Hello.My name is Adam.I am registered here to tell a story about intertops affiliate manager.
11.03.2016 - I was registered through one of the affiliate to INTERTOPS.EU.Before registering(as always) i cleaned my cookies and cashes.After that i go through the link to intertops.eu and registered my account . After that affiliate agent add my username to affiliate account. 09.04!!!!!! i got an email from my affiliate that i am not tagged to it.
- I am contacting you concerning your Intertops account.
I regret to inform you that your account is not properly tagged to PokerVIP. What I believe the reason behind is you not clearing cache and cookies prior to creating the account via our link. I am very sorry, as this does not go to our favour either, but this is what we received from Intertops.
As i was sure that i did all corect i contacted intertops through the chat(I have a copy OF CHATS whicH they send to ME )
HERE is a part of chats
- Visitor: i am 100% created account from pokervip so i need you confirmation
Gail: Yes, I have just check your account and everything is set. Your poker account seems to be fine.
Gail: And your affiliate codes are listed as well.
Gail: checked*
Visitor: so yuo can confirm my account is created through pokervip
Gail: Yes
And part of conversation with another agent
[11:11:07 AM] Visitor: it was my previous chat with intertops
[11:12:01 AM] James: Thank you very much for this information.
[11:12:07 AM] James: Are you able to hold for less than a minute?
[11:12:26 AM] James: Thank you for holding.
[11:12:37 AM] Visitor: yes
[11:13:37 AM] James: We can confirm that you signed up through a VIP link. However we must confirm with your affiliate to ensure that you signed up through pokerVIP affiliate. We will have an update for you within 24 hours.
So both agent confirm that i tagged correct!!!!
12.04.2016 - i got email from my affiliate
1) Intertops claim that you are tagged to another affiliate as shown here:
2) For most operators they will not reassign affiliate tags - otherwise the hard work put in by affiliates to acquire players won't be rewarded.
3) It's in our interest to have you tagged to us - it's not a matter that we don't want you tagged or anything like that. Ultimately this is what drives the business.
4) It's very common for operator live chat agents to have no idea about affiliate programs. It's a separate section of the business.
You should be aware that there are certain things that can interfere with tracking e.g. there maybe tracking cookies from another affiliate on your computer which tag your account to them and not us or you might have gone through an SEO link and not a PokerVIP link. As I say it's in our best interests to have you tracked to us - so I don't understand why you would suggest otherwise.
The facts as I see it are the following:
1) InterTops claim you are tracked to another affiliate.
2) They won't move the tag.
3) As such it's not possible to be involved in exclusive promos for our players, as you are not tracked to us.
As you can read here
http://prntscr.com/ara0bx INTERTOPS AFFILITE MANAGER said that i TRACKED TO ANOTHER AFFILIATE!!!!!!
Got only one answer from him today morning
So he can answer the questions openly and explain why my account was not tagged to the affiliate ( AS HE SAID)
Do not move like cheater .Give me a simple answer. It is only one word.Give me a name of affiliate TO WHICH I TAGGED