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Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Been hassled by Poker770 for days!

04-18-2012 , 09:48 AM
Edit/MH: This post has been rewritten and corrected here. There is actually no need to read this first post, now.


Good morning 2+2

It's like this, earlier this month i decided to give this new thing a try poker770 after seeing this beautiful ad about a $50 dollar starting bonus for signing up. Surely enough i did, and i did get it as promised. However when i joined, while doing the information about myself i wrote my phone number wrong by accident, i switched 2 digits without realizing it. I played for a day or two and deposited $35 dollars of my own into the site and i was kind of just playing not thinking about a bankroll and i squandered it away so i left the account at $0.

Next thing i knew i was getting emails from Poker770, they kept saying they could not reach me by phone and for the time being my account is locked up. Understandable security procedure, I then in good faith smile and give them my real phone number and i was sorry about the mixup with the digits. It did not end there.

Next thing i knew i get this "no number" call from the call center and a cute girly voice on the other end of the conversation tells me that, i need to send them personal information to validate my account and i answer to her "I think i already did, i had to take a photograph with my face up to my ID to verify who i was, she then says that she has no information like that and it must have been sent to pokernews which are affiliated with them. I then think oh okey i will do that as soon as possible. We talk on the phone and she says that i can send them my credit card information and she informed me that the account is unlocked and all is good, and when they had frozen my account they had refunded me the $35 which i found weird since i had already spent it. I said okey i will do that a.s.a.p but now i am busy. She calls 2 minutes later back to tell me that they had realized that the refund they issued me was false because i had already spent it on the account. I replied to her in a good tone but told her that "How is that my problem, why wouldn't you as a poker company check my account balance to check if money should be refunded or not". She said that i need to wire transfer the money to them. I said Okay because well to show that i am a good person i will do that when I goto the bank. I check my email when i get home to find information for the wire transfer.

I send her a picture with my credit card back and front (from the conversation on the phone) with an image of myself on it. What i get in return is that the information isn't good enough and i need to send a personal identity card ( keep in mind this is not her this just someone else with the support ). I reply a little annoyed telling the support that the girl on the phone had told me to send this information. After this email I had already made up my mind that I don't want to play there so sending any additional information on my part was not going to happen.

I then receive another email from the support that i have 48 hours to wire transfer the $35 that i owe them ( Due to the error they did when they transferred the money to me without checking my account on the before hand ) and i take this quote from the email directly

"Should we get no response from you within the next 48 hours, our payment agent will get into contact with the financial institutions concerned with credit card fraud and file a complaint against you.

We hope that we will not need to resort to such extreme measures and we look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

<name of the costumer support>"

I think to myself, alright alright i will transfer the money. I was never not going to anyway but there is a slight fee in my country that if i wire transfer to an account holder that is outside my country it's a transfer fee of $9.40. After getting hammered by phone calls from them, and all those emails I have decided i won't pay that, we can figure something else out but i am not paying a dime out of my own pocket to send money to them and pay for the transfer cost, because of an error they did to begin with. I never asked them to refund the money to realize later that i didn't deserve the refund and demand it back, and if they wont get it back they will file a complaint against me for credit card fraud.

So i ask you, what do you guys think of this. And lets not forget since there are so many people working there, i received 2 emails with 2 different account information to send the money to. When i asked her on the phone about it she couldn't even PRONOUNCE the name of one of the bank which is so funny because there is actually a commercial with John Cleese where he's trying to advertise Kaupțing.

To take this even further, after trying to explain to her on the phone that i wish that when my debt is paid caused by error on your end, i wish for my account information to be deleted and i will not receive any more phone calls from you. Her reply was "That is not your decision".. How is it not my decision, once the debt is paid up that i won't be bothered by them again.

Anyway Im done with the rant, but you can let me know what you guys think. I spent 1 day on the site and it has cost more time spend on emails then i am going to count and phone conversations that repeat themselves again and again.

ALL THIS is because of one thing, i wrote my phone number wrong when i switched the 2 last digits without realizing it, it cost me that my account info was checked my phone number was invalid, my account frozen and money refunded that didn't belong to me, hassled for it back, threaten a complaint for credit card fraud within 48 hour time period, email after email and phone call after phone call...

Suffice to say, i will not recommend this site to anyone ever..

So after 20 mi

Recent developement is a simple reply from the costumer support

"Please note that in this case we cannot cover the wire fees, since the amount you own us, was entirely returned to your credit card.

Therefore, we look forward to send us the copy of the document attesting the wire transfer of $35."

It is like talking to a rock. The entire amount i owe them isn't even $35 it's $31 since they already have $4 of my money frozen in the account but to add on that i need to spend my own money to cover the wire fees for their mistake, they must think im new

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-25-2012 at 03:31 PM. Reason: merged 2 posts
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 07:51 AM

The story of how i got treated by Poker770. It's a bit long so if you don't care about reading a bit then by all means sit down relax and read this. For the sake of the 2+2 Community i will not include the mail back and forth due to them being so large and so many, if some people want to see some whole email's then i will be happy to post them later in the thread. Anyway here we go.

It's beginning of April month and i am reading an article on Pokernews and i read about how this new site Poker770 is open and if i sign up through pokernews i get a $50 dollar signup bonus. Surely i jump at the chance and go through the process of signing up, taking photo ID of myself to prove who i am and all that.

I have done that and opened my account 48 hours later with the bonus, and since i am not thinking about a bankroll i just enjoy myself playing higher then i would if i were thinking about BRM. I really like the client, the fluency of the animation of the cards so i decide what the hell let's continue. I put $35 dollars in it and play that night totally unaware that i had given my phone number incorrectly, i had by accident switched the two last digits in it.

I wake up day after with $4 in my account yeah i was just having fun with the account and my money no BRM thinking going on here., and oh well i go to work.

I come back home and read my emails when i see this from Poker770's Support

Dear PSR74778432,

We inform you that our Customer Service has been trying to contact you on your phone number <mynumber>, but unfortunately we have not been able to reach you.

Therefore, we kindly ask you to confirm your phone number and let us know when you are available so that we could call you again.

We look forward to your reply,

Best regards,


The Poker770 Team
Click here to contact us
I log onto my account only to realize it has been frozen due to the phone number issue. Fair enough I in good faith give them my correct phone number, during work i get a call from a "Withheld number" which i answer, and on the other end of that phone call is a support from Poker770 telling me that she needs me to send them identification for who i am so they can re-establish my account. I tell her that i had given some sort of ID when i signed up but apparently that was to PokerNews not to Poker770. I apologize and i am very calm asking her what kind of ID and she says on the phone that they need the front and back of my visa card. I tell her that i am at work right now but i would get it all to them when i got home. She says before the call ends that since they froze my account they had refunded my money as a policy. I don't really think to much about it and say "uhh alright anyway i will send you the ID's when i get home". I hang up and 15 seconds later again she calls me. I can see that my boss isn't all that happy about the second phone call but she says then

Hello Mr.Adalsteinn, it's me from Poker770. There has been a mistake, we had refunded you the $35 and now is clear that you had already played it at the tables.
To which I reply, yeah I thought so. I don't get that refund you guys did, why didn't you instead of refunding me money i do not deserve check my account balance before issuing a refund. She then keeps yapping a bit and I am calm and I say to her since i am a nice guy, I will figure this out when I get home. The phone call ends.

I get home and in my email is a letter from Poker770 support, stating that i owe them $35 USD and i am given a bank account to transfer it to. The problem with that bank account information is that In my country, if you have to wire transfer money to someone you need to pay a wire transfer fee of $9.40 with my bank.

Now I'm an honest guy and I will gladly fix this issue if we can come to some kind of solution that will make both parties happy with the results. So i suggest a different way to give them the refund ( being a mistake on their part ), but apparently after 2-3 emails back and forth the only way is for me to Wire Transfer the money. I tell them that since that is the only way, We are at a stand still. ( At this time i have already decided I am not going to play at that site any more ). I send that reply to their email and next day I get a call from yet another Staff Support, telling me that I need to refund the money. I tell her that I will do that when they figure out a way for me to do so without costing me extra. She says that she doesn't believe me about the wire fee, she then tells me to contact my bank and then get back to them with the information about the Fee. I end that phone call or at least i thought i was going to by saying "After i have gotten those funds back with a good solution to the fee thing, i wish my account to be closed for good and not to get calls from you again!". What she said and that ticked me off "Excuse me sir, but that is not your decision". I yell in the phone (sorry guys i am mad at that moment) NOT MY DECISION, NOT MY DECISION! I HAVE HAD THIS PHONE NUMBER FOR 12 YEARS AND YOU TELL ME IT'S NOT MY DECISION THAT AFTER I HAVE GOTTEN YOU THOSE FUNDS THAT YOU DON'T CALL ME AGAIN! AND THAT'S NOT MY DECISION!. She then and this was a bit shocking but i give her a +1 for it, she gets snippy with me on the phone and I could see I had ticked her off, she wasn't the silent support type but she said "Excuse me sir!" it was lovely, anyway I didn't listen to that and hung up!.

I go to my bank and she tells me the fee is $9.40.

I Contact them again through email because the Calling central number is hidden, and yet again i get a response claiming i need to pay them the $35 dollars (again mistake on their part to begin with, lets not forget that). I am given another Bank account information.

What i disliked about this email was THIS.

Should we get no response from you within the next 48 hours, our payment agent will get into contact with the financial institutions concerned with credit card fraud and file a complaint against you.

We hope that we will not need to resort to such extreme measures and we look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


The Poker770 Team
Click here to contact us
Stating that if i don't give them a response within 48 hours, They will file a complaint against ME! for credit card fraud?.

So basically after asking them to find a solution to send the money, after getting 2-3 phone calls, countless emails both automatic and legit replies to my questions about the $35 ( and also they have $4 of mine frozen, again it's not about the money it's the principle ). They tell me that they will file a complaint against me for fraud when i did nothing wrong. They sent this to me without checking my account balance.

At this time i am getting a little angry, very angry if i might add. For some reason it did not sit well with me, after being nice enough the first one phone call and many emails to get a threat from them, and only getting this threat because i am stalling the payment until they figure a way for me to get it to them without having it to come out of my own pocket the extra $9.40 for the charge.

I reply back that i have a solution, first i tell them that i have already $4 of those $35 in my account so lets say i owe you $31 not $35 consider me withdrawn from your services. I ask if we can't come to some sort of understanding they can reduce the cost $31 minus $9.40 to cover the wire transfer fee or give me a paypal or any sort of payment agent that does not cost me extra to get it to them ( after all their mistake ).

The reply i get is this

Please note that in this case we cannot cover the wire fees, since the amount you own us, was entirely returned to your credit card.

Therefore, we look forward to send us the copy of the document attesting the wire transfer of $35.
Again with the "Therefore we look forward to send us the copy stating the wire transfer". They can look forward as long as they want but that statement isn't coming while it has to come out of my pocket the fee for their mistake.

So i reply and tell them off, i finally have had enough of those nonsense emails back and forth answering the phone calls, getting disturbed during work hours and causing me the grieve in my life they have already done all because of a error they had made, given me threats about it like I am some sort of criminal or have committed a fraud. When i am an honest person, ( not saying that i haven't illegally downloaded material. I am talking about being honest where it really counts ).

I give them one last final reply stating that all the **** they have put me through, all the phone calls, all the emails. All the nonsense threats that have no merit and make no sense. Giving me hard time on the phone during work hours, causing my boss to be unhappy with my work continuing to call when i hang up or press busy and do not accept the call. Being stubborn and telling me that they will not cover the fee and i just have to send them $35 not $31 and pay out of my own pocket the extra $9.40 for giving them the money, the lousy support service from day one. Support on the phone being dicks. I totalled that to be around $35 they owed me so we are even.

Oh and it didn't make things worse telling them that I would be more then happy to share my experience with the good and honest people over at 2+2 forum, Pretty sure they know what i was talking about. Well would you look at that, i just shared the story. I did so because i had to get rid of them myself, they never came to terms with anything i asked of them, the only reason i don't hear anything from them anymore is this!.

1. I called my service provider asking if they could block those incoming calls from this call central ( they have yet not given me a response if they can since it's incoming and withheld but they would try their best to meet my demand since it's obviously a hassle ).

2. I did threat them the 2+2 Forum would find out ( a threat i apparently have now made real and it just serves them right, they should not get away with **** like this )

and to get rid of "Customer Service" email's every single day. I had to put up a filter on my own domain name to prevent them to contact me. Now if they are smart they will remove me off that list they got because They can send as many emails as they want they don't get into my Junk mail where i "do read them", no no no it never reaches me, the rule i set sends every email coming from their domain name back to their inbox with a good message to read.

So to sum it all up, a two digit mix up caused all of this, and the threats and everything in between.

I hope you had good time reading this and to all of the 2+2 community, you can take this as you want, the only reason i pulled it with Mike earlier on was because i thought i would be able to get through their thick skulls to an understanding which never came. So after reading what mike said "shouldn't you warn others?" i decided i really should..

So you guys can let me know what you think, but In the end i look at those $35 USD as a compensation for their lack of understanding, disturbances and behaving like *******s after doing the mistake to begin with and trying to let me pay for it. So i say this to you Poker770 and the entire network from the bottom of my heart ROT IN HELL

With warmest to the rest of the community,


Last edited by 67steinip; 04-25-2012 at 08:08 AM.
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 08:03 AM
They had to have the money via bank transfer? There was no alternative method? That seems really crappy. Sounds like a bad site.
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 08:30 AM
it doesn't sound bad it is bad. I have never had such a bad service for being a newcomer to a site, and this i was losing my mind over all these calls and emails and that is why!.. They can if they wanted find a way but they just wanted it their way and no compromise. Not everyone can filter out through their emails like i do, not everyone has their own domain name. Having to actually go through the lengths of ignoring phone calls or creating a rule to filter out and banish emails from a specific domain in order to get peace from bombardments of email's is insane!.. I told them and ill tell you, I will never recommend this site to any of my friends or anyone who asks where they should sign up..
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 08:48 AM
Couldn't you just deposit another $31 on their site and then let them take the money from your account?
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 08:54 AM
That's the weird part i suggested that to begin with as i state here

Originally Posted by Email i sent
until you figure out a way for the money to be transferred to you either reducing the amount to cover the fee or a paypal account or re-establish the account of mine to let me deposit the amount into it and let you deduct from there.
What i got was "They cant re-establish my account until the $35 dollars i owe them is paid and statement attesting to the wire transfer"

it's like talking to morons
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 09:18 AM
That's a pretty grim story. I'm sorry you or anyone had to go through something like that, and it amazes me that there are companies who still believe that harassing and threatening THEIR OWN CUSTOMERS over small sums of money where the customer is trying hard to be reasonable and find alternative means to making things right is a good or business-wise thing. Truly sad. If anyone from Poker770 reads this thread, be aware that I am one person who will never consider depositing there (and I rake tens of thousands of dollars yearly at the sites at which I play).
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 10:01 AM
I don't even follow why they think you owe them $35. You used your credit card to deposit and it was approved, no?
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 10:04 AM
Yes and i spent it at the tables except $4 but if you read what i wrote you'll see that when she called me the first time in the quote she says "they refunded my money according to policy" since they froze my account, they didn't check my account they transferred $35 to me even if i had spent $31 at the tables
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 10:05 AM
Now, if they would be smart, which I doubt to be honest, they would realize that this bad publicity you just made them cost them way more then your 35 bucks and fire the whole customer care team and hire some better people instead.
If I would have to take a wild guess, I would say that the customer care service is from India, just reading the story above. No ofense intended for any indians on 2+2
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 11:31 AM
Yeah they would but i wish people would read the second POST in this thread because MH decided to merge my old one with the new one to make one big chunk of readable crap

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-25-2012 at 03:28 PM. Reason: Corrected the name of the merger culprit
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by 67steinip
Yes and i spent it at the tables except $4 but if you read what i wrote you'll see that when she called me the first time in the quote she says "they refunded my money according to policy" since they froze my account, they didn't check my account they transferred $35 to me even if i had spent $31 at the tables
So they charged your credit card, then cancelled the charge? Why not ask if you can't repay the amount using your card again?
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 01:54 PM
I don't get it they gave me bank information that i have to put it on, there was no talking to them about allowing me to just use PayPal or any Payment Agent or anything, they didn't want to discuss it they just wanted to get it done wire transfer and you pay the fee! simple as that! send them the statement to attest the wire transfer or else they would file a credit card fraud against me which is weird because i didn't do anything.

If i send you Punker via Credit about $100 dollars and then realize it should have been 10 and ask you, its up to you to be nice and send it back. I have nothing on you and can't file any claims for making my own damn mistake.

I really hope the mods here remove that first article because it really shadows over the one i wrote perfectly below, He merged the two posts together i did not write another one below...
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 01:55 PM
Mail them a check.
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
04-25-2012 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by MonkeyPox
Mail them a check.
Uhm, No... that's not an option or was not the only option was wire transfer to their bank account. I tried asking about another solution and they just gave me the option to send it and pay for it or they complain about fraud. Oh and by the way by now, after all they put me through ( assuming you read the second post not the first since they merged it together ).. I am not doing anything for them ever, like ever. If you read my second post in this thread you'll see the **** i went through.

And right now if they do see this and come up now with a solution to this like "oh im sorry" or anything like that im gonna tell them to shove off.. because that window closed days ago..
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
05-16-2012 , 11:30 AM
Latest news: constant phone calls from poker770. I got away from the emails but i get a regular phonecall i need to ignore every single ****ing living day. My Phone provider can't block it because it's withheld phone number.

So i get a call every day between 9 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, then again and again and one time in the evening. They have even amped up the calling, one day i got a call 2 times in one day while working.

I created a Voicemail so when ever someone calls me with no number i press "busy" and send them to voicemail hell. If they want to continue this ill gladly ignore them until the day i buy smartphone and get that blocker app. Until then she can listen to a boring ass full length voicemail that sounds like im picking up but after few "aha aha i understand" i end by saying "I have to tell you, that i am not here so you got to leave the message after the beep"
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
05-16-2012 , 07:24 PM
This pokersite blows and is wasting more money on time spent than the $31 owed. Not sure what the law is in the UK and/or EU. In the US, if you send a cease and desist letter thru registered mail they must stop all phone calls and communicate only through the mail.

Last edited by tr8cer; 05-16-2012 at 07:29 PM.
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
05-30-2012 , 09:22 AM
Right now i can't be sure but they have stopped calling. Strangely it happened right after 2+2 forum came back up again. During the time the forum was down i got constant calls but after it came up it stopped. Not sure if it's related but it has finally stopped!!
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
05-30-2012 , 10:01 AM
I just noticed this thread since I didn't get any notification via PM, has the original issue been solved by now or is the account still blocked? If so, feel free to send me the user details via PM for further investigation.

Best regards,
Christian / Poker770
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
05-30-2012 , 10:16 AM
Why would they need a photocopy of your credit card?

IMO that just sounds really shady... Especially when they ask for the bank the shows the security number... With all that information they could use that card wherever they please...

Why not ask for a ID, Piece of mail, etc. to confirm identity.
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
10-05-2012 , 06:53 AM
Yes that acount issue got solved, the way i solved it was ignoring the hell out of poker770, create an email filter in my cpanel for everything including the 770 number in it and the iPoker network and sending all anonymous calls withheld numbers to a redirected voicemail that wont bother me, and yes advising every single one of my friends, and friends of friends and facebook friends and every possible poker contact i know to never EVER sign up with that site. Poker770 bothered me at my workplace and got me in lots of troubles because i can't put my phone on silent with the job i do. But i have been free from this for 4-5 months now and if i would get a sniff of poker770 after you the REP read this i will tell the community about it..

Have a nice day

PS: Grimace, yes this was shady and i won't so much as ping the website let alone open it
Been hassled by Poker770 for days! Quote
