) to make a helpful contribution to the forum.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:07 PM
CantGetRight <============== Takes Foot Out Of Mouth
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by CCx
Perhaps you could go to the FTP cash pickup withdrawal thread and post your results as they are doing (if you haven't already) to make a helpful contribution to the forum.
My bad, I thought this was that thread. lol. duh
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:37 PM
well anyways
anyone get a check today? from hopefully the 10 or 11 of july
o god please let this frickin end
FTP checks thread Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
ok. I need some help. FTP told me one of the checks I didnt recieved was cashed. I told them to send me whatever info they have. Whats my play here?I never got that check. FT is just ******ed.

Also, how easy is it for someone to cash a 5k check at one of those ghetto check cashing places?
Any ideas?
FTP checks thread Quote
