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FTP checks thread FTP checks thread

07-12-2008 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by GrannyMae
is this a jopke?

Closing in on a month without the money I earned that I need is the joke....
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 11:01 AM
27 e-mails is a joke too, and we wonder why it takes them so much longer to sort through all of this
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 11:56 AM
Requested a check that was approved on 7/3, received today 7/12. Not sure if I should try to cash it, FT has not contacted me at all regarding any problems.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 12:01 PM
LOL at anybody that thinks the amount of emails ftp receive is realted to response time. You dont really think the service reps have a perpetual list of emails to respond to, do you? That they are sitting there 9-5 typing non-stop to get the replies out? Since the response time has rarely deviated, I think it safe to assume that a slow response is FTP's policy, regardless of email traffic.

On a lighter note, this thread has become my guilty pleasure (kinda like real housewives of Orange county). Pure entertainment, from the endless FT f-ups, the call for only one email/day and total secrecy on processor names, to the same guys getting burned over and over, yet still electing to play on FT.

I have a confession to make. I have not played on tilt in a year, and have been a SN on stars for the last three. There is absolutely no rational to keep playing on tilt. 5-1 the bounced checks is a technical issue. Jeepers fellas, how many more signs do you need to get the F outta dodge?

However, if you continue to play on tilt, please post more of these amusing anecdotes, as Housewives is b/w seasons.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by ZonaAlumn
LOL at anybody that thinks the amount of emails ftp receive is realted to response time. You dont really think the service reps have a perpetual list of emails to respond to, do you? That they are sitting there 9-5 typing non-stop to get the replies out? Since the response time has rarely deviated, I think it safe to assume that a slow response is FTP's policy, regardless of email traffic.

On a lighter note, this thread has become my guilty pleasure (kinda like real housewives of Orange county). Pure entertainment, from the endless FT f-ups, the call for only one email/day and total secrecy on processor names, to the same guys getting burned over and over, yet still electing to play on FT.

I have a confession to make. I have not played on tilt in a year, and have been a SN on stars for the last three. There is absolutely no rational to keep playing on tilt. 5-1 the bounced checks is a technical issue. Jeepers fellas, how many more signs do you need to get the F outta dodge?

However, if you continue to play on tilt, please post more of these amusing anecdotes, as Housewives is b/w seasons.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by partypete27
Just got this one..

While most players can request one check per 24-hour period between $100 and $5,000, our check processor has reduced the limits for check withdrawals.

As a result, your limits are now one check request per 7-day period between $100 and $3,000.

Full Tilt Poker Support

Wow I must have missed this little treasure. Are you F-ing really buying into that the processor has limited your withdrawal amount???? That doesnt even make sense. What does the processor care if you withdraw 3k, 5k,100 or 10k, once , twice or 5x a week??? They only care about if the sum total of all withdrawals is less than what FT has on deposit. How can you guys not see that maybe, just maybe, Ft has some serious issues?

EDIT: What's even more ridic, is that FT actually believes that you guys will believe, "Oh yeah, its the processor"
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 12:56 PM
I feel all of your guys' pain seeing as how I have been waiting on a $2k check and am still waiting for another $1k check to be processed. I used to use epassporte for everything, but now that it's gone, FTP has become extremely shady to me.

I was just wondering though, with bank transfer down and checks having all kinds of problems, has anyone tried this ultra prepaid phone card thing yet to withdraw? I know they take juice, but it seems like it is almost worth it with checks taking this long.

Other thing is, I find it hard to believe that FTP still has people's business, and I imagine that after many of these people receive their funds, this will be the last time they deal with FTP. I myself am guilty, in that I still play at FTP, mainly because I love their interface and software and have trouble adjusting to anything else. However, I am waiting on $3k in checks and only have a couple hundred left on tilt.

I just started poker stars and notice the huge difference in customer support. Stars returns my emails within 20 minutes, and they have much better cash out options, like CashRefund. You don't even have to send them personal information like on tilt in order to cash out via check. Im thinking there is a reason that stars has close to 120k players at their tables at a time and tilt usually has only between 40k-50k. hmmm
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by ZonaAlumn
LOL at anybody that thinks the amount of emails ftp receive is realted to response time.
you are an ABSOLUTE IDIOT if you do not think it is related. do you think they don't read all the emails? you are wrong.

what if only 100 people tilt emailed like the other poster? those hundred people would be responsible for 2,700 emails alone!! how the **** is my email going to get noticed in his pile of spam?

waiting 30 days for your money does not entitle you to 27 emails. i have waited 2 months for bodog checks and 27 emails would not have made it a single day faster.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by GrannyMae
you are an ABSOLUTE IDIOT if you do not think it is related.
I am sure you will agree that the amount of emails FT receives varies week to week. Has the response time ever changed as long as you have been playing on FT. I'll let you draw your conclusion.

Why the hell do you have 12k+ post here and still play at FT?

Last edited by ZonaAlumn; 07-12-2008 at 02:11 PM.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 01:59 PM
I monitor this thread on almost a daily basis. I do that not because I am worried about my personal cashouts (I play pretty low stakes and have more deposits than withdrawals - though not by that much ); I monitor this thread because of what it says about the state of online poker in the US.

What has caused me to finally post in this thread is the realization that most of you understandably frustrated people, ARE TAKING THE MAJORITY OF YOUR FRUSTRATION OUT IN THE WRONG PLACE!

While clearly FTP could handle this better, CANT YOU SEE THAT THE MAIN REASON FTP IS HAVING THESE PROBLEMS IS BECAUSE OF U.S. LAW? All the other sites have had difficulties to one extent or another when it comes to US cashouts. And FTP has shown NO PROBLEM WITH EUROPEAN cashouts.

I see in the posts above large numbers of people sending multiple e-mails to FTP, often on a daily basis. HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE USED EVEN A FRACTION OF THAT EFFORT CONTACTING THE TRUE SOURCE OF YOUR PROBLEMS: YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES?

OK, thats enough screaming on my part, but seriously, the only way we are ever going to get out of this mess is to get some kind of favorable legislation passed (or a long shot court win- but one that can still be overruled by leigislation). Join the PPA: - Even if for whatever reason you dont want ot join the PPA, you will find on that website all you need to write your representatives, register to vote, and otherwise GET INVOLVED. That is the only real way you are ever going to see these money transfer problems truly solved.

FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Skallagrim
I monitor this thread on almost a daily basis. I do that not because I am worried about my personal cashouts (I play pretty low stakes and have more deposits than withdrawals - though not by that much ); I monitor this thread because of what it says about the state of online poker in the US.

What has caused me to finally post in this thread is the realization that most of you understandably frustrated people, ARE TAKING THE MAJORITY OF YOUR FRUSTRATION OUT IN THE WRONG PLACE!

While clearly FTP could handle this better, CANT YOU SEE THAT THE MAIN REASON FTP IS HAVING THESE PROBLEMS IS BECAUSE OF U.S. LAW? All the other sites have had difficulties to one extent or another when it comes to US cashouts. And FTP has shown NO PROBLEM WITH EUROPEAN cashouts.

I see in the posts above large numbers of people sending multiple e-mails to FTP, often on a daily basis. HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE USED EVEN A FRACTION OF THAT EFFORT CONTACTING THE TRUE SOURCE OF YOUR PROBLEMS: YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES?

OK, thats enough screaming on my part, but seriously, the only way we are ever going to get out of this mess is to get some kind of favorable legislation passed (or a long shot court win- but one that can still be overruled by leigislation). Join the PPA: - Even if for whatever reason you dont want ot join the PPA, you will find on that website all you need to write your representatives, register to vote, and otherwise GET INVOLVED. That is the only real way you are ever going to see these money transfer problems truly solved.

A voice of reason
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:19 PM
Nice Post SKallagrim. I agree that the trouble is with UIGEA making many financial institutions nervous to do business with US customers. I don't think its the law itself but the self-policing of organizations (Party, epass and now maybe other banks).

The real concern here for me is that this recent problem at FTP may be signal that our last real source of cashouts, paper checks, is now in jeopardy. Up to now the UIGEA has been an annoying pain in the ass, but my fear is that it could really mean the end of cashouts. Is this fear unrealistic?
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by ktulu22
A voice of reason

btw here's my most recent reply (!!) from tilt:

Hello Steve, (my name is not Steve, nor does my Tilt screen name contain anything Steve

Thank you for contacting Full Tilt Poker Support.

I am going to try and answer all your questions in the most organized way possible.

You asked about there being a guaranteed issue with the check, the answer to this is no, however there is a very high possibility of the check not clearing your bank. Banks can take up to two weeks before realizing the funds are not available, and there may be a delay because of this.

Currently, we are not offering further compensation for this issue, however depending on the severity of the fees charged, we may review these issues on a case by case basis.

Also, nothing will happen to the funds while we investigate, however I would recommend you contacting your bank to ensure the funds have completely cleared and let us know if it has. However, in the meantime we suggest leaving the 276 in your account just to be sure, however the $100.00 is your to keep either way.

You also inquired about the bonus we are offering to some players. Each of our bonuses are tailored to several groups and we sent out a variation of bonuses this time around. Rest assured, we do strive to meet the needs of all our players and therefore offer promotions geared towards individual players. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide a bonus at this time, and we do apologize for this inconvenience.

If there's anything else we can help you with, please feel free to ask. Best of luck at the tables!


Jeremy M
Full Tilt Poker Support
they seem to be implying that if the check *does* turn out to be good, that they'll be expecting the amount they refunded back to my account to be returned to them...srsly?
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by mohow
Nice Post SKallagrim. I agree that the trouble is with UIGEA making many financial institutions nervous to do business with US customers. I don't think its the law itself but the self-policing of organizations (Party, epass and now maybe other banks).

The real concern here for me is that this recent problem at FTP may be signal that our last real source of cashouts, paper checks, is now in jeopardy. Up to now the UIGEA has been an annoying pain in the ass, but my fear is that it could really mean the end of cashouts. Is this fear unrealistic?


where is money gram? (oh **** is that still super secret? ****.)
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by EvanJC

btw here's my most recent reply (!!) from tilt:

they seem to be implying that if the check *does* turn out to be good, that they'll be expecting the amount they refunded back to my account to be returned to them...srsly?
Um.....ya think? A ton of us were paid twice. Some of us for thousands and not just hundreds. Do you really think FTP is just going to hand out thousands of dollars to people who were paid twice? They were proactive to reimburse funds whether or not they needed to be reimbursed. Obviously they're going to be aware if players are going to try to run off with (steal) their money, and of course they're going to want it back if your check was good.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Skallagrim

While clearly FTP could handle this better, CANT YOU SEE THAT THE MAIN REASON FTP IS HAVING THESE PROBLEMS IS BECAUSE OF U.S. LAW? All the other sites have had difficulties to one extent or another when it comes to US cashouts.

Stars has not had probs at all with us cashouts. And are you saying that Us law is the reason they have bounced checks?
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by ZonaAlumn
Stars has not had probs at all with us cashouts. And are you saying that Us law is the reason they have bounced checks?
I recall hearing about a lot of problems with Stars cashouts. Not checks bouncing, but significant delays bad enough to the point where they had to start compensating players for the inconvenience.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by NFuego20
I recall hearing about a lot of problems with Stars cashouts. Not checks bouncing, but significant delays bad enough to the point where they had to start compensating players for the inconvenience.
You are correct, like a 3-4 week delay in spring. But nothing remotely close to what Ft is doing.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by NFuego20
Um.....ya think? A ton of us were paid twice. Some of us for thousands and not just hundreds. Do you really think FTP is just going to hand out thousands of dollars to people who were paid twice? They were proactive to reimburse funds whether or not they needed to be reimbursed. Obviously they're going to be aware if players are going to try to run off with (steal) their money, and of course they're going to want it back if your check was good.
if the check was good, why did they refund my money in the first place? I think it's the fact that they seem to have no clue what is going on with my money that makes me feel like I shouldn't have to return it. that probably doesn't make sense. but why would you bring up amounts refunded? do you really think that has any bearing on the situation at all?

btw, at this point, it's been > 2 weeks since my check cleared, so I have a hunch it's probably good.

your argument makes sense. at the same time, i feel entitled to the money. paradox imo
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by NFuego20
I recall hearing about a lot of problems with Stars cashouts. Not checks bouncing, but significant delays bad enough to the point where they had to start compensating players for the inconvenience.
comparing Stars cash out troubles to FT's troubles as a way to make the point that it's the DOJ causing these issues is an epic fail
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by GrannyMae
you are an ABSOLUTE IDIOT if you do not think it is related. do you think they don't read all the emails? you are wrong.

what if only 100 people tilt emailed like the other poster? those hundred people would be responsible for 2,700 emails alone!! how the **** is my email going to get noticed in his pile of spam?

waiting 30 days for your money does not entitle you to 27 emails. i have waited 2 months for bodog checks and 27 emails would not have made it a single day faster.

Its like looking forward to the divorice. I am going to continue to send the emails til I get the check. I can not even close the account yet because they might have lied again and need to re post the withdraw into an account. I just my check so I can get my cash and close this acct out.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by dabigbadrook
Its like looking forward to the divorice. I am going to continue to send the emails til I get the check. I can not even close the account yet because they might have lied again and need to re post the withdraw into an account. I just my check so I can get my cash and close this acct out.
no worries, ignore GM
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 03:14 PM
approved 07/07
received 07/12
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by EvanJC
if the check was good, why did they refund my money in the first place? I think it's the fact that they seem to have no clue what is going on with my money that makes me feel like I shouldn't have to return it. that probably doesn't make sense. but why would you bring up amounts refunded? do you really think that has any bearing on the situation at all?

btw, at this point, it's been > 2 weeks since my check cleared, so I have a hunch it's probably good.

your argument makes sense. at the same time, i feel entitled to the money. paradox imo
I had a check for a little over $1500 and my timeframe is same as yours. I deposited June 24, everything seems fine, and have an extra $1500 in my account right now. Obviously we've all been greatly inconvenienced, and I do feel that FTP should provide some level of compensation for these inconveniences, which they have ($100 + $200 bonus for me). By no means though do I feel entitled to the extra money (the $1500). Unfortunately a lot of people seem to feel that way, but I'm sorry there's no way getting a delay on the cashout and poor customer service entitles anybody to keeping a double payment. One guy in another thread went so far as to imply he was going to try to work out a FTP for Stars transfer for the extra $4k he received and planned on just never returning to FTP. Leave actions like that for the scumbags because there's no justification for it no matter how frustrated you might be. Greed can make people do funny things I guess. But stealing is stealing.

I e-mailed FTP right away and informed them of the fact that my check seemed to clear. Let's be realistic anyway, they're going to figure it out eventually. Obviously they reimbursed us because they weren't 100% sure if the checks would clear, but it appears they have and it's only a matter of time before they piece it together. Might as well just do the right thing in the first place before dealing with the headache of having to give them their money back later.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-12-2008 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by EvanJC
comparing Stars cash out troubles to FT's troubles as a way to make the point that it's the DOJ causing these issues is an epic fail
I never compared the two, simply responding to ZonaAlum's post that Stars has never had troubles with cashouts. UIGEA has affected Stars too, although they've handled it much better overall.
FTP checks thread Quote
