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Canadians Using Moneybookers help Canadians Using Moneybookers help

10-16-2009 , 07:12 PM
moneybooker is giving me a lot of **** for transferring from my mom's account to my account. They are asking her what our relationship is,blocking my mom's account for verification,asking her what is her purpose for using MB,activities pursued?
3) What is your connection to the private email address holders with which you have exchanged payment transactions and what is their purpose?
my mom answered it's her son, and the other is the online gambling merchant
what is everybody's experiences transferring 5-10k around?Why are the so anal? also i heard people had their accounts closed before?

Last edited by DitMeMay; 10-16-2009 at 07:19 PM.
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
10-18-2009 , 08:03 PM
Transaction rejected by your bank - probable reason is the "gaming" description sent to your bank. We recommend you to contact your bank directly and communicate the issue with them.

hm, anyone have this problem with TD visa? They wont do anything to accept gaming transactions, does this mean I cant use moneybookers?

edit: 'I will use the money deposited with this credit/debit card for GAMING purposes' I obviously have this checked. what will happen if i uncheck and proceed?
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
10-19-2009 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by shogun88
'I will use the money deposited with this credit/debit card for GAMING purposes' I obviously have this checked. what will happen if i uncheck and proceed?
If you uncheck it MB won't let you transact with gambling sites.
I'm doubt if you can check and uncheck at will.
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
10-20-2009 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fat
Titan has one of the worst iPoker VIP deals last time I checked.
You posted this in June, did they change the VIP after your post or before?
They claim to have the best VIP program (ldo) and it really does seem good but im wondering if they are exaggerating with the calculator like Stars does.

Anyone play there and can comment on their vip program?
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
04-30-2010 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by shogun88
Transaction rejected by your bank - probable reason is the "gaming" description sent to your bank. We recommend you to contact your bank directly and communicate the issue with them.

hm, anyone have this problem with TD visa? They wont do anything to accept gaming transactions, does this mean I cant use moneybookers?

edit: 'I will use the money deposited with this credit/debit card for GAMING purposes' I obviously have this checked. what will happen if i uncheck and proceed?
Hi, first post in a few years
TD, Royal Bank etc has implemented some UIGEA rules on VISA cards just recently. They consider Moneybookers related to gambling and don't allow VISA deposits to Moneybookers.
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
04-30-2010 , 02:15 AM
Haven't played poker since '06ish. Starting off with a free $25 for just signing up with Pacific Poker, I worked my way up to 6-tabling 2/4 limit. It payed for my engineering degree and then some back in the day...

I want to pick up No Limit starting from a tiny bankroll and grind+learn my way up.

I am scared of my bank Roy@l B@nk of C@nada closing my account as I have heard before on these forums happened before.

1) What is the best way to deposit some cash to Moneybrokers without this occurring?
2) How much does this method cost? ($35 CDN for a wire?)
3) Can I use International Remittance?
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
04-30-2010 , 04:11 AM
If you are using RBC then you should try depositing with eChecks, an electronic transfer from your checking account.

CIBC and BMO currently allow online gambling should you choose to open an account with them.
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
11-24-2010 , 10:57 PM
Anyone requested a check via moneybookers here in Canada? been 10 days and nothing
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
11-24-2010 , 11:10 PM
I have but I don't remember how long it took. It was more than a week but not too much more. I wouldn't be concerned yet.

Also wasn't it President's Day -- not sure what that means but you might have lost a day because of it.
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
11-24-2010 , 11:29 PM
Anybody know what prepaid ccs will work for a deposit? PM me if needed.
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
09-15-2013 , 03:04 AM
I opened a BMO bank account both in USD and CAD. I deposited 5k usd cash into it so i could get this money on stars. I created a moneybooker acct and it shows a $1300 limit or so until my bank account get verified.

When looking at my account, there seems to be 2 ways to get money from canadian usd bank account. Bank transfer or debit/credit card. Is that correct?

The thing that confuses me a lot is it shows the bank transfer option as free and says it takes 3-5 business days. So say i just send 1000 dollars from my bmo usd account to my moneybooker, the reason is being my limit is low at the beginning, how much am i getting charged for it? I see people mention they have to pay 25-35 for it but isn't moneybooker like neteller where you just do a bank transfer from it to moneybooker and its free? Or does it have to be a wire? Im confused b/c it says bank transfer and when i think bank transfer, i think about something like echeck or how neteller was for americans.

If there is a fee, is it a flat fee? Meaning transferring 1000 usd from bmo account cost same amount as 5000 or 50000? Also, wouldn't this need to be done at the bank or it can be done online or through the phone? I was signed up for bank of montreal online banking when i signed up.

Another thing is if there is a fee, is there another fee for intermediary bank? I thought because i brought usd cash into canada, then i could just create a moneybooker account and then transfer my cash from bmo usd into moneybooker usd easily but i guess im wrong about all this?
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
09-25-2013 , 04:17 PM
Can anybody help this guy?
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
09-25-2013 , 06:40 PM
Okay Rainbow Warrior asked me to write a quick detail of what I did to see if there is something I did wrong here in the verification process because right now im thinking it might be or 1 or 2 things I didn't do correctly

- Created bmo usd and cad bank account and deposited usd cash and was given bank atm card, not debit as no expiration date

- Verified with pokerstar my account with the bank statement with my name/address

- Created my moneybooker account 2 weeks ago and made it usd. However, the part where it ask you if you will use this for gambling transactions, i did not answer this question and figure i answer this question later. I cannot find this option again when looking at my account. Could this be the problem? I doubt it b/c i cannot even transfer anything at all. I assume i can answer this question later on somewhere?

- The only verification i did is use my bank of montreal account. However, i just noticed that i put my BMO USD ACCOUNT instead of my BMO CAD ACCOUNT for verifciation. Could this be the reason why i didn't get my bank account verified or there is no small deposit into my bank account?

- Sent an email to mb 2 weeks ago and no response, sent another email 5 days ago and no response and its mentioned i should receive reply in 24 hours but someone said mb is slow with email. I found out from a few others they dont even bother responding to emails.

- I did not use a debit/credit card to verify and increase my limit b/c i dont have one. I thought i had a bmo debit card but it doesnt have expiration date so its just an atm card.

- I did not do the address verification b/c im moving to another apartment on october 1st so i thought i do that when i move to the other apartment and others said the bank acct verification should verify account and increase limits.

- My acct limits are shown as 1335 to 1350 every 90 days or so. However, i cannot even get money into mb from bmo. I click upload funds and then it goes to step 2 select your currency but after that, it shows this information

Account holder Moneybookers Ltd
Bank Bank of America N.A.
City/Town London
Country GBR
Account number XXXXXXXX
Sort code 165050
Account currency USD
Reference XXXXXX (= Your Customer ID)

Then i read another thread and someone said the only way to get funds from your canadian usd account to moneybooker usd account is by going to the bank and giving them this information to wire funds there. However, numerous ppl have told me that is not necessary and you can do all this from the computer and home.

Can someone please fill me in on what im doing wrong? I had thought i did nothing wrong and verification just takes long but someone said it could be because i used my bmo USD ACCOUNT to verify instead of bmo CAD ACCOUNT and thats why its not verified and no small deposit into my account?

Thank you.
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
09-25-2013 , 11:52 PM
I would doubt it has anything to do with whether or not you answered the gambling question.

As far as your USD account, I did all my banking with MB with my CIBC USD account so that shouldn't be an issue either. The bank transfer is a wire - when I uploaded funds initially to MB I went to the physical branch and gave them MB's banking information to make the initial wire. I'm not entirely sure if you can do the upload without going to the bank - I've only done the one initial upload. But once I got that set up it was easy to get withdrawals from MB to my USD account - you just enter online how much you want to withdraw and MB sends a wire and charges a couple bucks (which they refund if you're a VIP) so the only charge you get hit with is your bank's fee. Mine I think is $15 and is a flat fee regardless of how much I withdraw.

I don't know why they won't let you do the verification part - if I were you I'd contact Skrill via email or phone - they generally are very quick with their responses but I guess like any company occasionally they get backed up or an email slips through the cracks so I'd follow up with a phone call if they don't respond within 24 hours. If you'd like I'd be happy to ask my contact at Skrill if there's anything he can do to expedite the process - send me a PM with your Skrill email and I'll look into it if you want.

Since your main goal appears to be to get very high limits or remove them completely you can also ask support what you need to provide to have your limits removed. I had a notary certify a copy of my ID (passport) and I think my address as well, and that was good enough for them to remove my limits completely. Again, support should tell you exactly what steps you need to take.

That's the link to their Contact form.

Hope that helped a little bit!

Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
09-26-2013 , 12:36 AM
As an FYI, Americans relocated to Canada is a challenge for Skrill. There is one (maybe two) people specifically that are experts in the Canadian market at Skrill and if you can't come up with a Visa (which is generally the problem) they can advise on what else would help you get your limits removed by meeting their KYC (know your customer) obligations...

Happy to connect anyone to these people if they need help. You can shoot me a PM. Unfortunately, even with my help, Americans relocated to Canada are generally a thorn in Skrill's side.
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
09-26-2013 , 08:29 AM
go 2 an esso and buy uKash from them.
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
09-26-2013 , 08:31 PM
Can I get the Moneybookers credit card from Canada? Does any get it? How it works? thanks
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
09-27-2013 , 12:31 AM
Never heard of such a thing, and I'd be surprised if it exists.

Do you mean the Skrill Prepaid Mastercard? A quick Google search finds me this:
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
09-27-2013 , 01:13 AM
I finally got my limits increased to 20k usd for every 90 days. I will be going to bmo to do the wire transfer to my moneybooker account. I have few other question that i wanted to ask.

1. Did everyone here just did a small deposit at first with moneybooker as oppose to depositing a bigger amount all at once? The person who i signed up skrill with told me its best to just do a test deposit of 100 dollars just to see if it works and then once i do that and it does, then i go do another one for the full amount knowing well that it works. I had rather just deposit the whole 4500 usd at once so i dont need to pay wire fees twice since i kinda feel strange sending a 100 wire for 25 dollars though i definitely understand its best to test it out.

2. Has there been many incidents where a bank wire transfer from your bank to moneybooker never got there and then you couldn't get your money back or it was lost?

3. I know all banks charge a fee for the wire transfer. I use bmo and from reading their site the fee is 15 dollars plus another 10 i think for communication charge which is 25. But i read there is an intermediary fee correct? Does anyone know how much this is?

4. The other last question i have is assuming i have 4500 dollars in my bmo usd account to wire transfer, can i do the full amount and then once the money arrives in my mb account, it would show thus 4455-4475 depending on the fees? Basically can i wire every dollar i have in my bmo usd account or would i need to do only 4450 and have 50 dollars in my bmo account for the wire fees? Not sure if im phrasing this correct but i think most of you know what i mean by this.

Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
09-29-2013 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Never heard of such a thing, and I'd be surprised if it exists.

Do you mean the Skrill Prepaid Mastercard? A quick Google search finds me this:
thanks a lot!, based on the link, it is only for those, who reside in the European Union.
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
09-29-2013 , 08:36 PM
They are starting to offer it to people outside of the EU. I do not know if they are offering it in Canada but I am in Mexico and they offering it here now. Would prob be best to shoot them an email at
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
09-30-2013 , 04:51 AM
Yeah, Skrill now offers a Mastercard to everyone as of about a month ago -- not just the E.U. Pretty nice - and it's completely free.

If you aren't getting a response from or can't figure out how to order one, feel free to PM me.
Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
10-02-2013 , 02:59 AM
Which is the best bank to cashout decent amounts from Moneybookers guys? Also, is it best to create a USD a/c at that bank in addition to the CAD a/c and withdraw from Moneybookers in USD only? Does the fact that it's USD pose any potential risk and make it better to have a Moneybookers in CAD and withdraw to a CAD bank a/c itself (although the Skrill exchange rate kills)?

Canadians Using Moneybookers help Quote
10-03-2013 , 12:38 PM
My bank wire from my bank to moneybooker arrived. When i did the bank wire, i was told i would be charged 25 for the fees and so 25 was deducted from my sent amount. When i received it, another 15 was taken off from my skrill account. I was told by someone that skrill shouldn't charge any fee at all and this should be in my banks end. But my bank already deducted 25 for the bank wire fee so why is another 15 deducted from my account. Is this intermediary fees? I spoke to skrill and they told me i will get a reply back from them but it take few days but told me this most likely has to do with my bank and not skrill?
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