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07-08-2009 , 10:01 AM

+454376547 to fix it

This update is terrible.

Great job at pissing off all your regs.
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 10:01 AM
This has to be a giant level. HEM doesn't work, NO HUD, my mods (not hax) are all gone and my cards have been replaced by playing cards from the 17th century.
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07-08-2009 , 10:02 AM
the scroll button of my mouse doesn't work like it used to, before i just had to scroll to change the betsizing, now i have to click on the slider before i can scroll this is incredibly annoying and i only play 2-3 tables of hu, I can't even imagine how this will affect big multitablers.

also my mods don't work any more obviously.

this is really really disappointing
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by TheRealIABoomer
All the third-party developers (PT, HEM, Table Ninja, etc.) people have had months to work on making sure their programs would work when this update came out. The beta was released in March.

I don't see how you can get upset and say there was no warning that this was coming. Get upset with the third party deveopers for not testing against the beta in preparation for this.
its totally not the third party's fault; fulltilt just doesnt update the HH file after the while anymore; as one can see by examining the hh files; so HEM and others cant do a thing about it.
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07-08-2009 , 10:04 AM
My HEM doesn't work anymore either. They should've just added tarot cards... same ****. I ain't playing untill they fix their HH or the HEM guys provide an update that will work with this crap.
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07-08-2009 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by DontGoAway
Lucky guy. I'm considering legal action based on § 437 Nr. 3. LOL.
sir im sorry to inform you this law will not bring you any far
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 10:07 AM
Wow the cards for multitabling are wayyy to skinny to read easily any way to change this ?
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07-08-2009 , 10:08 AM
With respect to the HH replayer, all I had to do was restart the client and it worked.
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07-08-2009 , 10:09 AM
Thats a good question: Who in the hell beat tested this crap?!?!?

The cards ARE blurry, and it is harder ( for me ) to even see a difference between the spade and club suits.

I just pulled up a table to see what all the fuss is about. I dare not even try to load HEM, look at a HH, take a note, or even PLAY.

This is just such a waste, and a waste of time for everyone. I am sure most of the regs are FURIOUS....I mean, you depend on the day to play, and then with a flick of a switch, your day is ruined over an update that addresses NONE of the major issues we have all been dealing with from day one.

Piss poor decision making here FTP, and now you are making it look like the players who remained loyal, are also now accused of piss poor decision making because they stayed with you through thick and thin ( A LOT OF IT MIND YOU ) and now they get F'd.

We shall see just how long it takes them to fix this MAJOR **** UP of an update, but I am not holding my breath.

I guess its a day of Stox watching, 2p2 surfing, and porn ( I mean, thats not a bad thing...but when you wanted to play some poker as well, its a pain in the ass )

Get this fixed ASAP, you have MANY issues to resolve and I suggest that you never launch a full blown update of such **** ever again.....

Its a sad day indeed and I will not be playing one hand until I see all of this resolved!
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 10:11 AM
mouse wheel doesn't work for me anymore. anyone els have this?
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07-08-2009 , 10:12 AM
So.... this was tested... and approved... BY WHAT?
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07-08-2009 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Zach6668
With respect to the HH replayer, all I had to do was restart the client and it worked.
This got mine working as well. Thanks.
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 10:13 AM
I haven't even played a hand yet on the new update, but I opened an observed table just to see what looked different and already there are huge problems. On any hand when the first card comes out for the deal the table freezes up. I close it and reopen just to see the same thing.

This is not looking good.
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07-08-2009 , 10:13 AM
im actually quite pleased
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07-08-2009 , 10:15 AM
It's not nice to be made an unwilling beta tester. I'd rather be treated just like an ordinary customer.

All my mods have gone and I took hours to make them on two machines. That's just poor...and there's no excuse.

HEM and Shortcuts have also gone.

How can this be an improvement?

Roll it back and let's get back to where we were when everything worked and we were all happy.
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 10:18 AM
Why you actually spend time pissing everyone off instead of doing things people actually want is beyond me. What makes you think people want you guys to destroy their mods? I didn't accidentally mod my FTP.
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 10:19 AM
Really, just give us back the old version, you can continue to tinker with your garbage, and try to slowly release it back to us ( with improvements ) in smaller update doses...

To unleash this all at once, is just such crap!

Ok, I am going to leave this thread for a bit...I do not tilt at the tables ( well, I would now, if I played on them in the condition they are in ) but even looking at this thread now is pissing me off royal.
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07-08-2009 , 10:22 AM
cashed out, bye fulltilt.
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07-08-2009 , 10:22 AM
The old card design seems to appear if I make the game window huge. But why would I want to do this?
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 10:24 AM
HEM-HUD, FullTilt Shortcuts, and Mods all gone?!?!?!! Seriously, this is a ridiculous slap in the face to all the people who grind on FTP.

Just bring back the old version for the love of God. The new cards are absolutely ridiculous.
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 10:25 AM
Not good at all. Tested it playing one table and quickly realized that:

1) Severe lag...several times the bet/fold/call buttons were visible even though I couldn't even see my cards

2) Fuzzy cards and screen

3) HEM worked for a while, then just stopped

Other than that, great update (lol). As someone said, who actually beta tested this? No new software will make everybody happen - that's just the nature of the beast - but FTP really ought to shelve this thing until they get it right.
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07-08-2009 , 10:27 AM
Solution to HH problem: simply exit FTP client and restart

Q: Sorry for noob question, but what are mods exactly?
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07-08-2009 , 10:28 AM
This update is pure crap on many levels.

Mods not working, the cards are weird and its freezing up on me here and there.

Also I like the fact that they are trying to prevent so much datamining and all. But I would assume there has to be some middle ground here somewhere. I am not asking to be able to sit with my computer open all day with 18 tables. But to be allowed either a certain cap on number of observed hands that can be written or certain amount of hands on a given table.

First they changed the lobby which screwed up my fish pool. I took off a chunk of my roll because of this change. Now with this update the rest is likely to go as well.

I just don't have a reason to play there. The games aren't soft and with game selection and multitabling more difficult than before. I might as well go to some smaller softer site because Full Tilt offers nothing more than them to me.

FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by ggnoobs
mouse wheel doesn't work for me anymore. anyone els have this?
Originally Posted by StreamlineR
the scroll button of my mouse doesn't work like it used to, before i just had to scroll to change the betsizing, now i have to click on the slider before i can scroll this is incredibly annoying and i only play 2-3 tables of hu, I can't even imagine how this will affect big multitablers.

this is really really disappointing
Originally Posted by Zach6668

Clicking on the table no longer automatically selects the number in the bet sizing bar, so I have to go through and highlight it myself instead of just clicking and hitting my keyboard.

I'm sure there are more problems than that, I just played for half an hour and had to quit because of how awful this is.

You've made a very good client incredibly less efficient, and I don't see a single thing that benefits me in the least.
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by The Donator
If this wasn't an Iron Man bonus month I'd just ****ing quit.
And as soon as I clear my boinus I'm gone as well. Of course, I was going to leave anyway as I'm one of those stuck without rakeback. Now I'm not even sure it's worth sticking to my original plan of only playing FT in Jan, Jun, Jul, and Dec for mid-year and year-end bonuses.
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