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Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software

10-30-2014 , 10:07 PM
I too am looking at moving from stars.

Is 888 no2 these days ahead of ipoker and party. Haven'treally followed the goings on much for a few years.
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
10-30-2014 , 10:18 PM
i'm interested also with the latest stars scam i'm looking a decent site, the thing that tilts me most is the software design, its so hard to grind i love a clean cut take design to grind on aswell as offering a decent RB scheme.
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
10-30-2014 , 10:28 PM
888 has more "scams" than stars
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
10-31-2014 , 04:29 AM
Lol at stars scams, euro sites invented thee scams stars are now employing

888 had been raping on conversation fees for years and still has the highest rake in the business with the worse rewards
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
10-31-2014 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
888 had been raping on conversation fees for years and still has the highest rake in the business with the worse rewards

And u still have a much higher winrate on 888 compared to Stars
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
10-31-2014 , 06:36 AM
it is a start, after all
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-03-2014 , 04:07 PM
the biggest three issues i found so far are theese:

1. If your software steals the input focus, it should also call the Windows API SetForegroundWindow. What happened to me was, while I was logging in to another site, that was covering up my full screen, the 888 software "stole" the input focus. I typed in the password, because at first sight I did not see that it did happen. Actually what I typed in, went into an 888 table chat still below the other sites window. That sucks and can easily be prevented by using SetForegroundWindow if a table grabs the input focus.

2. Then I tried to change the password (i used the same password for both sites before), but the process was browser based and did not work with my old IE version. If this important process is browser based it should be tested against all browsers/versions. Maybe it is better to do password changes in the application and not over web. What worked for me, was to logout/logon and then use the "Forgot Password" button. This way, the application handles it and not some webpage. So the functionality is already there.

3. The lobby should definitely somehow display the tournaments that you have registered to differently. Changing the status from "Registration open" into "Registered" would do the job. Should not be complicated either. It is bad if you have to go through all the tournaments listed and wait for the button on the right side to either display "Register" or "Unregister" just to know where you have previously registered to.

Last edited by AnotherMakiavelli; 11-03-2014 at 04:28 PM.
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-03-2014 , 04:40 PM
I have seen that the tournaments you are registered to change the background color in the list, from a dark grey into a dark blue. That is barely visible.
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-04-2014 , 01:59 AM
add hu ktx
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-04-2014 , 02:41 AM
I'm also considering changing sites.

How's the rake on 888 compared to PS, for nl50 - nl200? Is there an up-to-date chart somewhere, comparing sites?

Does 888 offer good rakeback deals? (I dont care about deposit bonuses)
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-04-2014 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by anuj22

OP made some very good points something your site needs to improve and instead you end up offering your deposit bonus
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-04-2014 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by elendil200
888 have had their chance. i deposited on their site recently. wow, what a piece of crap it is.
It always amazes me to see how these sites seem to show little initiative. No wonder PS holds all the traffic, the competitors put no effort into improving their software, service, deals..

They seem to be content picking up the bread crumbs Pokerstars leaves behind. They show no desire to become a valid competitor - happy grinding the micros, while PS makes the real money.

PS actually seems to care (tho not so much, anymore) about the players, and about constantly improving. Their tenacity, that's why they're #1. Why can't these competitors learn from this? When I try the software these other sites have to offer, I want to busto and be done with it, and the rakeback isn't even good.

Last edited by sacha.d; 11-04-2014 at 03:02 AM.
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-04-2014 , 03:09 AM
softtware?? how about decreasing rake from 4$ to industry standard 3$

dunno why 888 is considered a competition from a rake standard of view tbh, they are even worse,...

i mean i get how everyone is mad about stars rake increase but imo they still have the best offer by a wide margin...

they were not just able to increase rake because of their monopoly status (still a major factor obv) but also because the rest of the industry is charging like mad

888 f.e.: 4$ rake cap on 6max games for a long long time now which is an absolute rip off considering the rest of their vip program and also high conversion fees for those who do not know how to get around them

party: also capping their vip tiers, capping their limits

ipoker: great under the table deals but no action except for bots

+ all 3: the lack of a mass multi table compatible software (as this thread is about, i just wanted to add the rest of the infrastructure isnt able to compete as well)

Last edited by eule; 11-04-2014 at 03:27 AM.
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-04-2014 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by omnishakira

pokerstars increase the rake and so why not turning to the biggest scummy rakefest piece of **** poker site
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-04-2014 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by khanrava
OP- The first thing you list for 888 to change... is avatar selection?
To be fair, it's pretty bad and it's also putting me off.
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-04-2014 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by cbt
They don't deserve it if they're too dumb to get these or other changes done.

Just like all the other pack of sites. Amaya is betting on their idiocity and it is a great bet.
My thoughts exactly.
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-04-2014 , 09:47 PM
888 please, now is your chance don't let it go to waste.
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-04-2014 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by eule
softtware?? how about decreasing rake from 4$ to industry standard 3$

dunno why 888 is considered a competition from a rake standard of view tbh, they are even worse,...

i mean i get how everyone is mad about stars rake increase but imo they still have the best offer by a wide margin...

they were not just able to increase rake because of their monopoly status (still a major factor obv) but also because the rest of the industry is charging like mad

888 f.e.: 4$ rake cap on 6max games for a long long time now which is an absolute rip off considering the rest of their vip program and also high conversion fees for those who do not know how to get around them

party: also capping their vip tiers, capping their limits

ipoker: great under the table deals but no action except for bots

+ all 3: the lack of a mass multi table compatible software (as this thread is about, i just wanted to add the rest of the infrastructure isnt able to compete as well)
honestly i don't understand how the sites are run so bad. I mean its easy to say if i was in their shoes id do it better so i assume there are restrictions they have to deal with in some respect halting progress. But....damn, they all need a LOT of improving.
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-05-2014 , 04:10 AM
You believe sites want to cater for the regs
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-05-2014 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
add hu ktx
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-05-2014 , 08:07 AM
The software on all of these ******ed sites is designed to deter regs, not encourage them...I believe. That can only be the reason for a such a gross level of incompetence in 21st century gaming.
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-11-2014 , 02:57 AM
sent 888 a long email with my suggestions last night. glad im not the only one
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-11-2014 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
add hu ktx
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-16-2014 , 02:13 PM
* Outlaw seat scripting
* Outlaw camping
* Fix connection problems

These 3 things are terrible for the games.

Just imagine a rec depositing on 888 for the first time and sits down at pl$1k, table instantly and strangely fills automatically in a non-human way. Then software disconnects every 10 minutes.
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
11-16-2014 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by PlsFold
Dear 888poker - Now is your chance. Here are some changes you need to make to your software Quote
