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Can online players beat B&M games? Can online players beat B&M games?

05-06-2011 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by cocopoco
IMO, one of the biggest transitions is the human interaction. Beyond the obvious chit chat and facial tells.

-The moment you scoop the pot, and the 250 lb thug across the table from you wants to take your head off. Feeling obligated to apologize for winning even though you did nothing wrong.
-Always having one douchebag take an excessive amount of time (1 min+) to make a 10bb call all while staring you down.
-Having to listen to people share their stories about bad beats, their last vegas trip, and countless other things you don't care about.
-Watching some broke middle aged guy with stains on his shirt and old dirty sneakers reach into his pocket for his last $100.00 (comprised of several bills) to rebuy.
-Dealing with old farts in a $60.00 tournament play as if they were in the world series of poker.

The above are just the tip of the iceberg. Some of you may initially enjoy that kind of interaction. For me it's still both annoying and depressing.
Just go to the Taj and play for a weak, if you still love poker after they run you through the badgering, goading, neddleing, cussing, threats, insults, etc. then you can play anywhere.
Can online players beat B&M games? Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:14 AM

You clearly don't get it.

The people winning at .73, .55, .04 (and I'm assuming this is HS Limit 10/20+) will crush HS limit at 5bb+/100.

They obviously are playing in tougher games and 12-24 tabling hurts their win rate.

If UIGEA didn't exist, winrates of 2-4bb/100 would still easily be accessable.

Live poker is a joke compared to online.

Also your example is pretty poor.

Let's be a little more realistic with stack sizes

You get $100 in as a 55/45 favorite.

55% of the time you win $200 (-$7 for rake/bbj/dealer) = $193 x .55 = 106.15 in the black

45 % of the time you lose $100 = $45 in the red

= $51.15 in the black. (or done 100 times +$5k)

Thus your example is moot (also who gets it in for $25 all in.. lol).

Last edited by borderline; 05-06-2011 at 04:19 AM.
Can online players beat B&M games? Quote
05-06-2011 , 05:07 AM
why are food costs added in? do you not pay food costs if you play internet poker? Working at MCDs can get you 50% off on food
Can online players beat B&M games? Quote
05-06-2011 , 05:27 AM
get help from the "pros" more before posting op. ur points are pretty lol worthy and you are promoting yourself to be clueless. gg
Can online players beat B&M games? Quote
05-06-2011 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by Al Schoonmaker
Because we’re old friends and I’m a 2+2 author, he graciously granted permission. That link was edited out. Then in Post #38 of that thread Mason wrote: “For those interested you can get more information at not making the same mistake. This is the only post where we will allow this link to appear. So please don’t copy it.”
And which bit of that did you not understand?
Can online players beat B&M games? Quote
05-06-2011 , 05:30 AM
lol @ $25 all in as your example
Can online players beat B&M games? Quote
05-06-2011 , 05:49 AM
why would anyone go to your seminars when you make posts like these
Can online players beat B&M games? Quote
05-06-2011 , 06:01 AM
Wait, this is the guy what his name says? Unbelievable considering his OP is so poorly written and makes no sense.
Can online players beat B&M games? Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:43 AM
Why would a professional player play lower than 5/5 live? Why would they ever be all in for pots <1000$? I see the point but this is completely overexeggerated.
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:23 AM
Let’s take a cash game hand at Las Vegas’ Rio Casino, the home of the WSOP. You get all in for $25 each, heads up, and are a 55/45 favorite. Do it 100 times.
Just what kind of nose bleeds are we playing at the Rio??? Not everyone is rich player as you shoemaker.
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by Soepgroente
Why would a professional player play lower than 5/5 live? Why would they ever be all in for pots <1000$? I see the point but this is completely overexeggerated.
I made my roll grinding 1/3nl $500 max buyin live for 2 years in an underground game with rake higher than anywhere in Vegas and I still did fine, how juicy a game is can easily offset a harsh rake. Also most Vegas cash grinders would only play at a Harrah's poker room for a special circumstance such as WSOP as they charge $1 base rake higher than anywhere else and some rooms also don't have a BBJ.
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by Al Schoonmaker

Now my sole concern is to help you to understand the ENORMOUS effects of B&M’s higher costs. They are more than twice as large for cash games and even higher for small tournaments. These costs can easily switch you from winning to losing.

For example, Stoxtrader Grudzien and Zobags Herzog wrote an excellent book 2+2 book, Winning In Tough Hold’em Games. It reported the results of three online pros. For several hundred thousand hands their win-rates were .73, .55, and .04 BB/100 hands.

I asked Stox on my radio show, “Why are you reporting the results of a breakeven player?” (the one winning .04 BB/100)

He replied that with rakeback that player was winning over $100k per year.

There is no rakeback in live games, and the rake is much higher; you also have several other costs. Subtract those costs, and that professional’s profits become a substantial loss. Those costs would also wipe out much of the other two players’ profits.
This is such a horrible example and encapsulates your misunderstanding of the subject perfectly.

(1) The tougher the competition, the smaller your edge. The 30/60 etc. games in Vegas are amazingly softer than the 30/60 on Stars. I mean, LOL @ thinking a guy beating 30/60 online at .5BB/100 is going to get crushed at 30/60 in Vegas.

(2) The rake is higher online in mid-stakes limit games (the example you used is from mid-stakes limit games). If everyone folds to me on the button, I raise and only the BB calls, $3 goes down the hole at 30/60. Make the necessary computations and compare that with the average time charge for live 30/60 and get back to us (don't forget to toke!).

Sorry, but mid-stakes+ online players will destroy their live counterparts - easily. Small stakes live players certainly pay a higher rake than online, but LOL @ using the example in stox's book to make that point.
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:49 AM
Man, this OP sure takes a long time to make poor arguments. It's a bad combination.

Re live play, if you aren't destroying the games relative to online, something is very very wrong. Even thinking in terms of BB/100 is silly.

At B&M you sit down, pick your targets, and exploit them, mostly with very basic strategies. Rinse. Repeat. Profit.

Who cares about all that other stuff.

As for low-buyin tournaments, the rake IS often ridiculous, but you shouldn't really be playing them in any case because it's a huge waste of time compared to ring games.
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-22-2011 , 09:57 PM
I take it from these replies that the seminar will not be well attended...
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-22-2011 , 11:37 PM
the argument he should be making is not if online players can beat live games, its if online players can beat them for enough money to live on.

even if your winrate live is 3x your bb/100 online the game is 1/3 as fast or worse so that gives you about the same winrate per hour. then if you 20 table you have to play 20 times as high live as online just to make the same ammount of money and if the games are only 10x as soft then you are playing a game twice as hard as your game online (so you prolly wont have 3x winrate) and will need a much larger bankroll.
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-23-2011 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Al Schoonmaker
Many online players have not seriously considered the effects of these higher costs. Every smart sports bettor understands and adjusts to the “juice.” If a bet is just slightly better than 50/50, they won’t make it.

The rake plus JP drop and dealers’ tips in B&M games cost much more than the juice for sports bets. If you make a play that gives you a 55/45 edge in some live games, it will be negative EV.
Hey Al,

I know that most of the people here are NL hold'em players, but I'd say that for LHE this is patently not true. The gold standard for solid pro online at stakes that you could play professionally, for the sake of argument 3/6+, is about 1BB/100. There are a few who win more than this, but you're a solid pro in the mid-stakes at 1BB/100. At the same time playing mid-stakes live LHE at 20/40 and higher, you'd do well to make 1BB/HR. Given that you're playing 30-40 hands an hour, you're looking in the neighborhood of 3BB+/HR.

These reported win rates include rake/tips, and the impact of going from $3/hand rake to $5+$1+$1 tip clearly shows that the increased per hand cost doesn't matter. For one thing, moving from 5/10 online to 40/80 live to keep the same earn makes the rake smaller in terms of BB/100. You went up 8x in stakes while only going up a little more than 2x in rake. I assume in NL (playing for stacks) that the impact of rake is lower. If you play 100NL or 200NL with a $3 rake online, and you move to 5/10 blind NL live, isn't the rake effectively lower?

Given that the rake is lower in BB and the reported edge for good winning players is higher, I believe that the opposite of what you point out is true.

This all depends on the online player being able to adjust to live games to have a strong win rate. As someone who has played both, I assume the adjustment will be pretty easy. However, some people who have learned to play by rote may have a longer adjustment time than a thinking player.
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-23-2011 , 12:34 AM
i cant imagine sitting thru a round of fake thinking by 1/2 donks at my local casino who are all 20 something punks who wears sunglasses at the table. makes a lot of noise in every pot, and they all yell together like "WHOA!" allin river pot, regardless of the fact that they're yelling for a 10bb pot. 30hands/hr of that, 12hrs a day (otherwise how you gonna get through variance if you dont play a lot), of this will make me callin a cab home or call in sick for the day. but if you do play live make sure the limit is big enough so that theres left overs for nugs, thats if you dont spend it all first on ritalin.
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-23-2011 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by borderline

Also your example is pretty poor.

Let's be a little more realistic with stack sizes

You get $100 in as a 55/45 favorite.

55% of the time you win $200 (-$7 for rake/bbj/dealer) = $193 x .55 = 106.15 in the black

45 % of the time you lose $100 = $45 in the red

= $51.15 in the black. (or done 100 times +$5k)

Thus your example is moot (also who gets it in for $25 all in.. lol).
Your example is even worse because you suck at basic math/logic. You do not "win" $ win $93. Redo your math...
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-23-2011 , 03:15 AM
The 55/45 discussion is absurd. If you are passing up 55/45 edges because of rake either the rake is uncapped or you are playing too small to be worrying about making a living anyways.

The rake factor is huge but the fact is that live games at any level are so laughably easy for the guys who played well enough to beat midstakes or even lowstakes online games that it won't be enough to keep them from making a living. For most of them, they will be playing higher stakes live and as DougL wrote the rake effect will be lowered. The nature of the games means many will have to settle for a lower hourly, of course.

Also, LOL at a guy breaking even in midstakes online limit hold 'em games having a difficult time crushing live limit poker games. While I don't understand why Stoxtrader would use this player in his book, I would happily stake this guy to play any regularly spread live limit game.

But you're right, Al, that guys who make 1k a month playing 10nl and living in their parents' basements are going to have a difficult time adjusting to live play. Good work.
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-24-2011 , 07:02 PM
But you're right, Al, that guys who make 1k a month playing 10nl and living in their parents' basements are going to have a difficult time adjusting to live play. Good work.
what about guys who make 2k a month playing 20nl and living on their own?
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-24-2011 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by flyingdonkey2011
what about guys who make 2k a month playing 20nl and living on their own?
They have a job.
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-24-2011 , 09:54 PM
First i was kind of confused after reading op, because, to be honest, that post is ridiculous. Basicly you're saying "to be good at any form of poker you need to make adjustments." Really, sir, no kidding?
Then i saw the link and suddenly the purpose of the post became clear...or maybe not so clear. A losing player will still lose even if he reads body language verry well and can snapcount villain's stack. A winning player is winning not because all of his fancy softwares. Belive or not, even if it's played on the internet it's still poker, and winning requires a good ammount of skill, for example logic, so a good player will eventually figure out the necessary adjustments by himself. So i'm not really sure what you're trying to acomplish here, but regardless, in this form it came off very wrong, imo.
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
05-29-2011 , 09:41 PM
i cant imagine sitting thru a round of fake thinking by 1/2 donks at my local casino who are all 20 something punks who wears sunglasses at the table. makes a lot of noise in every pot, and they all yell together like "WHOA!" allin river pot, regardless of the fact that they're yelling for a 10bb pot. 30hands/hr of that, 12hrs a day (otherwise how you gonna get through variance if you dont play a lot), of this will make me callin a cab home or call in sick for the day. but if you do play live make sure the limit is big enough so that theres left overs for nugs, thats if you dont spend it all first on ritalin.
Don't hate. Motivate.
Can online players beat B&amp;M games? Quote
