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bankroll management help bankroll management help

07-14-2009 , 03:36 PM
I have a real problem with shot taking.

I will deposit 50 then run it up to 250 then take a stab at a 200sng and have to start all over again.

I cant tell you how many times I have played in a $1000 SNG and 2 days later im playing in a $3 SNG.

I have some amazing stories of turning $2 into 10K in less then a week.
But I also have some amazing stories about turning 10K into 10cents in less then a week.

One day I will be playing with Alan Cunningham, and the next day I will be playing with 10centjoe.

What is the best advice you can give for shot taking?

I just dont enjoy playing 10SNGs. I have to be playing for at leaST 100SNG TO enjoy the game. I have competed very well in HL games at times. I can hold my own. But I have a problem commiting too much of my roll sometimes and I cant handle the variance.

Any ideas?
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07-14-2009 , 03:41 PM
Wrong forum for this, but you can't ask for advice on shot-taking. If you're taking shots, then you're not really following a good bankroll management plan and will mostly go broke (which you do everytime you run it up to 10k)... if you want to play properly, either keep taking shots until you hit 10k again and then follow a good bankroll management plan (on which there are countless threads on these forums).
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07-14-2009 , 04:10 PM
My advice is to stop playing such high stakes. Problem fixed.
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07-14-2009 , 04:16 PM
listen to that Kenny Roger's song "The Gambler". That should clear it all up for you.

cliffs notes:
- don't count your money when you're sittin' at the table
- know when to walk away
- know when to run
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07-14-2009 , 04:27 PM
Proper bankroll for a winning SnG player is 50 to 100 buy-ins. Meaning if you're playing $10 SnGs, you should have at least $500, preferably more than $1000. The higher in stakes you play, the more buy-ins you should have, as the games generally become tougher, thus winrate becomes lower and variance increases.

You should only move up to the next level when you have enough buy-ins for that level. You can sometimes "shot-take" with a couple buy-ins less than the required minimum (like I said, very minimum 50, preferably at least 100) as long as you know the players playing and can see that the game is soft. But seeing as you play SnGs, that's probably not going to happen (I play cash games myself, so I'm not sure). Allen Cunningham is, IIRC, one of the good live pros, and thus not someone worth taking a shot against. But knowing the fish is more important than knowing the good players, as it is the fish you make the most money from.

If you're a losing player, then no amount of money will prevent you from losing it all eventually, so find whatever stakes makes you the happiest for the price you have to pay for it (i.e. what stakes gives the most value for its entertainment), and play it.
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07-14-2009 , 04:38 PM
You had 10,000 and then lost it all?

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07-14-2009 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by choptalk
I have some amazing stories of turning $2 into 10K in less then a week.
Sure about this??
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07-14-2009 , 08:30 PM
Why don't you cashout when you reach a certain amount; lets say $1K (Keep $100 in your Poker account) and then repeat?

You wont always win, win and win if you dont use any Bankrollmanagement at all.
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07-14-2009 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by BigDooobs
Why don't you cashout when you reach a certain amount; lets say $1K (Keep $100 in your Poker account) and then repeat?

You wont always win, win and win if you dont use any Bankrollmanagement at all.
doesnt make sense
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07-14-2009 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by choptalk
I have some amazing stories of turning $2 into 10K in less then a week.
HHs or it didn't happen....
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07-14-2009 , 09:51 PM
keep taking shots if you dont then how will you ever win
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07-14-2009 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by theskillzdatklls
keep taking shots if you dont then how will you ever win
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07-14-2009 , 10:08 PM
First of all, this dude needs to figure out what level he consistently beats before he can turn his bankroll into a liver (in before WAT???).

Once you know what level you can sustain a decent winrate at, you can maintain a bankroll for that level, and take shots with PROFIT ONLY.

OP, the way you're doing it pretty much exposes you to what is called "risk of ruin" every session you play.
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07-14-2009 , 11:32 PM
Taking a shot at a higher limit is fine, but you need to move back down if you fail.

$1000 BR - play $10 sngs.
If you win a couple hundred $$$, take a shot at the $20s if you want, but move down if your BR drops to 1K.

If you run well in the 20s, grind up a 2K BR.
Now you have 100 buyins, and once you go above 2K you can take a shot at the next level, provided you move back to the 20s if it doesn't go well.

Anyway don't play a sng that is more then 2% of your BR.
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