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Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018

12-26-2017 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
I'm sure you've received e-mails from them. I would like you to forward them to me or someone else trusted, with full headers. Can you do this?

Never gonna happen. They are stealing the BBJ and never coming back to poker.

I'm not being dishonest. Everything I wrote about what they're doing in those posts was true. At this point, anything which discourages people from continuing to play with them is a good thing.
The only emails which we exchanged was dealing with a situation where I entered a wrong character in the withdraw address. I was able to close the ticket and withdraw the money eventually.

That is too bad if they don't give us a shot at the BBJ. I think it would be reasonable to give players a shot. Legally though, we can't really do anything about it.

You are impersonating Betcoin staff which is being dishonest with your identity. You could always share your point of view as a user who is dissatisfied with the service. I think you're viewing it as a means to justify the end result which I kind of understand. At the same time, I think we should call it what it is which is being dishonest on some level.

Do you agree that politicians should lie to get more people to accept their ideology even if that ideology is better?
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-26-2017 , 07:34 PM
What legal proceedings? You mean against them? I'll be glad to go into court and testify under oath that I made those posts, and explain why I did it. Problem solved.

Which portions of my claims there could possibly be untrue? Do you think they made good with WPN over the tournament thing? Clearly not.

Do you think they will ever pay the BBJ? Again, clearly not.

As you said, though, this doesn't make much difference. But I can tell you as a site operator myself, it is incredibly frustrating when someone impersonates you and says unflattering/embarrassing things about your business. It's far more harmful than just direct criticism. It's also far more attention-grabbing

At this point, tact needs to be thrown out the window, and actions need to be taken which are most effective at driving away their few remaining customers.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-26-2017 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by TheGodson
The only emails which we exchanged was dealing with a situation where I entered a wrong character in the withdraw address. I was able to close the ticket and withdraw the money eventually.

That is too bad if they don't give us a shot at the BBJ. I think it would be reasonable to give players a shot. Legally though, we can't really do anything about it.

You are impersonating Betcoin staff which is being dishonest with your identity. You could always share your point of view as a user who is dissatisfied with the service. I think you're viewing it as a means to justify the end result which I kind of understand. At the same time, I think we should call it what it is which is being dishonest on some level.

Do you agree that politicians should lie to get more people to accept their ideology even if that ideology is better?
This isn't a matter of politics.

I am basically speaking for them and telling the harsh truth about their theft which they are trying to cover up.

I have no problem impersonating scammers in order to disrupt their operation and spread the word about them.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-26-2017 , 09:43 PM
It's probably time we sent anonymous tips to the authorities about the serious felonies committed by Matthews and Lenter both with promoting/operating a poker site illegally and wrt the theft and fraud they played a part in.

Stealing a million+ over the last 6 months while they continued to promote the site in various ways is probably enough money to get someones intention. I doubt we ever get paid because I would guess all parties are basically broke but it's probably our best shot.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-26-2017 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by WichitaDM
It's probably time we sent anonymous tips to the authorities about the serious felonies committed by Matthews and Lenter both with promoting/operating a poker site illegally and wrt the theft and fraud they played a part in.

Stealing a million+ over the last 6 months while they continued to promote the site in various ways is probably enough money to get someones intention. I doubt we ever get paid because I would guess all parties are basically broke but it's probably our best shot.
You are delusional. I like how you casually lump promoting and operating in there together as if they are somehow related. 5 months ago you were posting in bitcointalk begging for people to sign up on your affiliate account, clearly having been aware of people's previous gripes since you mentioned them in your post. At what date do you draw the line when it became unacceptable to promote the site? When you personally felt like you got shafted everyone else has to stop that day or they are scum? It's people like you who are incapable of reason that make it so much harder to punish the actual bad people.

Last edited by isnortbooze; 12-26-2017 at 10:09 PM.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-26-2017 , 10:23 PM
anyone know of a correlation between Betcoin and Scottsdale, AZ? The reason I ask is... around 3 or 4 years ago (they weren't even on the WPN) I was getting into crypto and was playing poker on SWC. I found Betcoin and they were doing promos offering free swag trying to draw up business I assume (hats, tshirts, etc). I asked about a hat, and when it was received, the return address was Scottsdale... Just trying to help out

Last edited by WSPreadHead; 12-26-2017 at 10:31 PM.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-26-2017 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by isnortbooze
You are delusional. I like how you casually lump promoting and operating in there together as if they are somehow related. 5 months ago you were posting in bitcointalk begging for people to sign up on your affiliate account, clearly having been aware of people's previous gripes since you mentioned them in your post. At what date do you draw the line when it became unacceptable to promote the site? When you personally felt like you got shafted everyone else has to stop that day or they are scum? It's people like you who are incapable of reason that make it so much harder to punish the actual bad people.
Yup I'm clearly the delusional one of the two of us. They began systematically stealing from players 5-6 months ago in all the ways that have already been laid out. I'd say once that started anyone with a shred of ethics would move on. Instead you continued to be complicit in player funds theft and are in fact still here acting like You sis nothing wrong. You were/are the face of the business and were still promoting it daily as of last week.

The fact you are unwilling to take any responsibility or have any remorse whatsoever about being compensated in stolen player funds is disgusting man. You are literally what is wrong with online poker. The perfect example.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-26-2017 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by WichitaDM

Yup I'm clearly the delusional one of the two of us. They began systematically stealing from players 5-6 months ago in all the ways that have already been laid out. I'd say once that started anyone with a shred of ethics would move on. Instead you continued to be complicit in player funds theft and are in fact still here acting like You sis nothing wrong. You were/are the face of the business and were still promoting it daily as of last week.

The fact you are unwilling to take any responsibility or have any remorse whatsoever about being compensated in stolen player funds is disgusting man. You are literally what is wrong with online poker. The perfect example.
So, to clarify, in your eyes the date it became unnaceptable to promote the site is that day after Xiao stole your rakeback and Betcoin didn't pay you what Xiao owed you? Everyone who promoted the site after that is a thief according to you? Or just me because I promoted them the most?
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-26-2017 , 11:16 PM
Scott/isnortbooze - could you please respond directly to these questions:

Are you the official "Site Rep" for Betcoin / did you have access to the verified 2p2 site rep account.

Did you have access to the account that posted on bitcointalk as the official "poker room manager":

If you did not have access to these accounts, do you know who did?

What are your thoughts specifically on how Betcoin is handling the BBJP thus far.

I think it would be great to get a dialogue going without any flaming, the facts will be best for everyone.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-26-2017 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by TwitchySeal
I think it would be great to get a dialogue going without any flaming, the facts will be best for everyone.
If that were honestly true, perhaps I would respond to your questions. But you are just trying to ignite the flame, as always. I am not interested in giving you material to try and use against me. How is me stating my opinion on how they are handling the BBJ going to be the best for everyone? It will literally do nothing for anyone. The only reason I am even replying to this is because if I don't I look guilty, but since I am guilty of nothing pressing me for info is a waste of time.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-26-2017 , 11:42 PM
I would really, honestly appreciate if you would respond to my questions.

I also think, other people would really appreciate your responses.

Unless the questions are unreasonable, it shouldn't matter who's asking them.

Are you the poker rep for Betcoin.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-26-2017 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by TwitchySeal
I would really, honestly appreciate if you would respond to my questions.

I also think, other people would really appreciate your responses.

Unless the questions are unreasonable, it shouldn't matter who's asking them.

Are you the poker rep for Betcoin.
All the questions you ask me and have asked me for months are specifically designed to get information to use against me personally. Everything I say to you gives you another opportunity to plaster my name and picture on forums with the scumbag header.
You have a beef with Betcoin. Any problems you have going forward you can take up with them.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by isnortbooze
All the questions you ask me and have asked me for months are specifically designed to get information to use against me personally. Everything I say to you gives you another opportunity to plaster my name and picture on forums with the scumbag header.
You have a beef with Betcoin. Any problems you have going forward you can take up with them.
I understand most of the questions I've asked you in the past have answers that don't make you look good - but I'm not trying to attack your credibility (despite the numerous attacks on mine from you) - I'm just asking reasonable questions and refusing to go away when they are ignored.

Simply not answering them is only making things worse for yourself and the community as a whole.

Who is the poker room manager?

Have you done anything to try and protect the players from being stolen from (like, for example, the 43 BTC BBJP)
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 12:23 AM
I am not, nor was I ever in a position that could have had any influence on that decision.
You've got the wrong guy. Take it up with them.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by isnortbooze
I am not, nor was I ever in a position that could have had any influence on that decision.
You've got the wrong guy. Take it up with them.
I'm not accusing you of stealing the bbjp dude.

I really don't think anyone is.

Are you the official "Site Rep" for Betcoin / did you have access to the verified 2p2 site rep account??

Were you the Betcoin Poker Room Manager/did you have access to the bitcointalk account that claimed to be "The Betcoin Poker Room Manager"??

Last edited by TwitchySeal; 12-27-2017 at 12:52 AM.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by isnortbooze
So, to clarify, in your eyes the date it became unnaceptable to promote the site is that day after Xiao stole your rakeback and Betcoin didn't pay you what Xiao owed you? Everyone who promoted the site after that is a thief according to you? Or just me because I promoted them the most?
Whether WichitaDM left too late is irrelevant to the point he raised.

Yes, anyone who knowingly promoted an illegal gambling site with a recent history of scamming people could be held both civilly and criminally liable for crimes committed by the site.

Such people could easily be criminally tried as accomplices, especially if they had a managerial role, and especially if they were of knowledge that the site was defrauding people.

This is why it's of the utmost importance that you cooperate as much as possible here, so as to remove all doubt as to which side you're on.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 03:37 AM
Legally speaking, in which court do you intend to file all of these complaints? Which U.S. court has jurisdiction over whether an unregulated offshore poker site steals a BBJ? Spoiler: none.

You would have to bring it up with the gaming commission of...Curacao? Antigua? Even if you did, please understand that these "commissions" will certify anyone who hands them a large enough check and have zero reason to throw Betcoin under the bus unless someone hands them a larger check than Betcoin did.

I think that the jasonort jackpot situation shows that there is no legal recourse for the stolen BBJ or any other stolen player funds. If you want legal recourse, play on a regulated site or in a regulated room.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 03:57 AM
I just want everyone to be aware that isnortbooze played in just about every Welcome New Player Freeroll he possibly could, which is extremely scummy seeing as how he had the ability to give those tickets away as he saw fit.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by isnortbooze
If that were honestly true, perhaps I would respond to your questions. But you are just trying to ignite the flame, as always. I am not interested in giving you material to try and use against me. How is me stating my opinion on how they are handling the BBJ going to be the best for everyone? It will literally do nothing for anyone. The only reason I am even replying to this is because if I don't I look guilty, but since I am guilty of nothing pressing me for info is a waste of time.
How about just answering this one:

Originally Posted by TwitchySeal
Are you the official "Site Rep" for Betcoin / did you have access to the verified 2p2 site rep account.
Originally Posted by TwitchySeal
Are you the poker rep for Betcoin.
Originally Posted by TwitchySeal
Are you the official "Site Rep" for Betcoin / did you have access to the verified 2p2 site rep account??
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by sc00ba
Legally speaking, in which court do you intend to file all of these complaints? Which U.S. court has jurisdiction over whether an unregulated offshore poker site steals a BBJ? Spoiler: none.

You would have to bring it up with the gaming commission of...Curacao? Antigua? Even if you did, please understand that these "commissions" will certify anyone who hands them a large enough check and have zero reason to throw Betcoin under the bus unless someone hands them a larger check than Betcoin did.

I think that the jasonort jackpot situation shows that there is no legal recourse for the stolen BBJ or any other stolen player funds. If you want legal recourse, play on a regulated site or in a regulated room.
Depends where the owners and managers of Betcoin live.

If any live in the US, they could be brought to court both civilly and criminally for their actions. It doesn't matter were the site physically resides or is licensed.

The excuse of "I was just an affiliate" only flies if it's actually true. If you were actually a manager of the site, and if you were clearly made aware of the site's fraudulent actions but continued to manage and promote it, then you could very easily be tried as an accomplice and also have a large civil judgment against you.

Honestly, this plo8monster character, who has brazenly stated that he will have a managerial role at the "new" betcoin after what they did, is really skating on some really thin ice.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
Depends where the owners and managers of Betcoin live.

If any live in the US, they could be brought to court both civilly and criminally for their actions. It doesn't matter were the site physically resides or is licensed.

The excuse of "I was just an affiliate" only flies if it's actually true. If you were actually a manager of the site, and if you were clearly made aware of the site's fraudulent actions but continued to manage and promote it, then you could very easily be tried as an accomplice and also have a large civil judgment against you.

Honestly, this plo8monster character, who has brazenly stated that he will have a managerial role at the "new" betcoin after what they did, is really skating on some really thin ice.
I do truly wish you luck, both because I would love to see Betcoin forced to pay up and because you're gonna need a whole lot of luck. How has Chris Ferguson managed to avoid any criminal charge from FTP when he was one of the principal owners and was and is living in plain sight in the U.S.? That was a scam that was orders of magnitude greater both in the amount of money and number of players affected and zero charges were filed.

Think about the number of unregulated sites that have flown by night with player funds since Black Friday. If this was a legal slam dunk, there would be a ton of legal precedents for this kind of case, but there is none.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by sc00ba
I do truly wish you luck, both because I would love to see Betcoin forced to pay up and because you're gonna need a whole lot of luck. How has Chris Ferguson managed to avoid any criminal charge from FTP when he was one of the principal owners and was and is living in plain sight in the U.S.? That was a scam that was orders of magnitude greater both in the amount of money and number of players affected and zero charges were filed.

Think about the number of unregulated sites that have flown by night with player funds since Black Friday. If this was a legal slam dunk, there would be a ton of legal precedents for this kind of case, but there is none.
Going after a site's owner, the corporation and its directors, is much different than an individual. PLO8monster and his son openly discussed managing/running BetCoin. That is a violation of State and Federal statutes. Filing complaints with either the FBI and/or Moore County's DA office that includes detailed info, screenshots of their social media claims, etc... is virtual assurance that it will be investigated. They are US citizens, living in Dumas, Texas and operating an illegal enterprise, by claim. They are either lying about their role or have provided mountains of evidence against themselves.

It costs nothing more than postage to send a package to the DA's office in Moore County and clicks to file a complaint with the FBI. Obviously, an empty complaint with no information other than I was defrauded will go nowhere. The Nigerian Prince lottery conflation is ridiculous. Names and addresses of US citizens involved, screenshots of promises, etc... will 100% get a look. I only recently joined BetCoin and would be a very small contributor to the rake/BBJ, but it is the principle. I replied to the robo response of the T&C and if it is not resolved in the immediate future, I will hand copies of everything over to a friend that is a retired US Treasury agent and he will forward it to the correct place. I will also send it to...

Moore County District Attorney Office
103 W. Saunders Street
Carthage, NC 28327
Attention: Maureen Krueger
Phone Number: (910) 722-5010
Fax Number: (910) 722-5011


Originally Posted by a dewd
I apologise, wrong address...

Moore County District Attorney
715 South Dumas Avenue Room 304
Dumas, Tx. 79029
Attention: David Green
(806) 935-5654

Didn't notice the state in the book.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Last edited by Mike Haven; 12-27-2017 at 05:35 PM.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by isnortbooze
I am not, nor was I ever in a position that could have had any influence on that decision.
You've got the wrong guy. Take it up with them.
I guess we will just see what the fbi thinks. You knowingly accepted stolen funds and perpetuated the scam for months by attempting to lure players in so that you could get paid additional stolen funds.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by isnortbooze
If that were honestly true, perhaps I would respond to your questions. But you are just trying to ignite the flame, as always. I am not interested in giving you material to try and use against me. How is me stating my opinion on how they are handling the BBJ going to be the best for everyone? It will literally do nothing for anyone. The only reason I am even replying to this is because if I don't I look guilty, but since I am guilty of nothing pressing me for info is a waste of time.
You are guilty of nothing? Thousands of players were systematically stolen from on your watch as you begged them to come play over the last few months.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
12-27-2017 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by a dewd
Going after a site's owner, the corporation and its directors, is much different than an individual. PLO8monster and his son openly discussed managing/running BetCoin. That is a violation of State and Federal statutes. Filing complaints with either the FBI and/or Moore County's DA office that includes detailed info, screenshots of their social media claims, etc... is virtual assurance that it will be investigated. They are US citizens, living in Dumas, Texas and operating an illegal enterprise, by claim. They are either lying about their role or have provided mountains of evidence against themselves.

It costs nothing more than postage to send a package to the DA's office in Moore County and clicks to file a complaint with the FBI. Obviously, an empty complaint with no information other than I was defrauded will go nowhere. The Nigerian Prince lottery conflation is ridiculous. Names and addresses of US citizens involved, screenshots of promises, etc... will 100% get a look. I only recently joined BetCoin and would be a very small contributor to the rake/BBJ, but it is the principle. I replied to the robo response of the T&C and if it is not resolved in the immediate future, I will hand copies of everything over to a friend that is a retired US Treasury agent and he will forward it to the correct place. I will also send it to...

Moore County District Attorney Office
103 W. Saunders Street
Carthage, NC 28327
Attention: Maureen Krueger
Phone Number: (910) 722-5010
Fax Number: (910) 722-5011
Please post an update if you hear anything back. Maybe if you start to get some traction more people will file complaints as well. I'm in the same boat as you--I stopped paying rake around the time of the jasonort incident and didn't put in much volume before then, so I doubt they owe me much if anything from the BBJ, but it makes me really angry to see this bunch of crooks steal from their players repeatedly.
Betcoin Poker > Closed Dec 25 2017 > Reopened Jan 26 2018 Quote
