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Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars

12-29-2012 , 12:57 AM
It seems quite a few of the regs who benefit the most from bop want to keep it, i are shocked.
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-29-2012 , 05:36 AM
I don't benefit from BOP at this moment, and even I can see that the proposed promotions are in no way a decent replacement for BOP.

Many of reasons have been given already itt, it's definitely a good development for stars (at least short time), it 'll cost them less than bop in it's current state, chances are they might even profit from it.

Just promote BOP more, maybe tweak it a little bit but their should at least be some kind of leaderboard per BI level (per game?) where players can win some money. And also do something for HU/5050/45+ sngs.
That way the regs are happy, just like they were with BOP, which in fact was the whole idea of it if I understand correctly.

The other promo's could still be run to attract recs, and like I already said stars would pbb benifit from these promos either way.

I feel like this thread is a way for stars to announce bad changes and try to make them look as good as possible. Can't to see if this thread is opened to really listen to the community.
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-29-2012 , 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by Mecastyles
While I think its a good idea in theory I dont think it will work. Part of the problem with BOP is its too confusing, and this, well its more confusing IMO. I rather see bop back for 3 random months in the year then this IMO.
Perhaps you missed the part about Stars trying to include *all* sng players not just those who have chosen to grind the games that currently qualify for BOP prizes.
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-29-2012 , 06:34 AM
I think the promo's schould be for more money. Now, everything they put into the promo's goes to regs and gets cashed out. If they do a reload with tickets, everything stays at pokerstars. Though i like the promo's, they should be for like 2x the money bop is.
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-29-2012 , 09:21 AM
keep the BOP for high stakes players, obv should have a leaderboard for hight stake husng players as well
cut the freeroll shootout and run those promotions for micro-mid stakes sng should be a nice way to go.

And please be more generous in refunding those tickets!!!
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12-29-2012 , 09:27 AM
Promotion two seems very poorly thought out. Isn't it bad for the poker ecosystem to have top sng players at micro and low stakes?
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12-29-2012 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Craggoo
Perhaps you missed the part about Stars trying to include *all* sng players not just those who have chosen to grind the games that currently qualify for BOP prizes.
Perhaps you forgot how to read entire posts
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-30-2012 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by Mecastyles
Perhaps you forgot how to read entire posts
Perhaps you missed this part of OP. I'll refresh you.

Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve

Three main goals of the change are to:
1) Give all Sit & Go players an opportunity to benefit from our Sit & Go promotions
Do you know what "all" means or do I need to define it for you?
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-30-2012 , 04:23 AM
I like 1 and 4 (happy hours might increase the late night traffic when it gets awful quite)
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12-30-2012 , 07:21 AM
maybe have top 9 in each bop play a sng with a pro at end of month

Last edited by champstone; 12-30-2012 at 07:27 AM.
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-30-2012 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by dombomain
i dont post much... but having completed sne 3 years in a row.. i figured id share a few words on how i feel on this issue..

first off people always talk about how everything is hindered to the high stakes players and players who put in the most volume... but when you think about it... why shouldn't it be? Even though it really is not.. We give stars the most rake out of anyone. rake does not add up from nowhere... All supernova elite grinders sit in front of their computer screen for countless hours, and work their butts off to complete whichever vpp goals for the year

So why cant we get something we actually want one time? i have spoke to many sne sng grinders, and not one player has been happy about this possible change. First off games are so hard, and if we can somehow manage to make an extra 5k(or more)per year.. we look forward to this and kind of count on it when figuring out what we think our yearly profits will be. So why change something that is working?

I totally understand how the current bop might not appeal to the recreational and small stakes players. So why not just implement this new system to these stakes, and leave the current bop the way it is to the two divisions over $100. Some might argue to also leave in the $60 dollar level which i would agree on as well. Think its time you really should listen to your higher volume players.

I only play on stars for the last 3 years or so exclusively because I feel like you are the best option, and always make decisions based on what the players want. To date I never had a problem with anything and never once questioned anything. So when I do its because it is for a strong reason.

On this issue though, you should really reconsider, as none of your top rake contributors want this new bop change. Just keep things the way they been for a while now for the high stake players. Then implement the new system with all other players.
Dom that's all well and good saying that but what would you do regarding the triple shootout?are you suggesting removing that completely (because obviously a vast proportion of that field is from the low stakes players) or would you rather it be a 6 max triple shootout kinda thing which would only require 216 players?
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-30-2012 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by lambonali
+1 dombomain

Do not get rid of bop! The new promotions aren't even close to a suitable replacement. The small amount of money pokerstars will be saving isn't worth what they will be losing. Personally I play hundreds of extra games just to finish blocks of 100 most weeks. I'm assuming many others do the same. Bop just needs to be added to and promoted more.
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-30-2012 , 09:42 AM
I currently have 21 BOP TSO tickets. I would be interested to know what the $value of all tickets in the player pool currently is, and what $value of tickets is estimated to be written off as a result of the $0 value for tickets of players holding >5 tickets. How would this alter the relative value offered by the planned promotions vis-à-vis Battle of the Planets minus TSO ticket write offs.

From a personal standpoint, I will lose a lot of money from this. The balancing of bonuses can be debated for and against from varying perspectives, but short-changing those who succeeded the most on the active promotion seems unfair from any perspective. Why not just calculate the average value of a BOP TSO ticket and credit that amount for each ticket that was not used, or charge a more modest vig for the non-use of a ticket. I'm sure the effective vig for myself and others is absurd, in the region of 90%+. Even 20-33% would represent a vast $ difference ($1000-1500).
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-30-2012 , 10:08 AM
removing bop is a big mistake. Stars should feel bad doing this.
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-30-2012 , 11:51 AM
Hello, I have to agree with everyone saying removing BOP is a big mistake (huge). Even with all those promotions it's never worth.

One more thing, HU hypers players already have the most traffic on sngs and I don't see any logic reason for them to be complaining. They pay the lower rake among all the sng players too. I lolz at them .

Last point: BOP is a great promotion because it rewards both fish and regs, due to the high variance of 20 games blocks and 100 games. Maybe promoting it would be much better, cause since I play on Stars I never see BOP being promoted anywhere. Fish need to be rewarded because without them regs can't survive. And regs need to be rewarded because without them Pokerstars can't survive. ***Most truly sentence ever resuming the all time poker system economy***

Last edited by itsgod; 12-30-2012 at 12:10 PM.
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-30-2012 , 12:14 PM
I'd hate to see BOP go. I remember when I first started playing, I accidentaly found out about BOP (because of poor advertisement) and it motivated me to play more and try to get in the top 10. It was so important at the beginning, and I'm sure it still is for some players who are just starting. It's also important for regs of course and it makes us play many more tables per week.

BOP leaderboard is a weekly promotion and you guys are suggesting replacing a weekly promotion (52 weeks) with six or seven promotions for the entire year? I don't see the logic there. Some of them sound good at first, specially number three and four, but to play in a golden sng one would have to be so lucky and then you'd have to cash in it, so the percentages are not good at all. Having a happy hour sounds good as well but from the experience that some people had at FTP, it will just be a massive regfest.

In my opinion, keep BOP but give more and better advertisement for it. Also include some of the other promotions but definately don't eliminate the weekly leaderboard and the prizes. With the fortune that Pokerstars is making nowadays this seems like a punishment for the regs.
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12-30-2012 , 11:22 PM
Guys I am happy that we are all united in saving BOP, but the argument that any extra tickets are worth anything is just straight up wrong. (I discussed why a while back.) Once you realize that, you'll be grateful for any payout for them.
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-31-2012 , 12:47 AM
I would hate to see BOP go too. I would not mind it if the shootout no longer existed, but taking away a leaderbord is a no-go imo.
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12-31-2012 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by itsgod
HU hypers players already have the most traffic on sngs and I don't see any logic reason for them to be complaining. They pay the lower rake among all the sng players too.
The rake in hyper is lower just bc the edge is so small. And HU hypers contribute a ton of rakes for PS but lack any promotions so far.
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12-31-2012 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by itsgod
HU hypers players already have the most traffic on sngs and I don't see any logic reason for them to be complaining. They pay the lower rake among all the sng players too.
Nobody can be this dumb can they?
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-31-2012 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by Craggoo
Nobody can be this dumb can they?
just get out
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-31-2012 , 06:24 AM
I will be very sad to see BOP go.
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-31-2012 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Mecastyles
just get out
Great post. What you going to do next... tell me to go get a life?
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
12-31-2012 , 08:06 PM
Happy Hour - is cool, but it is something unique to Full Tilt, I'm not sure it is a good idea to replicate this promo on Stars exactly.
Feedback Requested: Possible Sit & Go Promotions Changes on PokerStars Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:20 AM
Happy hours sound good.
Have you guys ever thought of expanding the registration lobbies to
have multiple regging like FTP?
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