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Bodog Poker Thread - 2011 Bodog Poker Thread - 2011

02-05-2011 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Theorize
Yes, if you had Bodog RB previously on your account original OP you're good... well sort of... if you don't mind their weighted rake distribution system
I personally find that I only get about half of what I should be getting in RB so I'm getting 15% instead of 30% and with their higher then average drop it's not a good situation for somebody who's concern is to be making money in RB.
Does it really knock you down that far? I'm on a sick heater this month and am winning at 51bb/100 over 3082 hands. HEM shows that I have paid $101.28 in rake and my affiliate page shows $76 in rake paid and $25 in rakeback. So instead of getting the ~$32 I should I am getting $25 which is 25%. And that's when I'm winning at 50bb/100. I don't like that it's this magic black box and they hide it from the players but I really don't think it is screwing you as bad as you think.
02-05-2011 , 04:55 PM
is there going to be a normal/HU filter for the next update Justin? Really annoying to sift through the 8000 tables of 1 person sitting.
02-05-2011 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by jim_money
Does it really knock you down that far? I'm on a sick heater this month and am winning at 51bb/100 over 3082 hands. HEM shows that I have paid $101.28 in rake and my affiliate page shows $76 in rake paid and $25 in rakeback. So instead of getting the ~$32 I should I am getting $25 which is 25%. And that's when I'm winning at 50bb/100. I don't like that it's this magic black box and they hide it from the players but I really don't think it is screwing you as bad as you think.
I'm not sure how accurate your HM rake stat is for Bodog. I know that mines off. I pay more in rake then what HM actually reports. You can test your stat by adding a money won stat on your hud then playing a guy heads up for a while (longer the better). Then see what the money won discrepancy is between you and your opponent at the end of match. This is how much rake you've paid (there's prob an easier way to check this but I like heads up so I did it that way). Now look at your HM rake report stat and see if it's close.

Anyway, I can only tell you what my experience has been. I've been a consistent winner and on average I only get credited for half of the rake that I should be getting.
02-05-2011 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by PJ94z
Justin R -

The sort function under the 'PLRS' column is not working properly.

I am unable to sort by empty tables...when I click on 'PLRS' shows me empty tables, then a row of tables with players, then another row of empty tables... wtf ?

I just want to see all the empty tables first...
Hmmm... Will ask about this sorting problem.

Originally Posted by KGBatemyoreos
is there going to be a normal/HU filter for the next update Justin? Really annoying to sift through the 8000 tables of 1 person sitting.
Ive brought this up to them quite a few times and they are very open to adding filters. The new update will make it easier so I am assuming this will be done at some point but have no time table and haven't got an explicit yes or no. I'll ask again this week.
02-05-2011 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by chester cheetah
i cant get a seat on a 7 stud table without putting my whole role on the table.

keep it up bodog
Will ask about this. There was a rare issue with buyin amounts in the new update, not sure if this is part of it but that one is being worked on. Will check back in with you to update you on it.
02-06-2011 , 04:11 PM
not reading the whole thread, but I currently need $9M+ to sit down at a $1/$2 PLO High game.
02-06-2011 , 04:18 PM
Occasionally my software will indicate that I have a tournament ticket available. I'll sign up for the target tournament, it will tell me I'm registered with my tournament ticket, and the buyin will be deducted from my account anyway. There isn't actually a tournament ticket.

(I've randomly received free tournament tickets in the past, so whenever this happens I assume that might be the case this time.)

It's very annoying.
02-06-2011 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Ace Jackoff
Occasionally my software will indicate that I have a tournament ticket available. I'll sign up for the target tournament, it will tell me I'm registered with my tournament ticket, and the buyin will be deducted from my account anyway. There isn't actually a tournament ticket.

(I've randomly received free tournament tickets in the past, so whenever this happens I assume that might be the case this time.)

It's very annoying.
yeah- i get shown in the lobby that i have tickets for tourneys i never had a ticket for. It doesn't let me reg for them on a freeroll tho
02-06-2011 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by msufan
not reading the whole thread, but I currently need $9M+ to sit down at a $1/$2 PLO High game.
I thought this bug was fixed, but it happened to me again today.
02-06-2011 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
Hmmm, I havent seen this one yet. I have forwarded it to the admins. This was there before the lobby update?
It has been extant for at least a year; it has continued since the lobby update. I know it's not just me — about half the time I'm in a a rebuy tournament, at the first break someone will ask in chat "where the hell is the add on button". Occasionally it turns out they don't know where to look, but usually it's this bug. (i.e., usually after a couple minutes go buy, after I've explained that they need to close and reopen the client, they come back into chat and thank me.) It also happens to me now and then.

I have never been able to determine what it's associated with.

I reported this to support ages ago; haven't bothered again since.
02-06-2011 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I reported this to support ages ago; haven't bothered again since.
And before I get hassled for not reporting it again recently: anyone who doesn't get why I would let it go after reporting it once hasn't read this thread and hasn't dealt much with bodog.
02-06-2011 , 08:13 PM
I'm little pissed off couz I couldn't login for about 15 minutes while playing 100K GTD Sunday.
It's my weak connection mostly the reason but why Bodog starts normaly, downloading all banners and lobby and other crap and when I click Login nothing happens.
In old version I opened Account, new small login window were opening and it helped me always to login. Obviosly it's a bug somewhere. Now I can't bring that window, all I can do in this cases close and open Bodog several times becouse if you click login and nothing happend in 1 minute it's no chance I will be logged in untill program reboot.
02-07-2011 , 12:00 AM
WOW big bug here.

I was playing on 2or 3 table. Was in a big pot at river *140bb pot) and... ALL my tables + software CLOSED !

I was not able to comeback in times and "villains" won the hand at river by betting like 15bb in a 160bb pot ARGGGG (I had TPTK blablabla).

I emailed the support and I received a ultra copy-paste crappy response. BTW was not a disconnect since I was playing on FTP with no problem.
02-07-2011 , 03:27 AM
Before Bodog updates again, how about getting them to fix bugs that have been round for over a year????

Can't leave a table- Been around for ages but atleast before the table would close after 10 mins, now stays open (sorry closed while writting post...took about 20 mins). Now b4 I get told to use task manager and force shut down the client, i lose my place waitlists, which links to my second issue;

The bug where it wants crazy buyins and/or replaces your spot in waitlist - I actually accepted for over $1000 for a $100 table but it still didn't accept that, allowed another to take my seat, then pretended to keep a place in the waitlist. Then to my amusement a seat freed up, but not only did it not offer me the open seat, it wouldn't let sit there until I closed the table, reopened it and sat down.

How hard is it after all these years to systematically work on HIGHLY IMPORTANT bugs like leaving a table (most would consider this integral for a gambling site), not to mention the loss of 'rent/rake' Bodog earns per table.....

Good Luck.....
02-07-2011 , 04:57 AM
Bugs @ Bodog did I hear you say??
Well for a gambling site responsible for $millions, Bodog can't program for a basic rebuy either, there's the freeze bug where your ability to act is prevented by a hidden rebuy screen where you need to double-tap the rebuy button quickly or lose your hand (been around for about 6 months now) and;

The new variant- where it asks you to top up (needed ~$40) but wanted over $1000.......are Bodog for real. This is pretty important stuff for a site where money is won and lost to RNG software. How can we trust Bodog that their RNG is in order when they can't get basic buy-ins and waiting lists right?

Other sites must be laughing their arses off, for a site that had decent numbers two years ago......

02-07-2011 , 06:00 AM

1st let me be clear, these are all problems that have occured as I've complained about them, but I feel compelled to 'share' my anger.

With the rebuy (freeze abilty to call/bet or fold) bug, you do not have the ability to double-click cancel, this just hides the rebuy scareen until you try to act and it reappears.

This FORCES YOU TO REBUY even if you no longer want to. First legit gambling site I've seen do this, and it's NOT A NEW PROBLEM

Who manages the development of software at Bodog? Unless they are working with the smallest budget in the history of poker they should just move on. If they pay an external developer for this crap, they deserve the slow death in poker rake they've had over the last few years.

And while I'm on my rant- You never hear anymore about the New Bodog Network or Store, just "a new way to rake/r#pe existing customers". I could go on but hey if Bodog want some advice from someone with 23 chromosomes, PM me with an offer I can't refuse.
02-07-2011 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Yippee Ki Yay

Who manages the development of software at Bodog? Unless they are working with the smallest budget in the history of poker they should just move on. If they pay an external developer for this crap, they deserve the slow death in poker rake they've had over the last few years.
Beeing programmer myself I read vacancies Bodog posted. Seems like they realy have huge trouble to hire professionals. Can' get it, if it low budget or couze dev centre is located in Barcelona(Am I right?) Those annoying and small bugs looking so easy to fix even not seeing the code. All they do in, in one year while I'm plaiyng , they changed look of lobby which is primaly work of web master(CSS, Javascript, HTML, pictures). Maybe that's one web master is only a working developer now? Don't remember his name, he was hired in Jule?

I think we don't have to put all complaints only here. I suggested already to post in Calvin Ayre blog or twitter. At least Doyle Brunson answered in his twitter when were problems recently with the room having his name.!/CalvinAyre
02-07-2011 , 12:05 PM
The rebuy on cash tables is really screwy at least for PLO. If I want to add money before the next hand starts it's almost impossible sometimes. Also, sometimes the buy chips dialogue won't close properly and I can't act at the table till it closes. This whole function could use a redesign along with adding auto-top up and auto-buy in.

Edit: Just saw Yipee's post so yeah +1. This is a major usability problem that needs to be fixed pronto.
02-07-2011 , 09:06 PM
does anyone know if bodog hand grabber works? i got it but it doesn't get any hands
02-07-2011 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by snowboard789
does anyone know if bodog hand grabber works? i got it but it doesn't get any hands
basically it only works with the US download of Bodog.

Remove bodog from your system, then reinstall from

problem solved!
02-07-2011 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by msufan
not reading the whole thread, but I currently need $9M+ to sit down at a $1/$2 PLO High game.
lol about time theyre getting rid of the short stackers
02-08-2011 , 02:15 PM
seriouly boog clean all this crap up.

whats up with the waiting lists only working half the time? sometimes when i am due to be seated and i click the seat me box the table never pops open and i lose my seat,,,,

bodog is not making it any easier to retain new players you silly bastards. wait there are no new players ever....too bad
02-08-2011 , 03:11 PM
hmm I just updated... let's see how this is
02-08-2011 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by TheWhitePwny
hmm I just updated... let's see how this is
Well I was able to open up tables without having the client shut down.
02-08-2011 , 04:56 PM
Any news on what this update includes?
