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Amaya at it again/Closes account/seizes funds for literally nothing Amaya at it again/Closes account/seizes funds for literally nothing

12-17-2015 , 10:35 PM
Writing this on behalf of a fellow o8 grinder whose English is self admittedly abysmal

Hi, roughly a month ago, my PS account was frozen pending a review. I was asked to explain my relationship to several players I had transfers to/from and was told to provide documents for ID verification (photo of me holding my ID, recent utility bill, additional documentation, etc). I provided all of these things and thought that would be that. After an unreasonable wait, I was responded to by PS and told that they'd like to do a phone call with me to verify my ID further. They called, asked me numerous, completely irrelevant questions about my home country (I moved to Germany several years ago). Airports, names of towers, language, currency, etc. They asked me the rules of plo8, lol, and other nonsensical poker questions. Obviously, I answered all the questions flawlessly and definitely thought this would allow access to my account again. About a month after the initial email, I was told my account was closed and funds would be seized. Obviously, stunned, I looked for alternatives to resolve the situation as they refused to respond to my numerous e-mail pleas. I messaged the isle of man, produced every email exchanged between myself and PS, and explained the situation. When the isle of man, after two weeks, finally responded with their resolution, they said my account was banned for transfers to players who had violated TOS and because they thought I was a man on the phone (LOL). Obviously, I couldn't believe this and have since been e-mailing PS ad nauseum. In between these events, I've had top pros e-mail on my behalf vouching for my legitimacy. I've asked on numerous occasions for another phone call or any other method of verification they can't dispute and have been met with nothing. First off, I'd like to say it is not my responsibility to do background checks on everyone I do transfers to. I transfer/stake/invest with hundreds of players and can't be robbed of 6,000 USD for and account privileges for transfers to people who were violating TOS. Like I said, it's not my responsibility to know the setups of people I do transfers with and I can't be blamed for PS crap security team failing to properly handle these people from the get go. I'd also like to say that it is absolutely absurd to close my account based on the "presumption" that I was a man on the phone. Give me a break. I have also been informed of several situations of other top regs accounts being suspended (temporarily) for months, or having transfers restricted for transfers to players violating TOS. Why have they been spared? Why was my account just closed, no problem? I'm hoping this post will catch the eye of PS and that I can get some support from the community as Amaya shows yet again that they are completely incompetent imbeciles.


Forgot to mention account belongs to a woman who's been a regular on PS for over 5 years
Amaya at it again/Closes account/seizes funds for literally nothing Quote
12-17-2015 , 10:41 PM
The best thing you can do is post all emails back and forth.

I am assuming that you are not the actual person and that you are writing on behalf of your friend.

It seems from what you said above that Stars might have a reasonable grounds to ban your account... but your funds should certainly be given to you.
Amaya at it again/Closes account/seizes funds for literally nothing Quote
12-17-2015 , 11:22 PM
Anna Oberstad? Is that you?
Amaya at it again/Closes account/seizes funds for literally nothing Quote
12-18-2015 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by trailblazer11
because they thought I was a man on the phone (LOL).
I don't get this part.Were you talking to stars,on the phone,and answering questions or her?
Amaya at it again/Closes account/seizes funds for literally nothing Quote
12-18-2015 , 04:58 AM
If I had to place a bet it would definitely be that Amaya have (for once) done the correct thing here.
Amaya at it again/Closes account/seizes funds for literally nothing Quote
12-18-2015 , 05:13 AM
As usual post all emails, screennames etc

Why does nobody do this from the start?
Amaya at it again/Closes account/seizes funds for literally nothing Quote
12-18-2015 , 08:59 AM
So PStars thought that a man was placed on the phone to answer the security questions and now another person is starting the thread for the person who had their account seized. Ahhhh, ok.

Throw in some questionable transfers in conjunction with this woman's admission that "I transfer/stake/invest with hundreds of players" which seems very unusual, and the old "it is not my responsibility to do background checks on those I transfer to" (which you would think it would be if you are making a business of it by doing it "with hundreds of players") and I am fairly certain PStars is in the right on this one.

I usually write that there is one fact that OP left out that would explain everything, but I don't think they left it out this time. gg
Amaya at it again/Closes account/seizes funds for literally nothing Quote
12-21-2015 , 11:37 AM
Amaya at it again/Closes account/seizes funds for literally nothing Quote
12-21-2015 , 05:38 PM
Why are all you inbreds always straight to say someone is guilty. Does it make you feel better
Amaya at it again/Closes account/seizes funds for literally nothing Quote
12-21-2015 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by jasonvip89
Why are all you inbreds always straight to say someone is guilty. Does it make you feel better
good job being civil and adding to the conversation
Amaya at it again/Closes account/seizes funds for literally nothing Quote
