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FTP Answers 8/27 FTP Answers 8/27

08-27-2009 , 02:38 PM
Holdem only rules the world because you guys let it. Using that as an excuse not to promote the other games just perpetuates the system.
FTP Answers 8/27 Quote
08-27-2009 , 02:43 PM
can't download any software. says to try again later. anyone else get this?
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08-27-2009 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by FTPDoug
The cashier is in maintenance mode right now, sorry about that. It should be available again soon.
Doug- is this why so many of us are having our accounts restricted for supposedly insufficient funds for echeck deposits--- when in fact we all had teh funds????? Please help!
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08-27-2009 , 02:53 PM
Too lazy to sift through the entire thread, but re: the point about RSA token and the 10k FTP cost. Is it possible we can pay for the token out of our cash balance instead of having to pay in points? Maybe FT can do some sort of conversion for us like Stars does? Some people like to save up their points for other items in the store and especially for smaller volume/stakes players looking to get an iPod or something 10k is a huge loss.

And since this is paid out of our points balance, is this going to hit our MGR?
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08-27-2009 , 03:09 PM
For Stud games in Racetrack view, the hand replayer cuts off the top of a player's upcards if he's seated in one of the top positions.
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08-27-2009 , 03:17 PM
Can anyone confirm that the table popup issue has been fixed, or at least improved? I'm at work right now so I haven't been able to play and see how this update is.
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08-27-2009 , 03:17 PM
lol it seriously can't be that hard to add a raise by 1/2bb option. Thanks FTP, you suck agian.
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08-27-2009 , 03:17 PM
wow frozen on log in screen every time while trying to type in my info....tried the internet option fix in here but didn't work. Awesome FTP.
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08-27-2009 , 03:19 PM
still ft fits me more than stars
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08-27-2009 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by SiQ
lol it seriously can't be that hard to add a raise by 1/2bb option. Thanks FTP, you suck agian.
I would think that given they have 1BB increments already, adding in 1/2BB would be pretty minor adjustment.
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08-27-2009 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by wikemang
Can anyone confirm that the table popup issue has been fixed, or at least improved? I'm at work right now so I haven't been able to play and see how this update is.
Works perfectly fine here.
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08-27-2009 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by FTPDoug

29. I know you're reluctant to say when security tokens might arrive, but it would be incredibly helpful if you could at least shed some light on how they will be distributed. Will they be free, free to players of a certain status? Will they cost FT points, ironman medals, or $? Frankly, if they cost some sort of points, I'd like to know now, and roughly how much so I can begin to save, and I know a lot of other people are in the same boat.

- They won't be free. They'll be in the store under a new "Security" category. I don't know the exact pricing, but it should be under 10,000 FTPs. Hopefully well under.

Have the point deduction not subtract from MGR, and 10k pts sound good.
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08-27-2009 , 03:31 PM
doug u seem cranky this morning
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08-27-2009 , 03:46 PM
After the update it popped up that my RB affiliate transfer from 8/14 went through. Good to know, since it did the same thing on 8/14 and all.
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08-27-2009 , 03:51 PM
Posted this in the 8/13 Answers, wasn't addressed:

FTP ran 8 player $27, 4 player $54, 8 and 4 player $13, and 64 player $3.50/675 FTP HU PLO sngs satellites to FTOPS #18.

These were running nonstop 24 hours and now they are gone

Please introduce standard 8 player HU PLO sng structures (non turbo imo). I think that putting these at mid ranges would fit perfectly. IE, there are $10, $20, $40, $80, etc, 4 player ones. Putting in 8 player ones at $15, $30, $60, etc, would be a great spot.

Further, please run 64 player ones (turbo here) with token rewards in lieu of an event ticket. For example:

64 players for a $75 token = ~235 FTP entry fee
32 players = ~470 FTP
64 players for a $26 token = ~82 FTP
32 players = ~164 FTP

These would run all f day and by giving out tokens you are keeping the money in the system. Please please please.

Finally, when you look at PokerStars' offerings in 4+ player HU PLO sngs, their juice structure stays at the 5% set for normal speed sngs (you both run 5% for regular and 4.5% for turbo). However, on FTP in 4+ games you charge 7.5% juice.

Please consider making the juice in your multi table HU sngs more competitive.

Thank you.
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08-27-2009 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Bhay99
wow frozen on log in screen every time while trying to type in my info....tried the internet option fix in here but didn't work. Awesome FTP.
lol this

mine was working the whole time before this update, now i freeze at login. well done ftp
FTP Answers 8/27 Quote
08-27-2009 , 04:26 PM
1. randomize the card location a little more for the PIN. like say you have Ah 3c 4c. The 3c and 4c are always really close together. I'm no security pro, so maybe my thinking is wrong.

2. store: how come Pstars has like tons of items, and FT has the same old crap? @ least add in new ipods (like the new tiny ipod shuffle).

3. hand replayer: I would like to have an option for seperate hand replayers for each table. So that I could be looking at 2 or 3 replayers at the same time. Also... an option to switch to "classic" view or something.

4. a "my schedule" widget/page: maybe I reg in some tournaments. I want to keep track of when they are coming up so that if I reg a few days in advance, I don't forget.

5. alarm widget. sometimes, I lose track of time playing. An auditory signal would help alert me. I know this is prolly bad for games, but so it the self exclusion.

6. pimped out avatars that you can customize/buy for FTP points. Like maybe you can buy sunglasses, hats, tattoos, etc... I think sites were users can be unique are successful: facebook, myspace, gaiaonline.
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08-27-2009 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by philipsaurus
lol this

mine was working the whole time before this update, now i freeze at login. well done ftp
I clicked observe really fast at the main screen and let it sit there for a minute and it let me log in and ran fine. Pretty ridiculous that this is how we have to log in.
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08-27-2009 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bhay99
I clicked observe really fast at the main screen and let it sit there for a minute and it let me log in and ran fine. Pretty ridiculous that this is how we have to log in.
ahahaha this works. thanks dude.

ftp is the absolute worst.
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08-27-2009 , 04:45 PM
hi doug,

i've pm'ed you a few times about an issue very serious to me. if nothing can be done for me, i can accept that - just looking for any kind of response though, thanks.
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08-27-2009 , 04:58 PM
I seriously want a 'blow up my opponent for donking out on me' feature!!!
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08-27-2009 , 04:58 PM
btw anyone else forced to reboot their computer every time they get done playing a session on ftp because it totally borks it?
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08-27-2009 , 05:11 PM

this is a good start...
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08-27-2009 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by DrMickHead
Can you please get the iron man status page to stop asking me if I want bonus medals or the freeroll a hunderd times a month? It really gets annoying selecting the same thing every time I refresh the page. Plus I worry I'll misclick and somehow kill my consecutive months.
I believe that this happens if your browser doesn't accept cookies from
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08-27-2009 , 05:20 PM
My last hand replayer isn't working anymore after the update. Says I need flash version 10 or better. I have flash 10 installed, and the replayer worked before the update.
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