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FTP Answers 10/14 FTP Answers 10/14

11-25-2008 , 01:32 PM
Sure it is, they don't have the manpower for a call center and with how much it would cost to have one they would never do it.
FTP Answers 10/14 Quote
11-25-2008 , 01:42 PM
You're missing the point. FTP have higher profit margins than most places with call centers. It's not unrealistic for them to start one. It's even less unrealistic for them to start one that caters for their top N players. It's not that I expect them to start one, but when you make a statement like that it's like you're saying it's okay that they don't have one. It's not okay, it's just a fact.
FTP Answers 10/14 Quote
