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WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET

10-20-2010 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by EasilyFound
why are they showing chopped pot hands? am i missing something? what's the point?
Choose between chop pots or player profiles.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 01:20 PM
We are told over and over how Pokerstars is the largest poker room. Yet their commercials are just about the worst of any I've ever seen (Jack Links excluded). I think they are faced with a difficult proposition when 95% of their pros, noone has ever heard of (outside of online poker forums). They really aren't doing anything to build their image. "What I know about lady luck, she likes to hang with the guys that work the hardest". Lame.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 02:19 PM
Racener is ****ing disgusting to watch and needs to learn some manners.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 02:30 PM
What a snoozefest these eps were.
My MO in watching poker on ESPN nowadays is to put it on as background music, and pay attention when it sounds like someone's being a petulant douche.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 02:36 PM
ESPN picks awful hands to show. An AK vs AK chop. Really? You couldn't find a better hand?

I love Nguyen's segment, one or two people like him need to go deep every year.

It'll be awesome when he's back next year giving us his analysis on the play with the pros segment.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by AQsuited
LOL @ Driscoll, what a sore loser, talking trash and them can't stand the heat as he gets sent to the rail
I find no problem with what Driscoll did -- Brandon Stevens TWICE went into histrionics after outflopping Driscoll. The first time, the poker gods punished him for celebrating early and gave Driscoll a flush (and Driscoll, in turn, did not do any elaborate celebrating). The second time, Stevens gave a rude quip somehow justifying his second early celebration and Driscoll rightly took offense to it.

It sucks to get eliminated so close to the end. It sucks worse to have some jackass trash talk you afterwards.

Karma has a way of working these things out..... hint, hint, spoiler.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 04:25 PM
are there some rules in todays game that you cant call with nut flush draw and try to hit? Is it just standard to put in 2million BB instead of protect your huge stack and just try to hit it and then give it up. I guess the game has changed to this.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by mp_all_in
That's why you'd get steamrolled by a LAG like Jorgensen. How do you think he (Jorgensen) got all those chips? applying pressure and getting nits to fold top pair. Of course he should have known not to try it on someone as clueless as Nguyen. Gotta hand it to those Nguyen brothers..they run pretty hot too!
Huh what Nguyen brothers?! Soi/Cuong's not related to Scotty/Men/etc...
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 04:47 PM
What on earth was Jorgensen thinking?
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 05:28 PM
The whole Mizrarchi family is insanely ugly.

That is all.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by tm1nz
Folding KT face up on 35KT9(or close) rainbow board? realllllllllllllly
And no flush on the board either ... you are losing to a set or exactly QJ. I thought folding there was crazy!
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 06:16 PM
does anyone else think pisano looks like the guy from alpha dog who killed the kid with an uzi
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by AQsuited
my thoughts exactly on this one, and then to show them onyl proves to the table what a fish he is,

LOL @ Driscoll, what a sore loser, talking trash and them can't stand the heat as he gets sent to the rail
i agree i hate driscoll. i was glad to see him go, he starts crying when he lost what a baby. just get up and leave dont cry about some guy celebrating
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 06:22 PM
Andy Bloch really loves to be on camera not as much as Hellmuth but the smerk on his face is rather tilting.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 06:35 PM
I think I'm gonna start betting big on the river EVERY TIME I have a hand and betting small on the river EVERY TIME I missed my draw and see if I make it to the november 9.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by dcm91
don't understand what nguyen is doing there at all. if someone told me i'd be risking a 100bb stack with 40 left in the ME with KJo on Kxxcc i'd probably commit suicide just to prevent it from happening.
Interesting little article on Pokernews about Nguyen's thought process and him saying how it was the last hand before the dinner break, and it being a major factor how he played that hand.

Does he mean he thought Jorgensen was gonna be a bit spewy, or play loosely in that particular hand? But he only had KJ?
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 07:37 PM
100% he was not thinking anything else he had top pair and donks do not fold top pair.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by osefiwin
I think I'm gonna start betting big on the river EVERY TIME I have a hand and betting small on the river EVERY TIME I missed my draw and see if I make it to the november 9.
The worst part is how it seems to be working absurdly well 90% of the time.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by cashgamepoker500
i agree i hate driscoll. i was glad to see him go, he starts crying when he lost what a baby. just get up and leave dont cry about some guy celebrating
link? or was this last week when a guy told a railbird to stfu
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 08:49 PM
he didnt cry he just said something like ''its not over'' and the other guy was a sore winner and talked back after he busted him like ''is it over now?!'' and driscoll replied he shouldnt gloat when he wins.

the winner was way out of line he shoulda stfu
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 09:03 PM
well hes not a samurai what do you want from him
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 10:10 PM
Does anyone else think Grinder looks a lot like Jason Segal from How I Met Your Mother?
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Draidin
Anybody else like those Jack Link's commercials?
There are few things I hate more in this world.
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
10-20-2010 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
There are few things I hate more in this world.
those are the one's with bigfoot?
WSOP on ESPN: Main Event Day 7 (Parts 3 and 4), Tuesday Oct. 19, 9-11pm ET Quote
