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Bodog Poker Thread - 2011 Bodog Poker Thread - 2011

09-23-2011 , 08:24 PM
No, full tables ARE NOT hidden by default.
09-23-2011 , 08:26 PM
Only 1 table of 100NL, short-handed.
09-23-2011 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Klinker
No, full tables ARE NOT hidden by default.
They're all being hidden from you. And you don't have a choice.

Does the fact that the lobby now sometimes looks like a ghost town have anything to do with the lower traffic?

You be the judge.
09-23-2011 , 08:28 PM
Klinker, you are either an elaborate level or not smart, tough to tell which

full tables you aren't sitting at=hidden
full tables you ARE sitting at=shown in lobby
09-23-2011 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by jazzyfresh45
It's all part of the plan with the new software launch to scare off any new postential recreational/casual players while slowly killing the games for the regulars.

It wasn't supposed to work this fast however (estimates were in the 1-2 month range.)

09-23-2011 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
Klinker, you are either an elaborate level or not smart, tough to tell which

full tables you aren't sitting at=hidden
full tables you ARE sitting at=shown in lobby
Rather then insult him (which seems to be the first choice of some here), take his experience as one that is being repeated over and over by most of the people we never hear about.

He is just scratching the surface of the larger issue I warned everyone about days ago and now is in full effect.

Do you actually think most recreational players are as smart as you apparently are?

And he was someone who knew enough to find 2+2, register and post.

99% of the recreational/casual/fish players won't.

But they will probably know how to withdraw and delete the program.
09-23-2011 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
Klinker, you are either an elaborate level or not smart, tough to tell which

full tables you aren't sitting at=hidden
full tables you ARE sitting at=shown in lobby
lol, ok smartazz, it looks like you are right, and it looks like I was right that full tables not seated at are hidden by default, which I think is something new. Can't really remember though, but there are def fewer tables listed than pre-upgrade.

Why wouldn't I want to see full tables too, to see who is playing so I can bum-hunt every now and then?

Why would I want to see listed a table I am sitting at and not see a table I'm not? Stupid is as Lt22 does.

****. ****ing wit you I just missed a flopped flush, ****er. See u later.
09-23-2011 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
Are you in the US swd? Also, there is new software coming in the near future. Sorry to see you go.
Yes I am in the US. I would like to play the site if the software was better. I am also nervous about playing on Bodog because I have seen what the deposits post as on my CC statement.
09-23-2011 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
Klinker, you are either an elaborate level or not smart, tough to tell which

full tables you aren't sitting at=hidden
full tables you ARE sitting at=shown in lobby
oh, and LT22:

First off you have been reported for threatening "NOT BEING SMART" at me. And not only to the moderator here but to the proper internet authorities of the FBI. You do realize your IP address is recorded here right?

This is not only classless and low, but also sad that you are so far gone that you would have to get that disgusting.

Everything you have said before and everything you will say in the future now has absolutely no merit because you made this choice to get violent.

I wouldn't feel good if you are banned here or prosecuted but I won't feel bad either.

You brought this on yourself.

It is truly sad that when someone speaks out for the little guy, for the recreational/casual player with a family who just wants to enjoy poker, I get a guy trying to SILENCE me, going as far as threatening PHYSICAL VIOLENCE, so that he can continue to win his money on a poker site off the people I am protecting.

I won't stop fighting for the little guy. And I won't be threatened by anyone, especially someone as low as you.

Good day sir and don't speak to me again without a lawyer present.
So, watch yourself. You brought this on yourself!!!!

lol...j/k, toolio...

Last edited by Klinker; 09-23-2011 at 09:04 PM.
09-23-2011 , 09:00 PM
Seriously, can Bodog players not engage in civil debate? Do you guys need to start a separate thread where you can bitch and complain about the new waiting list/not showing full tables policy or something?

Klinker, sure his reply was a little on the smartass side (BTW, just type what you mean, and the filter will take care of anything it needs to), but at the same time, you came in here with about 10 posts in a row about something that people have been complaining about for a couple hundred posts now, and you could've discovered yourself by reading back a few pages.

jazzy, not sure why you're complaining about someone insulting him when your response wasn't to tell him about the new policy, but to take yet another swipe at the new policy. Everyone gets that you don't like it, but it seems like you're at home <F5>ing all day long waiting to get in another response about how horrible the change is. I'm not saying your POV isn't valid, but maybe you'd get a little more support if you weren't driving everyone insane.
09-23-2011 , 09:07 PM
Is there any plan to increase the 4 table max? Just made my first deposit on Bodog the other day and I like it so far but I would like to have more than 4 tables open. Not necesarily to play, but just to have open to see what's going on at other tables and to see if I want to switch one of my active tables
09-23-2011 , 09:26 PM
Bobo Fett, I'm quite used to insulting internet-tards. No skin off my schlong.

And I wasn't trying to circumvent the filter; just typing "smartass" with zzzzzzzzz's for the fun of it, as you can see in my other filterized words, which were blanked

Seriously, no harm. I get that I could've read previous posts, but I was trying to sit at tables at the time and wanted to know what was going on. I get it now though. Bodog changed table listing policy quite a bit.
09-23-2011 , 09:29 PM
Yeah, I'm not really picking on just you, or even just seems the tone in this thread is constantly on the edge or over. Bodog players seem, well, high-strung.
09-23-2011 , 09:30 PM
Can everyone please stop quoting jazzy's post. Lots of us have blocked him and it kind of defeats the purpose. Please, we like our sanity.
09-23-2011 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Yeah, I'm not really picking on just you, or even just seems the tone in this thread is constantly on the edge or over. Bodog players seem, well, high-strung.
Yeah, I see.

Having now gone back a few pages and read some, I see what you're talking about.

Honestly, having now gone back and read the last few pages, I'm sorta glad I didn't do that before, and sort've wish I never did.

Meh, yeah, I don't get the hate on Bodog. One of the last few American sites that still spreads games and still pays out in reasonable period of time.

Bumhunters, Bumhunted, that is poker.
09-23-2011 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by HomeStar
Can everyone please stop quoting jazzy's post. Lots of us have blocked him and it kind of defeats the purpose. Please, we like our smugness and pretentiousness and even though we sorta agree with his actual points we're too stubborn at this point to do anything but be condescending. Also we are the ones making money off this change at the expense of the casual players so we need to shut him up before he kills our bankroll. Because, quite frankly, we don't know how much time we'll have before all the casual players have left the site.

EDITED to show what he meant.
09-23-2011 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by HomeStar
Can everyone please stop quoting jazzy's post. Lots of us have blocked him and it kind of defeats the purpose. Please, we like our sanity.
yeah, sorry. just thought it was funny.
09-23-2011 , 09:53 PM
Fwiw, one of my player notes on jazzyfresh45 is "whiny tilt monkey." Seems appropriate.
09-23-2011 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Seriously, can Bodog players not engage in civil debate? Do you guys need to start a separate thread where you can bitch and complain about the new waiting list/not showing full tables policy or something?

Klinker, sure his reply was a little on the smartass side (BTW, just type what you mean, and the filter will take care of anything it needs to), but at the same time, you came in here with about 10 posts in a row about something that people have been complaining about for a couple hundred posts now, and you could've discovered yourself by reading back a few pages.

jazzy, not sure why you're complaining about someone insulting him when your response wasn't to tell him about the new policy, but to take yet another swipe at the new policy. Everyone gets that you don't like it, but it seems like you're at home <F5>ing all day long waiting to get in another response about how horrible the change is. I'm not saying your POV isn't valid, but maybe you'd get a little more support if you weren't driving everyone insane.
I would KILL for civil debate instead of internet slang bashing, threats and immature rantings.

But unfortunately the small minority who disagree with me that bodog shouldn't hide their traffic from the public continue to skip over every single valid and thought out mature point I have made in the past to harp on one exaggerated claim I made like 100 posts ago. I think this is to diminish my opinion, which is valid, by making me into some nutcase.

I would love a mature response to the 99% of my points that nobody has ever responded to.

If anyone agrees that hiding traffic in the lobby from the public, fish or regular, is a good idea and will help grow the site and not scare away new players and regular casual ones, I'd love to hear how/why.
09-23-2011 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Ace Jackoff
Fwiw, one of my player notes on jazzyfresh45 is "whiny tilt monkey." Seems appropriate.
Another example that proves my point. The maturity level on this board I'm not sure is capable of a mature real debate about issues.
09-23-2011 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by jazzyfresh45
I would KILL for civil debate instead of internet slang bashing, threats and immature rantings.

But unfortunately the small minority who disagree with me that bodog shouldn't hide their traffic from the public continue to skip over every single valid and thought out mature point I have made in the past to harp on one exaggerated claim I made like 100 posts ago. I think this is to diminish my opinion, which is valid, by making me into some nutcase.

I would love a mature response to the 99% of my points that nobody has ever responded to.

If anyone agrees that hiding traffic in the lobby from the public, fish or regular, is a good idea and will help grow the site and not scare away new players and regular casual ones, I'd love to hear how/why.
could you point me to that particular first post you are talking about so I can get up to speed in this thread without reading all the bunk?

I'd appreciate it, because I sorta agree that making bodog look like a ghost-town can't be good for the site or my BR.
09-23-2011 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by jazzyfresh45
Originally Posted by HomeStar View Post
Can everyone please stop quoting jazzy's post. Lots of us have blocked him and it kind of defeats the purpose. Please, we like our smugness and pretentiousness and even though we sorta agree with his actual points we're too stubborn at this point to do anything but be condescending. Also we are the ones making money off this change at the expense of the casual players so we need to shut him up before he kills our bankroll. Because, quite frankly, we don't know how much time we'll have before all the casual players have left the site.[/B]

EDITED to show what he meant.

And I think true too.

BTW, count me in as someone who thinks this change is killing the site. I play higher stakes NL and Omaha and I can't get on a new table late at night without sitting by myself and hoping one fills up. And to not even know if a table is going or not is madness.

Honestly, who thought this would be good for new players?

I may be switching to Cake. Thanks bodog.
09-23-2011 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Klinker
could you point me to that particular first post you are talking about so I can get up to speed in this thread without reading all the bunk?

I'd appreciate it, because I sorta agree that making bodog look like a ghost-town can't be good for the site or my BR.
Thanks man, for being someone who actually cares about discussing this in a mature way.

Here is a copy of one of my earlier posts to Justin and Bodog that I thought was well thought out and outlined some valid points. Nobody has truly responded to any of these points, they continue to just want to attack me personally.

Originally Posted by jazzyfresh45 View Post
IF this was the main reason (to help recreational players) for this change (and to be honest and blunt that's a HUGE if) it has already failed.

Let me go over the points you make.

Your first point is to say this eliminates "pros" or regulars from looking up stats on other players. No, it absolutely doesn't. PTR is still tracking great from my perspective. And even if suddenly it stopped tracking (which it hasn't) we could still look up recent historical stats to see what type of player the person is. The fact is, it didn't stop this practice and won't.

The other point you have made in the past is that it eliminates, or drastically reduces "bum hunting." This is also false as it some ways this makes it worse as now the bum hunters can start new tables and let the fish come to them (and sit in and out in between at their convenience.) Otherwise, from talking to the ones I know, they are laughing at anyone thinking this hurts them. So that won't end at all.

Another point you made is that this helps the casual amateur and evens the playing field. The problem with that statement is even if it is true, and that is debatable, the casual amateur player is going to LEAVE because of this change and not seeing the traffic. As I stated earlier, five of my friends who are casual "fish" have already withdrawn and left and five others refuse to deposit because the site looks "dead" and "shady."

Finally, I understand an online poker room cannot be a 100% duplicate of a live poker room. But poker isn't just two robots playing each other live and it shouldn't be online. It can be a social and fun game. Why else do we talk live and why else do you have chat online? So if it's a social game shouldn't we be allowed to play with casual poker buddies/rivals/enemies etc. who we enjoy having a good time with (such as in live poker?)

Finally, as everyone else has chimed in on about, this pretty much kills the non NL player as the tables of Omaha and other non NL holdem games are so small to begin with. This also hurts the high stakes player to see the action as well.

I still see few positives here. I still see stat tracking, bum hunting and regulars. Sadly the only major change I have witnessed is the casual recreational player getting turned off and leaving.

I do appreciate your responses and communication. While I may not agree with this, as I've stated previously I respect
Bodog and love playing there.
09-23-2011 , 10:12 PM
wow. i get it now.

i was wondering why regs/bumhunters would want full tables not shown, and I couldn't understand why you (jazzy) and they disagreed.

But now I get it that some think that a fish will sit at a table and they can bumrush them heads-up.

seems short-sighted to me.
09-23-2011 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by jazzyfresh45
If anyone agrees that hiding traffic in the lobby from the public, fish or regular, is a good idea and will help grow the site and not scare away new players and regular casual ones, I'd love to hear how/why.
You're not acknowledging the fact VERY few of "us" support hiding the traffic. I certainly do not support hiding the amount of traffic.

When it comes to having no waitlists, I would, of course, prefer to have waitlists, as that increases my profitability. Waitlists, however, are not necessary to play poker and make money.

Nearly everybody here has asked for Bodog in some way shape or form to show the number of full tables running. I do not need to see who is sitting at those tables or be able to see the activity at that table, but I need to be made aware of if games are running.

The 2nd biggest problem with Bodog right now is they don't give a **** about their current poker software because they are unveiling new software soon. The biggest problem with Bodog is that they are not a poker-only provider. They would rather have recreational money flowing towards sports/casino than poker (for obvious reasons). Many of us have accepted this fact and realize they don't really care about "us" (winning players, especially high-volume players). We are not their main concern.

As far as having "rights" violated or whatever was brought up earlier. You play online poker in what is basically an unregulated, prohibitory environment. You do not have rights, except for where you choose to pay rake. I play at the site I think is best for me and pay my rake to Bodog. Everybody else should play at the site that is best for them and speak with their money.
