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09-30-2010 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by cwar
This is so true.

Who is at fault the players for not "understanding" or the site that refuses to explain. You dont want to? ORLY? Thats because youre obviously ****ing the players for your own profit in one form or another. If you are hyping a promotion and release a decrease in rakeback on the same day thats just a pure scummy move and obvious smoke and mirrors. Just the fact that you didnt come here and say "hey guys dont worry no one will make less than they did with dealt" is a done deal. You cannot show us the shiny ring while ramming it up back and not expect ppl to call BS.

If its not screwing people you would obviously explain how. Therefore its obvious Full Tilt is making more money by doing this and regardless of if this benefits anyone money is coming out of the economy.

You want feedback?!? Get it on your own time by asking us about the changes before you make them not while your are taking money out of our pocket until we figure it out.
I say give them a little time to explain or adjust. If they don't adjust or prove everybody that the math being posted is wrong (re: ring game screwjob) well it's pretty obvious their image will take a hit with regular rake feeders. Both big sites frequently show lapses in common sense (to say the least) and while it's not an excuse for doing dumb **** my guess is they weren't bright enough to anticipate the uproar (not Doug per se but the other numbskulls) and as Doug says are listening to the players complaints. I'd be surprised if they don't make the proper adjustments here but it might take a little time. I'm not a shill, just the way I see it.

But, yeah if time goes by and nothing changes and the math is right.. that would suck balls and we should strike.

also 2.3k post
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09-30-2010 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by aggo

wrong again.

you're operating under the assumption that

(a) everyone has rakeback
(b) everyone who signed up with an affiliate gets back 27%

are a and b true?
actually you are wrong, and he is dead right.

you are arguing something different than what you say you are arguing
FTP Answers 9/30 Quote
09-30-2010 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
actually you are wrong, and he is dead right.

you are arguing something different than what you say you are arguing
This completely. Aggo, once again, with all due respect, please stop posting propaganda when you don't fully understand the subject matter. This isn't as bad a change that people are making it out to be (it could certainly be better of course re: Alobar's suggestion) but because people are posting without fully understanding what they're posting about it's becoming a mass panic.
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09-30-2010 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by cwar
Hello Support,
I have been a loyal customer for x+ years, at least $xxx,xxx+ in rakeback paid. You are taking money directly out of my pocket with this new weighted contributed rakeback. FTPDoug said on 2+2 this is more fair but that is not true, contributed rakeback would be fair either that or just use the old system. This is coming from a player who plays an above average amount of hands (VPIP%, voluntary put in pot) I will not be making more money with this scheme I will be making less. Absolutely unacceptable. That and you are hiding this behind the black card promotion, running a promotion that costs me money! I expect you will remedy this but if not I will be leaving your site for Pokerstars in the near future.

The 2+2 thread referenced:


Originally Posted by Lego05
Sent to the blackcard support e-mail (with a few minor changes).

I received this reply:

Originally Posted by Full Tilt e-mail
Hello (my name),

Thank you for your email.

We understand your apprehension regarding the new Black Card program and the deductions in rakeback, but we feel that these changes will, in fact, benefit our high volume players.

However, we are open to our players' suggestions and constructive criticism to turn the Black Card experience more enjoyable and profitable for them.

Thank you for playing at Full Tilt Poker. If there's anything else we can do for you, please let us know.


Full Tilt Poker Black Card Support

Please remember never to give out your password or enter
account details over the Internet. Full Tilt Poker staff will
never ask you for your password. For your security, always
keep this information a secret.

Learn, Chat, and Play with the Pros at Full Tilt Poker

I sent this reply back to them:

Originally Posted by Lego05 to Full Tilt via e-mail

Hi Jose,

Would it be possible for you to send me Full Tilt's mathematical calculations showing how all of the recent changes (rakeback structure change, black card program, iron man changes, etc.) will affect the value that the players receive as contrasted with the value that the players received before the changes? It would be nice if you could do so for all possible variations by which I mean not all players will achieve black card status and not all will be an iron man for many months in a row.

Personally my interest would be in how the value changed if the player merely had rakeback under this new structure and nothing else. I would then like to see what having the black card would add to it. I am not as interested in the value of Iron Man since even though I generally average the daily Iron Man requirement I at the moment do not believe that I would play 20 to 30 days a month for many months in a row. However, seeing what Iron Man adds to it would also be interesting.


(My Name)

Will update. But if I don't receive a reply tonight before I go to bed the update will have to wait because I'm heading out of state tomorrow for a wedding, but I might have internet access there actually.

Last edited by Lego05; 09-30-2010 at 09:02 PM. Reason: might have internet access
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09-30-2010 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
actually you are wrong, and he is dead right.

you are arguing something different than what you say you are arguing
i'm not. I totally understood what he wrote.

i dont have any problems in straight up saying i believe there is a reasonably good probability that ftp is making more money by changing this rake structure to a weight contributed.

even if you CONSIDER that there are fish who signed up for affiliates who don't give rb-- yes, ftp does still pay those affiliates the same amount.

The facts are that no one knows how many active players in their pool
(a) receive rakeback
(b) do not receive rakeback but have an affiliate
(c) do not have rakeback or an affiliate

The only people who know this and who can model data to understand the effects of weighted contribution are ftp.
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09-30-2010 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by aggo

wrong again.

you're operating under the assumption that

(a) everyone has rakeback
(b) everyone who signed up with an affiliate gets back 27%

are a and b true?
lol WAT? I made no such assumption. It does not matter which people have RB (all, none, half, one, three, etc, etc) in a hand, FT rakes it the same. DUCY? I guess not..
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09-30-2010 , 08:50 PM
so basically this update is super awesome if ur a HU player correct? your RB wont change and you get 5x as many FTP...
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09-30-2010 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by wisdommaster1
so basically this update is super awesome if ur a HU player correct? your RB wont change and you get 5x as many FTP...
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09-30-2010 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by aggo
i'm not. I totally understood what he wrote.

i dont have any problems in straight up saying i believe there is a reasonably good chance that ftp is making more money by changing this rake structure to a weight contributed.

even if you CONSIDER that there are fish who signed up for affiliates who don't give rb-- yes, ftp does still pay those affiliates the same amount.
OK, I have no clue what limits/games you play, but answer this question for me.

You are sitting at a full table (HU, 6m, FR, doesn;t matter) of whatever you typically play. Somehow (action does not matter) the pot becomes large enough to max out the rake. Do they take more than max if everyone has RB? Less? What if only one person has RB? The answer should be pretty obvious... They take the same (ie whatever the max rake $$ is).
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09-30-2010 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1
lol WAT? I made no such assumption. It does not matter which people have RB (all, none, half, one, three, etc, etc) in a hand, FT rakes it the same. DUCY? I guess not..
FT rakes it the same but I believe that hat was being said was if Full Tilt reallocates rakeback payments from people who get rakeback payments to people who don't get rakeback payments then Full Tilt keeps more of the rake rather than paying out rakeback.

I'm not sure how correct that is or if affiliates are keeping more money or if Full Tilt and affiliates are each keeping some more money .... or how substantial any reallocation is ...... but I'm pretty sure that was what was being said.
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09-30-2010 , 08:55 PM
Doug, I'm sure this has been asked before, but can FTP PLEASE introduce a way to change seats without having to leave the table and before a new person joins the game if there is a waitlist. Obv all of the people sitting at the table should have preference to a newly opened seat before a new player comes into the game. Some kind of seat change list would be great.
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09-30-2010 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
I dont necessarily know if that benefits the non rakeback having fish (and thus FTP) the most.
They may not gain the most from the new system but I think it benefits FTP more than the current system.

The higher VPIP players get a boost in MGR. Fish are generally the higher VPIP players so they will have a higher MGR. However they also, generally, do not get RB so that money goes back to FT.

You say it it is distributed differently and you are correct. More of it will be going to people with no RB.
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09-30-2010 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Lego05
FT rakes it the same but I believe that hat was being said was if Full Tilt reallocates rakeback payments from people who get rakeback payments to people who don't get rakeback payments then Full Tilt keeps more of the rake rather than paying out rakeback.

I'm not sure how correct that is or if affiliates are keeping more money or if Full Tilt and affiliates are each keeping some more money .... or how substantial any reallocation is ...... but I'm pretty sure that was what was being said.
Yeah.. I think most of us understand this, but this is clearly NOT what he is saying.
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09-30-2010 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1
Yeah.. I think most of us understand this, but this is clearly NOT what he is saying.
Ah well I just skimmed it.
FTP Answers 9/30 Quote
09-30-2010 , 09:00 PM
so im still wondering why exactly people are saying that FT is taking money from them? how so? do you guys really insist on collecting rake in pots that you had no participation in? how is that fair to the people who actually put money into the pot..why should you get the same amount in FTP points as that person?
FTP Answers 9/30 Quote
09-30-2010 , 09:03 PM
i dont think people are saying its not fair (from a general view) i think they are just saying its not fair in the sense that they will now be making less $ in RB then they were and they just want whats best for them

example like if your parents gave you $20/week allowance for doing nothing and then they just changed it to $15/week... you would be angry but fairness isnt really an issue
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09-30-2010 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by aggo
nope. Enjoy the extra ftps. you're just straight up wrong in thinking that you're wayyy ahead in the new system.

No one is going to be able to show just how the new weighted contributions are affecting rakeback until we get some data(obviously its going to be a negative impact). That wont be for atleast a week. But the change in ftps/hand is a lot bigger than you think it is. for me personally its an extra .004$ per hand which is about a 180-200% increase.
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09-30-2010 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by thecraminator
so im still wondering why exactly people are saying that FT is taking money from them? how so? do you guys really insist on collecting rake in pots that you had no participation in? how is that fair to the people who actually put money into the pot..why should you get the same amount in FTP points as that person?
I'm not sure if people are insisting. It's just that when we signed up at FT and with an affiliate offering RB it was under the agreement of the current system. The agreement has been changed so people are understandably disappointed/upset.
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09-30-2010 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by nickname
i agree, this signing off feature is annoying. there needs to be the option to disable that!!

this is highly annoying, get rid plz
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09-30-2010 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Lego05
I received this reply:

I sent this reply back to them:

Will update. But if I don't receive a reply tonight before I go to bed the update will have to wait because I'm heading out of state tomorrow for a wedding, but I might have internet access there actually.
Better than me! Still no response to my original email, this "new" support feels eerily familiar. Interested to see what they say.
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09-30-2010 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by FTPDoug

If it wasn't obvious with the various changes we've been making this year, we're big into fairness over here.

So I can get rakeback now? Wouldn't that be fair that everyone can get rakeback?
No rakeback=no full tilt.
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09-30-2010 , 09:12 PM
Comparing todays play to yesterdays, I noticed that I reached 256 points today in 50 less hands than I reached 204 points today. Small sample size obviously, (and I'm sure I was involved in more 200bb pots today, which would skew it), but maybe it doesn't hurt my ftps/hour like I thought it would.
FTP Answers 9/30 Quote
09-30-2010 , 09:13 PM
Sweet update. You guys use up all your good ideas after Rush? Playing 10k hands a day seems much less appealing now. You are only making $300 profit a day in rake from me, I don't know why you'd make a good rewards program ever to keep me grinding.
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09-30-2010 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerho
Comparing todays play to yesterdays, I noticed that I reached 256 points today in 50 less hands than I reached 204 points today. Small sample size obviously, (and I'm sure I was involved in more 200bb pots today, which would skew it), but maybe it doesn't hurt my ftps/hour like I thought it would.
Your FTPs per hand will go up, perhaps drastically depending on the game you play (HU more so than 6 handed, 6 handed more than FR).

The problem is, your rakeback is going to go down in all likelihood.
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09-30-2010 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerho
Comparing todays play to yesterdays, I noticed that I reached 256 points today in 50 less hands than I reached 204 points today. Small sample size obviously, (and I'm sure I was involved in more 200bb pots today, which would skew it), but maybe it doesn't hurt my ftps/hour like I thought it would.
I thought the changes don't go into effect until tomorrow.
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