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CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread

06-17-2010 , 06:21 AM
the traffic has gone down at 20nl & 50nl full ring. i cashed out of cake cause of this. no tables open. why is this?
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by plj8624
I bet the note your opponent took on you was epic!
Yeah, this will definitely make you money in the long run.
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Ratt
the traffic has gone down at 20nl & 50nl full ring. i cashed out of cake cause of this. no tables open. why is this?
Yeah, this is a huge huge problem. If one can only spend 2 hours a day on poker, and they have to wait 45 minutes to get 10 tables of 50NL-100NL open and going, it ends up being a huge waste of time.

And the worst thing is that people do not want to start new tables. Why the hell are people joining waiting lists instead of adding themselves to the queue to join any table with more than 2 people? This way if somebody actually started a table we would have a 6max table going in a matter of seconds.

I can't remember how many times I had to have tables running in every limit from 10NL to 100NL just to be able to get hands in and not have the wait be a complete waste of time.

If I wanted to play like this, I would just play live.
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by gebodupa
Yeah, this is a huge huge problem. If one can only spend 2 hours a day on poker, and they have to wait 45 minutes to get 10 tables of 50NL-100NL open and going, it ends up being a huge waste of time.

And the worst thing is that people do not want to start new tables. Why the hell are people joining waiting lists instead of adding themselves to the queue to join any table with more than 2 people? This way if somebody actually started a table we would have a 6max table going in a matter of seconds.

I can't remember how many times I had to have tables running in every limit from 10NL to 100NL just to be able to get hands in and not have the wait be a complete waste of time.

If I wanted to play like this, I would just play live.
there are other online poker sites, you know....
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-17-2010 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by super skunk
bet sliders ****ed again
My bad for not posting here sooner. We rolled the client back to the previous version because of the crashes. You should see that it's version 1490 now (the new buggy one was 1518).

I am deeply sorry for the trouble, but we felt that having a broken slider was better than the client crash on you. This is, of course, beta software, but we don't like the bugs any more than you do. Our development guys are working full-time on finding the source of the crashes right now.

Best regards,
Lee Jones

Cake Poker Cardroom Manager
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-17-2010 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Freewill1978
Another problem I keep experiencing: I have the default 4-color deck selected, yet every time I open a new table, that table initially uses the alternate deck, which as I've said, I do not want to use as long as we're getting dealt half cards. Every time this happens, I have to go into 'Options' to reset the theme, and then the table is using the right deck. I have tried it with both the default layouts and a custom layout, same thing happens either way.
Hi Freewill -
I just tried to reproduce your problem and couldn't do it. If you (or anybody) will send me a screen video of the problem happening, I'll ship you $50. I expect this software to work and will pay people who give me clear documentation of bugs.

Best regards,
Lee Jones

Cake Poker Cardroom Manager
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:47 PM
Hello, I just downloaded the beta and here are some of my thoughts. I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if this stuff has already been said.

-The location of the Auto Muck / Auto Post Blinds buttons was way better in the previous version.
-Please make it so you can double click a player to open notes.
-Tables don't hug the walls of your screen anymore which makes them much harder to place.
-If I filter cash games to show 1/2-3/6 it doesn't show 1/2. I need to filter 0.5/1-3/6 for it to show 1/2 and then it doesn't show 0.5/1.
-New tiling system keeps tables on one monitor but if I want to tile only 2 tables it still makes them small as if I was tiling 4.
-When I tile, tables automatically move to my smaller monitor (I think this is an issue on my end) but would be nice if you could choose which screen get tiled. Not sure if this is possible tho.
-You seriously need a better selection of avatars for your simple theme.
-All my player notes are gone when using BETA. I've heard from another user that theirs transferred over so I'm not sure what to make of this. Is there a way to fix this?
-It would be nice to still be able to control a table while the "options" popup for that table is open.

-The new lobby is nice despite the glitch mentioned above.
-Single monitor tiling is good.
-It runs smoothly (I have played 5 tables max)
-Mouse hovering over a player to show notes is great.
-The lobby actually updates player lists on tables now.
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-18-2010 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by calvinzorr
I keep getting this error message:
A problem was encountered while trying to connect to our servers. Error: Update file on server temporarily unavailable.

Yeh i'm getting this same error, and have been for the last 7 hours. The support guy, tom , has tried everything he can think of to help me and ive followed all his instructions but im still incapable of logging on. I recently changed my internet to a 4g wireless i have no idea if this has anything to do with it or not. Also i've read that many people get this error from time to time and that what usually fixes it is restarting your computer, which has yet to alleviate my problem. Either way i've been on cake for a few years now and software glitches are nothing new , but not being able to log on at all this is a first.

Last edited by shanearmendinger; 06-18-2010 at 09:07 AM. Reason: missing info
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-18-2010 , 10:29 AM
With Cake beta, once I've used the tile windows option, all tables I open now automatically default to their tiled size even after selecting "Reset to default size" - is there a way to reset them to default on open? I've tried restarting the client which didn't fix it either.

Half cards showing with simple four color cards gets really confusing sometimes.

And it would be nice to have more card decks to choose from
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-18-2010 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Freewill1978

Another problem I keep experiencing: I have the default 4-color deck selected, yet every time I open a new table, that table initially uses the alternate deck, which as I've said, I do not want to use as long as we're getting dealt half cards. Every time this happens, I have to go into 'Options' to reset the theme, and then the table is using the right deck. I have tried it with both the default layouts and a custom layout, same thing happens either way.
Freewill sent me a video and I suspect I know what's going on. There's a (sort of) undocumented feature. When you shrink the table to 50% or less, by default, we switch you to the four-color simple-view deck. We felt it would be easier to recognize the cards with that deck at the smaller sizes.

Based on the video (which was extremely helpful), I think that's what Freewill was seeing.

You can turn this simple deck feature off in the options:

Options > Graphics > Force Four-color deck on miniview

If you're getting weird behavior in that direction, try unselecting that check-box and see if things make more sense.

Best regards,
Lee Jones

Cake Poker Cardroom Manager
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-18-2010 , 12:45 PM
I agree, Lee, the 4-color simple deck would be easier, if Q's didn't resemble 9's and A's didn't resemble 4's. In other words, if we had full-view cards.

Anyway, I unchecked "force 4-color decks on miniview" and the problem went away as you said. Thanks again.

So, I guess what I found didn't technically qualify as a "bug", huh?
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-18-2010 , 01:23 PM
Question, so min. withdraw is $500 from check?
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-18-2010 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by borgsex
-All my player notes are gone when using BETA. I've heard from another user that theirs transferred over so I'm not sure what to make of this. Is there a way to fix this?
Account Menu -> Import Player Notes from Client 1
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-18-2010 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Eyecrazy2
Question, so min. withdraw is $500 from check?
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-18-2010 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Angelic_Ace
Account Menu -> Import Player Notes from Client 1
awesome ty
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-18-2010 , 10:45 PM
Im really praying that Cake will make the hole cards full size.
Lee will it be difficult or take a long time for software developers to change back to the full hole cars?
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-19-2010 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Ratt
the traffic has gone down at 20nl & 50nl full ring. i cashed out of cake cause of this. no tables open. why is this?
A few of us posted over the last few months about how poorly cake was being run. We predicted a huge drop in traffic and overall tougher games at least in part because of their reward system rewarding winning/high volume players too heavily. Most people scoffed at us. What's up now?
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-19-2010 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by listen_folks
We predicted a huge drop in traffic and overall tougher games at least in part because of their reward system rewarding winning/high volume players too heavily.
nah, their new client is going to save the network.
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-19-2010 , 03:30 PM
Not sure if this is the right place, but oh well..

Are there any scripts/softwares out there to make multi-tabling easier on Cake? I have to clear $500 of bonus in 2 weeks and need to bump up the volume. Something like tableninja on stars/ftp. The thing I need most is something that will jump the mouse to the most urgent table (and highlight that table as well).

Thanks anyone who can provide a working solution.

PS: I think I tried to use the AHK months ago and couldn't get it to work - don't know if I used an outdated one or what.
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-19-2010 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by duh
nah, their new client is going to save the network.
wasn't the bad software the only thing that kept good players away and kept the games reasonably soft until april, when it all went downhill?
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-19-2010 , 05:11 PM
Just tried out the beta for some heads up on Cake. Overall my experience was terrible and I can't decide who would ever design software this way.

1. wtf is with all the tabs, i should be able to auto-post/take notes...etc all in same place. At the very least, auto-post blinds and sit out next hand need to be on the table, not hidden away in some tabs.
2. cant double click player to take notes (this was available in the original software)
3. cant hover over a player to see notes (also available in original software)
4. cant manually resize table (have to click some random button with like 12 options in a drop down menu and select one of a few preset sizes)
5. cant see color code from lobby. This makes it very hard to go find someone who is actually willing to play.
6. This is small but, when im on a 28" monitor, if I maximize the table it only becomes the size of a normal laptop screen and then the table can't be moved.

Good things about beta:
1. No more ridiculous tourney notifications
2. When it is my turn to act, only the table I'm playing, and not all cake tables i'm on, pop to front.

Seriously though the GUI is horrendous. Why don't you guys just open FTP and mimic their functionality. Absolute Poker started doing this and their software and games have improved tremendously.

CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-19-2010 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by rbracco
Just tried out the beta for some heads up on Cake. Overall my experience was terrible and I can't decide who would ever design software this way.

1. wtf is with all the tabs, i should be able to auto-post/take notes...etc all in same place. At the very least, auto-post blinds and sit out next hand need to be on the table, not hidden away in some tabs.
This is good imo.. fish can't easily unclick post or sit out
so they probably play more orbits than they would have.

2. cant double click player to take notes (this was available in the original software)
word... a few complaints about this already

3. cant hover over a player to see notes (also available in original software)
yes you can

4. cant manually resize table
yes you can

My main complaint is the crashing/lagging still. I can't run 16+ tables for more than an hour or so before it start to slowly crawl and then die, I have to restart it. It also randomly crashes sometimes.
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-19-2010 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Angelic_Ace
This is good imo.. fish can't easily unclick post or sit out
so they probably play more orbits than they would have.

This is not a reason to make crappy software. It would be awesome if the fish had to play a minimum of 500 hands and their fold button jumped to different spots on the screen when they tried to click it.

word... a few complaints about this already

Support just informed me you can right click to take notes which is better than nothing I guess

yes you can

Yeah support told me about this and I had no problems with it. Don't know why I couldn't figure it out before, guess I'm a bit slow. The note interface definitely needs work, it is so tiny. I wish they would just mimic FTP and other sites for this

yes you can

Yep, sure can, haha not sure what's wrong with me today.

My main complaint is the crashing/lagging still. I can't run 16+ tables for more than an hour or so before it start to slowly crawl and then die, I have to restart it. It also randomly crashes sometimes.
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-19-2010 , 06:34 PM
Also I should be able to take notes on a player after they leave the table. Their name doesnt appear in the dropdown list.
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
06-19-2010 , 07:23 PM
Meh, more problems. Hand histories aren't saving with the new beta version. Every time I update the location to save hhs, if I close the options window it reverts to default (the default folder doesn't exist on my computer)

Furthermore when I emailed support asking for hand histories that I need imported into HEM for tax purposes, they sent me a word document, the contents of which were formatted strangely and not compatible with HEM, and told me there was nothing else they could do.

Oh and the software just crashed on me. This is terrible
CakePoker / Cake Feedback Thread Quote
