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Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Can UB just confiscate money in your account?

06-15-2010 , 07:57 PM
Hey guys, I know most ppl here dislike UB. But as a long time lurker/very few poster I felt like i should share my experience of UB.
Created an account a few years ago... Few $50--$200 deposits... a few cashouts. Basically a losing player on the site. After a gross sesh on Full tilt I thought i'd deposit $100 on UB and do a bit of gambling to let of some steam. I play a bit of BJ, some roulette... then get bored and decide to put it all on 50c/$1 heads up, sit down stack the first guy I play. he leaves and another sits down... little while later I have a nice $500 stack... wooot.
Start playing some Steps tournies... Win a few.
Decide to put $500 I have in my account on 5/10 heads up (gamble gamble). Get lucky and end up leaving the table with 1800... wooot for me
Go back to playing a steps tournie.. and half way through it says i am disconnected from the server... I close the window and try and open the sng page again with the same result... so i close down UB and log in again. Only to have a message pop up telling me to email secuirty@ultimatebet....
So I do... with no reply.
I try there live chat service. That tell me my account has been perma banned for chip dumping. When asked what evidence they had of this they just copy and pasted a copy of UB policys and procedures. I asked to speak to a manager and was told no there was no need.
Called them directly and spoke to the rudest man, who told me 'I was using a fraudulent credit card' that my account has been permanently banned and it has been sent to the refunds department who will be in contact with me in 15-25 days. When i informed them It was my credit card I was using and i was happy to send them photocopy of drivers licence + Credit card, he simply told me 'there is nothing I can do about this now, that wont help'

Can they just ban my account like that without offering any evidence of this?? When i asked to speak to a manager again I was hung up on!
Any advice on what to do?

Cliff notes:
Had UB account for 2 years never really played
Deposit $100 tonight. degen it up till i get to 1.8k
Half way through sng get kicked off and when i call them they tell me my account has been banned and there is nothing I can do.

advice plz?
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 08:11 PM
One way or another they get your money.
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 08:13 PM
Call them during the day - ask to speak with Security/Fraud.
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 08:14 PM
how did you chip dump are they assuming the people that lost to you is dumping you chips?
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 08:15 PM
Why would they confiscate your money when they can see your cards?
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 08:22 PM
They all can based on the other threads ive seen. but yea from now on keep copies of all transcripts of conversations you have from now on
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 08:23 PM
I did call and ask to speak to the security department.
They were complete idiots and told me that my account has been flagged because of a fraudulant credit card.
They refused to give me any more information about it. They wouldnt tell me if it was during the sng's or the heads up match.
Weather they thought I was colluding or chip dumping.
I asked and kept getting the same response 'you account has been perma banned and there is nothing we can do you will get a response from refunds in 15-22 working days)
Upon asking weather or not getting send to 'refunds' would infact mean i got my money refunded they simply said 'I cannot tell you that'
ummm wtf??

I want answers now or i want them eventually!
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 08:26 PM
how could I be so stupid to even bother playing on that ******ed site. let this be a lesson to all of you!
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 08:26 PM
What is your UB SN?
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by raidmax
Weather they thought I was colluding or chip dumping.
Originally Posted by raidmax
They were complete idiots and told me that my account has been flagged because of a fraudulant credit card.

So they did tell you why they locked your account?
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 09:32 PM
So they tell u "chip dumping" and then say "fraudulent card"? hmmm... do u have the HHs or remeber the SN of the villain u played HU? Maybe villain is the on with a fraudulent card, they figured he dumped the funds on u and now will take the money from ur acc cuz they prolly assume ur working togheter with villain. If u have villain's SN i guess ppl could go on PTR and try to find the hands and ****.

Anyway, call again and bitch about it until they give u some sort of plausibe explation for locking the acc.
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by WOLVER1NE
So they tell u "chip dumping" and then say "fraudulent card"? hmmm... do u have the HHs or remeber the SN of the villain u played HU? Maybe villain is the on with a fraudulent card, they figured he dumped the funds on u and now will take the money from ur acc cuz they prolly assume ur working togheter with villain. If u have villain's SN i guess ppl could go on PTR and try to find the hands and ****.
If your story is accurate then this is the most likely scenario, IMO. Someone probably had a fraudulent card and was dumping chips around either to be a dick or to cover his tracks when he dumped some of it to himself.

Thats why I don't play on anything but Pokerstars, every other site including FT sometimes is varying degrees of shady. I know that doesn't help you now, but on PS. I got scammed in a site2site transfer on PS from some d-bag who hacked someones account and pokerstars refunded him AND me!
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 10:25 PM
Hmm so op took off right after there were requests of his sn?

Surprising? No, not really.

Last edited by reload4me; 06-15-2010 at 10:25 PM. Reason: oh ya and ub is scum regardless
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 10:34 PM
its been 2 hours...
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 10:36 PM
and by the morning it will be 12 hours.
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 10:41 PM
Wonder if we will hear from op again.
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-15-2010 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by raidmax
how could I be so stupid to even bother playing on that ******ed site. let this be a lesson to all of you!

hope you follow up with fraud security dept during buisness hours and let us know what happened. I think op needs to provide smidgeon of more proof .
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-16-2010 , 12:49 AM
MEH, he probably did something wrong hence them taking his money

i've played on that site for awhile and nothing like this has happened to me but i haven't done anything wrong on the site

hmmm, makes you think
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-16-2010 , 01:21 AM
no HHs no screenames, hmmmmm............................. I guess OP doesn't like $$$.
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-16-2010 , 01:34 AM
Yes is the answer
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-16-2010 , 01:50 AM
you did something..
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-16-2010 , 05:43 AM
Yes, just as Pokerstars, FT, PP, ipoker, et al can (and do).

Of course, the more legitimate sites are (sometimes) a little more communicative.
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-16-2010 , 08:13 AM
I think people need to understand this is an unregulated industry (not accountable to anyone). As Wiki said, any one of them can do this.

Fanboys jump in and make it sound like only UB can do this, but anyone can. For whatever reason they feel. Just like they can charge you money for withdrawing your own winnings, etc...

It's buyer beware in online poker.
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-16-2010 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by oldspeedy
I think people need to understand this is an unregulated industry (not accountable to anyone).
Not sure where you get this.

At the very least PS, FT, PP all all regulated by credible government agencies.
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
06-16-2010 , 08:23 AM
Okay, even though I've been here since Feb., I don't know it all (whom would guess?)

But, its been around in different posts - what is a fanboy?
Can UB just confiscate money in your account? Quote
