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Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site?

09-01-2007 , 11:19 AM
you also need a swedish bank account to be able to transfer money
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-01-2007 , 02:56 PM
Yep, and danish fish will soon merge with swedish fish. You americans can play at Stars, Fulltilt, UB and other crap/rock infested sites.... hehe...
i guarantee i can get myself on that swedish site in under a week. maybe i'll start getting other 2+2'ers on there for a nominal fee, too.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-01-2007 , 03:45 PM
i guarantee u cant
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-01-2007 , 03:51 PM
alright, escrow $10k with a trusted mod. i'll put my money where my mouth is.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-01-2007 , 04:00 PM
Yep, and danish fish will soon merge with swedish fish. You americans can play at Stars, Fulltilt, UB and other crap/rock infested sites.... hehe...
i guarantee i can get myself on that swedish site in under a week. maybe i'll start getting other 2+2'ers on there for a nominal fee, too.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-01-2007 , 10:34 PM
The reason to play there is the 2.5% rake. I looked at it in the past and figured the rake is still not low enough considering that for the (non-US) players there are looser and/or bigger sites (that also give 30% or more rakeback, or over 100% in cases, if one is propping). Also their heads up rake seems high compared to what it's at many other sites.

As far as I saw, one needs to have the Swedish ID number to get in (though someone seems to disagree and says one only need to be "registered" in Sweden, but that's the same thing). If they will add some other countries, that's nice though why they haven't already done it? Though I think the idea was there already in the past that they would include some more. As far as getting registered, one can do that by moving to Sweden (as easy in Scandinavia as moving inside one's own country) and get registered and get the Swedish ID. Though if one needs a Swedish IP, it won't help, but I am not aware of such a thing and it doesn't look like smart; what's the point? Just some extra "security" for nothing.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-01-2007 , 10:56 PM
I find it pretty amazing that no other site has tried lower rake structures than the usual 5% with 3$ cap, which in my opinion is almost unbeatable unless youre playing huge fishes most of the time.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-02-2007 , 01:47 AM
I find it pretty amazing that no other site has tried lower rake structures than the usual 5% with 3$ cap, which in my opinion is almost unbeatable unless youre playing huge fishes most of the time.
Yes. It is impossible to win poker at all with any sort of rake.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-02-2007 , 03:59 PM
Yep, and danish fish will soon merge with swedish fish. You americans can play at Stars, Fulltilt, UB and other crap/rock infested sites.... hehe...
i guarantee i can get myself on that swedish site in under a week. maybe i'll start getting other 2+2'ers on there for a nominal fee, too.
I think you could charge a nice, fat fee and still have lots of takers if this was actually possible.

Could a Swede set up multiple accounts for people on multiple computers in Sweden and then have people from the U.S. use some PC Anywhere type of program to control the account? Of course, that would have to be one honest Swede.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-02-2007 , 07:30 PM
I am still awaiting an answer as to how many tables they allow a player to play on?

I am going to assume one or two since I am sure somebody would have been quick to point it out if they allowed a bunch.

Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-03-2007 , 07:12 AM
You can multitable five tables. It's Boss Media / IPN software.

Merely registering an account is going to be very difficult for non-Swedes, as registration requires the Swedish version of an SSN (a "personnummer".) Note that this makes it impossible for one person to register several accounts.

Depositing and withdrawing? Absolutely impossible, as despositing is only through:

A) A Visa / MC where the adress on the card matches what's registered for the "personnummer" you gave.
B) Bank transfer from a Swedish bank.

Withdrawals are through bank transfers to Swedish banks only. This also requires your signature on a form snail mailed to the address registered for your "personnummmer"! (Fortunately this is only needed once, unless you change bank accounts.)

I'd bank that 10K if I had it.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-03-2007 , 07:48 AM
btw, the whole site is in swedish which is annoying b/c I dont speak/read it.

Ive misclicked mad when trying it out, but games are super soft. and once you know the basic's its not bad.

Im soon going to have 2 accounts anyone want to rent one out?
Maybe it's doable when I checked a week ago you needed a "spelkort" gambling card to play, which when ordered will be send to your registred adress with the swedish IRS.

Anybody need some help with the translation I could help you guys out just post or pm whatever you need help with.

Cheers, Kristoffer
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-03-2007 , 08:33 AM
LOL, the local nits are really getting desperate about the quality of the online games available to americans....
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-03-2007 , 01:32 PM

Sounds like you are very familiar with the site.

Are you connected with Boss Media perchance?

Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-03-2007 , 02:24 PM
So a Swedish guy sets up multiple accounts in the name of friends/relatives who don't play poker and lets some foreigners play on those accounts. Of course, he could be the affiliate on all these high volume accounts as well. He pays his friends/relatives a decent fee each month, and he would also have to handle the cashouts and pay his players directly. Like I said, it would have to be a very honest person, but we all trust are affiliates to pay us, which usually works out fine.

If I was Swedish, I could easily set something like this up.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-03-2007 , 02:33 PM
Affiliates don't have your bankroll, account, in their name. Tour only trusteing them with your rakeback.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-03-2007 , 02:59 PM
I wish my aunt still lived in Sweden. I know a few people there but not very well. Maybe I will try trusting them with lots of money anyway.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-03-2007 , 03:36 PM
Ok, so I still could play on this site if I wanted to from what I hear. Is it actually worth it over Party or iPoker?
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-04-2007 , 02:22 AM
So a Swedish guy sets up multiple accounts in the name of friends/relatives who don't play poker and lets some foreigners play on those accounts. Of course, he could be the affiliate on all these high volume accounts as well. He pays his friends/relatives a decent fee each month, and he would also have to handle the cashouts and pay his players directly. Like I said, it would have to be a very honest person, but we all trust are affiliates to pay us, which usually works out fine.

If I was Swedish, I could easily set something like this up.
First of all, there is no affiliate thing on svenska spel, so the only reason why a swede would set up several account
is if he is going to take certain precentages of the winnings.
Your personal id is not exactly something you give away to your friends unless youre utterly brandead (There are some risks involved. It may be possible to order a credit card or even take a bank loan in a persons name if you know it.) so there only remains close relatives who trust you 100%.
There migth be some ip-problems too regarding the multiple accounts, charges for transfering money from svkr to US$ to your players etc etc.
Too me it seems like a lot of trouble for 2,5% lower rake, especially considering that there is already wpex who charges a lot less than svspel does. Im not sure why not more americans and ohers are playing there.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-04-2007 , 03:40 AM
The 2.5% rake is not even as attractive as it sounds, as it's capped at $3 like everywhere else. (OK, it's 20 SEK, which makes $2.90.)
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-04-2007 , 06:20 AM
I agree its very soft. If anyone want me to setup a package so you can play please drop me a message with an offer how much you would like to pay yearly. I can get you an account and if you want a computer in Sweden you can play from. After some time I can also give you full access to the bank account so you can manage all transfers yourself, but I rather not do that from the start because of the different crimes that can be committed with help of a bank account.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-04-2007 , 06:53 AM
I've been living in Sweden since April. The Personal number you are talking about is just your DOB.

the fact that its in SEK and not american dollars could turn some of you off because you'll have to pay an exchange rate in addition to any other fees when transfering/withdrawing funds.

However, as a professional player traveling around the world myself, i would almost perfer something other than american dollars because its value is going down every year and thats not helping me.

5 tables though? Thats a big turn off, I couldn't justify playing anywhere with less than 12 tables. Plus the site sounds small, i'm sure it'll be hard to get on enough tables at higher stakes anyway. I could get an account here with minium effort, but doesn't seem worth it to me.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-04-2007 , 06:56 AM
I've been living in Sweden since April. The Personal number you are talking about is just your DOB.
That's not true.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-04-2007 , 07:14 AM
I've been living in Sweden since April. The Personal number you are talking about is just your DOB.
That's not true.
I have signed up for a few (non poker related) swedish sites, and when they ask for personal number, I have to put in my DOB in a different order, like YEAR MM DD.
Now it could be different for citizens, but thats what has worked for me while i've been here.

Oh yeah, and when I goto a night club here, I get in for free and they ask me for my personal number to confirm and when I give them my license they look at my DOB.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
09-04-2007 , 08:23 AM
I've been living in Sweden since April. The Personal number you are talking about is just your DOB.
That's not true.
That's in fact only part of your personal number. Unless they are legaly registered in Sweden (and paying taxes) foreigners don't have a full personal number.
Any of you played on Svenska Spel, the Swedish state-run site? Quote
