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Register to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage

05-21-2012 , 05:09 PM
Busquet would def be number 1 choice. Ike and Negreanu wouldn't be bad choices. I wouldnt even mind Hellmuth for 1 event (both nothing more than that). to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-21-2012 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by drumn4life0789
It absolutely hurt ratings. I have watched every episode of the WSOP since the Money Maker craze. Then last year came and I didn't watch any of the packaged shows because I already saw everything on the live streams. Losing viewers means losing sponsors. Losing sponsors means losing money. So its smart on their end.
So make the livestream pay-per-view for the hardcore fan. I still remember the Jerry Yang FT where you had to pay for the stream. Most of 2+2 would probably pay 10 bucks or so to have a reliable stream from day 1 instead of having no stream or some links that get pm'ed like last year.

This way they keep their core audience for the packaged shows and the ones they lose they already make money off. Everybody wins. to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-21-2012 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by whosnext
Dan O'Brien
This list to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:20 PM
Removed live streaming for the Main Event, so sad. to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by FriarTuck
Hey Guys,

1st question to you guys, who would you like to see doing color commentary with me.

GALFONDDDD!!!!!!!!!! to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-21-2012 , 11:45 PM
Without hole cards, I won't be watching. Which makes the fact that there won't be any TV coverage of the players championship even more of a shame.

May be now that the FT won't be on TV, they'll rethink about making the final table HORSE again in the future instead of just NLHE. to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-22-2012 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by FriarTuck
Hey Guys,

I'm thrilled to be covering 34 events for

I've worked on live broadcasts that show hole cards and many that don't. I can see merit for both and I still think the show can be compelling and entertaining regardless.

That said, I do come on here once in a while, so if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, shoot away.

You can also reach me on my twitter feed: TuckonSports

1st question to you guys, who would you like to see doing color commentary with me.

I'm excited to say a few big names have already reached out to me...and I'm sure we'll have loads of Bart Hanson.

Galfond at #1

Then LivB and Antonio Esfandiari. Both did an immense job last year. to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-22-2012 , 01:36 PM
Who didn't enjoy the 50k players championship? I thought it was great. The final tables that sucked were the ones with no commentary at all. And where the no hole cards will hurt is in the main event from day3 and on. Seeing a lot of random people playing really tight and no hole cards is going to be where the coverage will suck. to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-23-2012 , 03:33 AM

Busquet to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-23-2012 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by FriarTuck
Hey Guys,

I'm thrilled to be covering 34 events for

I've worked on live broadcasts that show hole cards and many that don't. I can see merit for both and I still think the show can be compelling and entertaining regardless.

That said, I do come on here once in a while, so if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, shoot away.

You can also reach me on my twitter feed: TuckonSports

1st question to you guys, who would you like to see doing color commentary with me.

I'm excited to say a few big names have already reached out to me...and I'm sure we'll have loads of Bart Hanson.

I generally agree with you, but because this is branded WSOP, the casual viewer is going to be the same guy who has time off from work that doesn't miss an episode (tivo'd or not) of the M.E. on ESPN. That being said, these casual players are also not very good, and would not tune in to a broadcast (as good as you are at commentating, and this is not a shot at you), to have someone talking about ranges throughout the duration of the hand. They want to know the cards from the get-go and how the player played them. Are you sure you have no say in the matter trying to get the network to deliver some sort of "hole cam card" either LATB style or the actual camera?

Thanks Dave! to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-24-2012 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by cmitch
Does anyone know if streams in Apple friendly formats or flash? Hoping to watch on iPad.
. to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-24-2012 , 01:02 PM
im looking forward to watch it to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-25-2012 , 01:56 AM
I think WSOP streams work. But not espn3. Thats how it was on my iphone last year. to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-30-2012 , 03:15 PM
Olivier Busquet.

/thread to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-30-2012 , 03:15 PM
Well, I mean, like, not /thread or whatever, but, y'know to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-30-2012 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by black666
Bart Hanson
Olivier Busquet

Erick lindgren
Jamie gold

Seriously though King Niche

Last edited by Party@TheDoJ; 05-30-2012 at 05:57 PM. Reason: King niche to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-31-2012 , 02:06 AM
will ME coverage be from day 1 or not till day 3 to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-31-2012 , 09:53 AM
i prefer live poker with no holecards but it a bad idea for the viewer as a whole. to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-31-2012 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by FriarTuck
Hey Guys,

I'm thrilled to be covering 34 events for

I've worked on live broadcasts that show hole cards and many that don't. I can see merit for both and I still think the show can be compelling and entertaining regardless.

That said, I do come on here once in a while, so if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, shoot away.

You can also reach me on my twitter feed: TuckonSports

1st question to you guys, who would you like to see doing color commentary with me.

I'm excited to say a few big names have already reached out to me...and I'm sure we'll have loads of Bart Hanson.
PHIL HELLMUTH PLEASE to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-31-2012 , 02:45 PM
Or Vannessa Selbst,,,love that chick lol to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-31-2012 , 03:15 PM
The stream was unwatchable for me last night (event 2). It was cutting out every few minutes, would hold for a bit and cut out again. Sometimes it said "the host has took this off air" and sometimes it would just freez and a 5 minute timer would come on and countdown before it came back on.

I really like veetle as it's usually clear but I've known these kind of problems with them before to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-31-2012 , 08:42 PM
So when's Tuck gonna start chirping? No commentary on the nearly epic FT last night, and now for the 3k HU, didn't seem there was any either. Not to mention, the fixed cam made it unwatchable (couldn't see boards), and the stream failed for me twice. to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
05-31-2012 , 10:49 PM
Commentary on for the heads up to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
06-02-2012 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by UniqueFreak
The stream was unwatchable for me last night (event 2). It was cutting out every few minutes, would hold for a bit and cut out again. Sometimes it said "the host has took this off air" and sometimes it would just freez and a 5 minute timer would come on and countdown before it came back on.

I really like veetle as it's usually clear but I've known these kind of problems with them before
I watched it last night (event 5) and it was much much better. Didn't cut out at all, clear and good commentary/guests to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
06-02-2012 , 05:34 PM
I think this dealer's eaten too many chips

Good feed (pun not intended). to broadcast 60 WSOP bracelet events online/ESPN TV coverage Quote
