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Do I owe Eurolinx 0k? Do I owe Eurolinx 0k?
View Poll Results: Do I owe them $100,000 or do they need to pay me my $145,000 prior to me paying them?
Yes, pay them the $100,000
182 58.52%
No, wait for them to wire you your $145,000
129 41.48%

04-09-2008 , 03:11 AM
Im going against the grain on this one. IF all the details in this thread are true then Im with OP. **** them, they made him play the same game earlier, so now its on them to do the same. I dont know anything about them, but it does seem pretty fishy they way it all happened, so it wouldnt shock me if it was some freeroll. Dude is obviously a huge ass whale, so the money isny an issue, its the principle of the thing, and I agree with him.
04-09-2008 , 03:22 AM
OP, hypothetically, if Eurolinx admits they were simply stalling you and had in fact not initiated the wire transfer, would you pay them back?
04-09-2008 , 03:27 AM

I think you are right here.

If its all true what you're telling us, Eurolinx never wanted to pay you. So i see no reason to pay them. If somebody tried to scam me, i almost never would pay him anything if i owned him.

I think its ridiculous that some people are making jokes and stuff about this serious mather. This should be a serious forum but its getting worse and worse.
04-09-2008 , 03:45 AM
I'm with Alobar. After reading this thread it sounds like Eurolinx ****ed you. The fact that they want you to pay the 100k, THEN they will talk about giving you your bonus is beyond sketchy. They are basically doing what you initially wanted to do, but flipping it for them. I'm not sure what country you live in and what the ramifications would be, but if they do not provide evidence that they weren't slow rolling you, then I wouldn't pay.
04-09-2008 , 03:49 AM
And also,

Don't take your poll serious, people just click something without reading, never take polls seriously.
04-09-2008 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by Masera
And also,

Don't take your poll serious, people just click something without reading, never take polls that dont contain the 'bastard' option seriously.
04-09-2008 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by BigRounder72
Im seeing that as more and more of the facts come out (and the prolonged silence by Eurolinx), the poll numbers are beginning to lean towards me not paying them,

Originally Posted by BigRounder72
Out of curiousity, are there any posters that originally (yesterday) voted for me to pay Eurolinx $100k, and have since rethough their position or if option 2 had read:

No, wait for them to wire you your $145,000 or show proof that they had begun to process the wire for $145,000

would have selected option 2?
04-09-2008 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by Tryptamean
OP, hypothetically, if Eurolinx admits they were simply stalling you and had in fact not initiated the wire transfer, would you pay them back?
Most likely, NO.

I was told too many times that it was in route, and the day it would arrive.
04-09-2008 , 05:23 AM
There has been so many new facts since the OP that i think that you should make a new poll in a new OP that has all the facts in one place. So far people have voted right after they have only read the first post in this thread (at least I did). You should also put different options in that pole.

At this point I think that you should pay them the 51k (100k – 49k bonus). And after the new facts I think that one can defend the position of not paying a lot better.
04-09-2008 , 05:29 AM
Here is a chat I just had with the poor, hapless support rep at Eurolinx at 11:00AM (Maltese time):

Patrick: Hello. How may I assist you? Yes, may I chat with the manager or supervisor
Patrick: One second please, may I ask who this is please? George Bush
Patrick: Could you give me your username? don't have one yet
Patrick: Ok, I'll be with you in a sec. and i want to make you aware of a thread going around on a poker forum, that puts your site in a bad lite Would you like the link to it? so you can defend yourselves?
Patrick: I'm afraid that our manager is not in the office at the moment. so, your manager is the only one that i should notify of this thread? Would you like me to give you the link to it? Isn't there a supervisor in the office now? Isn't it 11AM?
Patrick: It is, but if it is our manager you would like to speak to, he is not in at the moment. I don't really want to speak with anyone, I was thinking of opening an account, but I read this thread that they refused to pay a customer $145k, and it got me a bit nervous. Now, the fact that you don't have a manager or supervisor on duty in the middle of the day, that's a bit concerning as well.
Patrick: Well, you seem to want to talk to the manager, and he is not in at the moment
Patrick: I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do about that. So are you aware of this thread at twoplustwo?
Patrick: I am, yes. why hasn't Eurolinx rebutted this hogwash!
Patrick: Because as you said, it's hogwash - it needs no rebuttal. Yes, but people are starting to believe it, because they're saying "since Eurolinx hasn't rebutted it, it must be true". I'm sure it's all hogwash, but you guys need to get on there and repudiate those claims
Patrick: Well that's not really my call, but if it were I wouldn't bother. I see
Patrick: I guess it's up to my manager to look into that. has he been made aware of this matter?
Patrick: I couldn't say for sure, I would have to check it out with him.
Patrick: But as I pointed out he is not in and may not be in for the rest of the day. I see thank you for your time, and you've cleared everything up for me...I'm going to immediately open an account, and I'd like you to credit me $250,000 and I'll send the money in later, ok?
Patrick: I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do that without my manager's permission. So, your manager would be able to approve a credit line of $250,000 for me? Or would I need to start with a smaller limit, say, $100,000?
Patrick: I wouldn't be able to vouch for that I'm afraid, but if it is at all possible, it would be entirely his call. So, what do I need to send in to apply for a $250,000 limit?
Patrick: So at this stage the only thing I can tell you is to leave me a contact address and he would get back to you in this regard.
Patrick: Unfortunately I can do nothing for you at this stage, sorry. Copies of my financial statements, couple years tax years, bank statements? credit i could start getting the documents ready Or do I just need to win $100,000, and I'll automatically qualify for a $250,000 line, no docs?
Patrick: Again, sorry. This is nothing I can help you with.
Patrick: Give me a contact address, and you could discuss this with my manager. I'll pm him at twoplustwo later Good bye
04-09-2008 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by Iq75
There has been so many new facts since the OP that i think that you should make a new poll in a new OP that has all the facts in one place. So far people have voted right after they have only read the first post in this thread (at least I did). You should also put different options in that pole.

At this point I think that you should pay them the 51k (100k – 49k bonus). And after the new facts I think that one can defend the position of not paying a lot better.

I agree 100%. What should i do, just start a new thread with a new poll? I'm a newbie, so i apologize for my ignorance.

What choices would you suggest?

Last edited by BigRounder72; 04-09-2008 at 05:34 AM. Reason: Add the line: What choices would you suggest?
04-09-2008 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by BigRounder72
I agree 100%. What should i do, just start a new thread with a new poll? I'm a newbie, so i apologize for my ignorance.
Oh FFS, please don't. One poll is quite enough. I've said it before, I'll say it again, the fact that you claim to be making a $100K decision based on the opinions of 500 people you don't know just boggles the mind.
04-09-2008 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by Masera
I think its ridiculous that some people are making jokes and stuff about this serious mather. This should be a serious forum but its getting worse and worse.
04-09-2008 , 06:13 AM
Question for BigRounder72: How did you get so filthy rich?
04-09-2008 , 06:15 AM
If the OP is telling the truth I would not pay them. You cannot simply cancel a wire transfer after so many days. The site would be lying on this one and the most likely scenario is that that had never made the transfer.

Do I believe the OP's story? No.
04-09-2008 , 06:40 AM
Pretty sure I would have better things to do than respond to every post in a huge 2p2 thread over 100k if I lost 4 mil gambling this year.
04-09-2008 , 07:11 AM
high stakes prop bet to see if you can get 500 people to respond to a poll in a week?
04-09-2008 , 07:37 AM
The lawsuit from the processor against Eurolinx is the most damning piece of evidence in this thread. It leads me to believe they were not going to pay the OP, but of course we'll never know.

I think its funny that they won't let you send just 100k minus the bonus (51k) instead they say to send the whole amount and THEN they'll wire the 49k back. Isn't that the same thing as you asked them to do by sending the $145k and then you'll send them $245k? I mean, Its not exactly the same but its sure close.

Regardless of the results here it at least gives everybody a heads up on this possibly shady organization.
04-09-2008 , 07:45 AM
LOL at everyone who responded, "if what the OP is saying is true then..." leveled.
04-09-2008 , 07:47 AM
Nice title change. OP's story had too many holes (I still can't wrap myself around the cash advance thing from a poker site) and imo, it's clear he owes Euro money despite their intentions of paying him.
04-09-2008 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by BigRounder72
Well, it looks like the overwhelming response of the readers (13-1) is I should pay them the $100,000, even though, when I won, they never paid me.

But you didn't win. You almost won, but then you lost. See the difference? Its really a math issue.
04-09-2008 , 08:07 AM
04-09-2008 , 08:27 AM
The more serious/interesting question that everyone (including me) seems to be ignoring is :

If someone was scamming you, and never intended to pay you a penny even if you won, do you have an obligation to pay him if you lose? I think not, but we can't tell if that's what happened here.

The underlying issue has been quite well hidden by OP's incredible degeneracy. I mean, if they were giving you the run around about the 150K, why would you even want to wager another penny? The only thing that could happen is you would lose!!! if they were stiffing you for 150 K, your supposed 130 IQ should have told you that they would stiff you for 300K if given the chance.

Now, there is no way to tell whether they were doing what pretty much all casinos do to blackjack high rollers (ie offer them pretty much anything to get them to keep playing until the inevitable happens) or if you were indeed being "freerolled." Your own stupidity prevents us from ever having a conclusive answer to that question.

Pay em, don't pay, I don't care. It sounds like they are shady and you are beyond redemption.
04-09-2008 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by El_Hombre_Grande
The more serious/interesting question that everyone (including me) seems to be ignoring is :

If someone was scamming you, and never intended to pay you a penny even if you won, do you have an obligation to pay him if you lose? I think not, but we can't tell if that's what happened here.
there are a couple of idiots i know who are just like this. dudes A and B decide to bet with each other on the results of NBA basketball games. after the season is over, player A is up $3,000. he wants the money but player B is not paying.

Lots of time goes by without payment, and A and B decide that they are now going to bet on the results of the football season. Player B gets hot and wins a total of $7,000, putting himself up $4,000. Player B now starts coming to player A's house constantly, asking for the money, calling him, bugging him.

Player A decides he's not paying the $4,000 because B never had the intention of paying the $3,000 from basketball season. This stalemate heats up until finally the two run into each other at a bar and brawl out in the street in front.

In conclusion: they are both ******s. stop gambling so much, its bad for you. you have no honor. you are a degenerate.
04-09-2008 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Suigin406
Nice title change. OP's story had too many holes (I still can't wrap myself around the cash advance thing from a poker site) and imo, it's clear he owes Euro money despite their intentions of paying him.
FWIW I can think of at least 5 players I know well who can get virtually unlimited credit from poker sites.

I think OP should ship the site 51k and shut his account.

And we should thank him for illustrating that Eurolinx is a shady site and not to be trusted.
