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WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread

04-01-2008 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by pricedin
One hand I didn't understand from last night was where Matusow had 99 and Kevin had something like AJ and the board comes out 45678 and and when Matusow finally makes a bet on the river Kevin instafolds. It was a good fold but I don't understand how Kevin doesn't even contemplate calling when the only hand that he doesn't chop with has a 9 in it. Did he misread the board or did he really not want to pay off 100k for a best-case chop?
he almost certainly didn't realize there was a straight on board.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-01-2008 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by EWS87
it wasnt 45678...i think it was just 5678x

x being a deuce or a 3
actually it was 45678
8c 7d 6c 4h 5h to be exact
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-01-2008 , 01:55 PM
I'm seeing some expert online donkamenting here. all skill
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-01-2008 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by pricedin
Shaniac seemed really bitter the entire time. Maybe he took a few bong rips before play started.
Kind of what I was thinking, he looked like he was either zoned out/really high or maybe just super tired
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-01-2008 , 02:46 PM
The new chick is terrible. They will never be able to match what Shana H brought to the show.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-01-2008 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
Agreed, I was really surprised when she was praised here a week ago. I just don't get the fascination with plastic women.
My thoughts exactly.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-01-2008 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by pricedin
One hand I didn't understand from last night was where Matusow had 99 and Kevin had something like AJ and the board comes out 45678 and and when Matusow finally makes a bet on the river Kevin instafolds. It was a good fold but I don't understand how Kevin doesn't even contemplate calling when the only hand that he doesn't chop with has a 9 in it. Did he misread the board or did he really not want to pay off 100k for a best-case chop?
I knew there was a straight on board...I just didnt hesitate to call for a chop bc I was 90% sure Mike had at least a 9.

Ya I played bad the 1st hour of the FT, I was pretty nervous and trying to do too much.

WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-01-2008 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by BeL0WaB0Ve
I knew there was a straight on board...I just didnt hesitate to call for a chop bc I was 90% sure Mike had at least a 9.

How? There was absolutely nothing that happened in that hand, or in the way Mike played the hand, that could have given you ANY type of clue that he had a 9 or pocket 9's. Simply no way. What's the real explanation?
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-01-2008 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Lucypher
The new chick is terrible. They will never be able to match what Shana H brought to the show.


I thought OK first week but very pastic as someone else said
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-01-2008 , 07:45 PM
I want to know the rest of the verses to Mike's song. So far I've got:

Poker, poker, it's all skill
Start with the worst hand and go uphill

Poker, poker, it's all fun
After an hour you'll need a gun
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-01-2008 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by ALLIIIIIIIN!
This should be alot of fun to watch plus Layla makes every new WPT episode a must see.

I agree she is easy on the eyes but I don't really dig her commentary! Seems kind of boring.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-01-2008 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Papi Shasho
How? There was absolutely nothing that happened in that hand, or in the way Mike played the hand, that could have given you ANY type of clue that he had a 9 or pocket 9's. Simply no way. What's the real explanation?
no way. the way mike played that hand would be perfectly consistent with 9. i've seen Kevin's PFX vids and have a pretty good idea how he reads hands and i totally understand why he'd think mike had a 9.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-01-2008 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Try__An__Hit
he said on pxf, after that he played horrible at the start, but played well to get his stack back and win, be good too see the 2nd half
cheers for the spoiler bud!
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 12:26 AM
is this going to be posted on pokertube?
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by BeL0WaB0Ve
I knew there was a straight on board...I just didnt hesitate to call for a chop bc I was 90% sure Mike had at least a 9.

Ya I played bad the 1st hour of the FT, I was pretty nervous and trying to do too much.


You made some nice plays to end part one of the show to get a lot of chips back. From what they showed though...seemed the stage fright thing and the need to respond to Mike after every crack he made was also getting to you a bit. But I didn't understand the comment about saying you knew Danny had aces and then calling his all-in. Can you add some insight on that?
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by lozen

I thought OK first week but very pastic as someone else said
Yes, very plastic presence to Layla and she ain't even that pretty. She got the job because she has big boobs. Obviously, Steve wasn't paying attention to her interviewing skills when he interviewed her. The WPT can't find a good replacement for Shana, but I think Kinberly can foot the bill; she's a natural.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by JBS1273

You made some nice plays to end part one of the show to get a lot of chips back. From what they showed though...seemed the stage fright thing and the need to respond to Mike after every crack he made was also getting to you a bit. But I didn't understand the comment about saying you knew Danny had aces and then calling his all-in. Can you add some insight on that?
he also "knew" shaniac didn't have **** on the AT/JTs hand. if you watch it again you'll notice he made a perfect read on every hand. that is why he and matusow have a mutual respect for each other's games.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by JBS1273

But I didn't understand the comment about saying you knew Danny had aces and then calling his all-in. Can you add some insight on that?

wtf kind of question is this. players all the time call raise whatever and see aces then say i know you have aces. gfafsdfas, add insight, wtf do you want him to say, i know he had aces so i called, dhfsjhdfjshd

this question tilted me for some reason, so dumbb
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by JBS1273

You made some nice plays to end part one of the show to get a lot of chips back. From what they showed though...seemed the stage fright thing and the need to respond to Mike after every crack he made was also getting to you a bit. But I didn't understand the comment about saying you knew Danny had aces and then calling his all-in. Can you add some insight on that?
iirc kevin reraised all in and his opponent insta called. obviously he didnt know he had aces or he wouldnt have shoved. i think he means he had a feeling he had aces but didnt trust his read imo.

was impressed by your play towards the end of the episode kev. as mike sexton put it "this kid is just relentless vince".

looking forward to part two, go pfx..
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 02:43 PM
Getting a read and not trusting it happens all the time, even to the best players. The problem with trusting your reads all the time when you're beaten is that you don't know whether you read is correct, of whether you'd just being weak-tight.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 03:15 PM
I thought it was odd that the guy who bluffs every pot asked to see Danny's hand when he picked him off. Kind of a douche move, IMHO.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by DayTr1pper
no way. the way mike played that hand would be perfectly consistent with 9. i've seen Kevin's PFX vids and have a pretty good idea how he reads hands and i totally understand why he'd think mike had a 9.
Can you share? I find it hard to believe without seeing the hole cards anyone would have any clue Mike had a 9 there. Watch the hand over again. The most logical explanation was Kevin not wanting to call for what's best a chop, but I don't think there's any way he "knew" he had a 9.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Papi Shasho
Can you share? I find it hard to believe without seeing the hole cards anyone would have any clue Mike had a 9 there. Watch the hand over again. The most logical explanation was Kevin not wanting to call for what's best a chop, but I don't think there's any way he "knew" he had a 9.
well, obviously not "knew" as in for a fact, but a hand with a nine figured prominently into Mike's range in that hand. The main thing is that if Mike would bluff into that board as there would be no value in it. Kevin obviously didn't absolutely know Mike had a 9, especially cause he's an online player so he def doesn't do the physical tell thing. Since Mike's play in the hand would fit perfectly with a nine, I think Kevin made a good fold because he's at best chopping and probably thought Mike was unlikely to bluff on the river.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by JBS1273

You made some nice plays to end part one of the show to get a lot of chips back. From what they showed though...seemed the stage fright thing and the need to respond to Mike after every crack he made was also getting to you a bit. But I didn't understand the comment about saying you knew Danny had aces and then calling his all-in. Can you add some insight on that?

Ya please give us your enlightened reasoning behind the horrendous call Knowing he had aces.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
04-02-2008 , 08:36 PM
I was nervous the first time I was on TV, and the way those tables are constructed is extremely uncomfortable.

So far the only hole card camera tables that I've sat at and barely noticed the cameras were the EPT feature tables. Those are very well constructed, and the rail is only 2in or so off of the felt, as opposed to WSOP/WPT/HPT tables where the rail is a good 6-8in off the felt.

Entertaining episode so far, and the WPT has improved a ton since moving over to GSN.
WPT Bellagio Cup III Parts 1 and 2 thread Quote
