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Would you give up the seat? Would you give up the seat?

04-28-2008 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by CincyLady
Also, what casino is 'FW'?
Foxwoods. Indian casino in Connecticut. Big poker room. No class within 15 mile radius IMO.
Would you give up the seat? Quote
04-28-2008 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
Normally, there is little competition for an open seat until someone tries to sit in it.
Tweaked Your Post.
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04-28-2008 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by redfisher
Pretty much any place I've played you're wrong. You had an opportunity to take a new seat, which you declined. If the new guy wants a seat change, he's first in line.
OK, playing devils advocate...what if I took that seat and then asked for another seat change button? I'm really just wondering if he has any priority even if he hasn't played a hand yet?
Would you give up the seat? Quote
04-28-2008 , 08:20 AM
It's a bit unrealistic to think that every time a seat opens up, the dealer should individually question each player with a SC button. What a waste of time.

The way it tends to happen at FW is that when a seat opens up, somebody who wants the seat (with or without SC button) will say, "I'll take that seat." Then sometime between then and the time that person actually moves, those with SC buttons have an opportunity to step in and say, "No, I'm going to take it." Once in a while, you'll hear somebody without a SC button say "I'll take that seat" and then turn to the person with a SC button and say "unless you want it."

It's a pretty simple process, really. There's no reason to go through a NFL draft-style performance to switch a seat. Just ask for it, and see if anyone rightfully objects. It's also pretty silly to think that a dealer that sits for a half hour and then goes away for 1.5 hours is going to keep track of "seniority" at a table, haha. Who cares if it favors regulars?

Oh, and you don't lose your SC button when you switch seats, either, so there's none of this "button shuffle" going on. You just keep it and you still get first crack at the next open seat.
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04-28-2008 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by frommagio
How are you calling check/raises when he is behind you?
He was BB or SB this hand.

He had moved from Seat 5 to Seat 2 to gain position on me (Seat 9) for most hands.
Would you give up the seat? Quote
04-28-2008 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by bav
If we can keep track of seniority for seat changes, can we keep track of seniority for who wins a seat when a table breaks and there aren't enough empty seats at other tables for the players? That's one of my (minor) pet peeves with how seats are doled out. I hate it when I've been playing for 6 hours, someone comes in at 3am and takes the 6th seat, plays one hand, and then 3 people get up and leave together. We're down to 3 handed and there are two seats, and I always lose the high card draw.
You should immediately volunteer to be the one that goes on the waiting list. 90% the time one of the other two players will think you have found an edge by doing so and offer you their seat. You now have a much better chance of getting the open seat compared to drawing cards, especially if you always lose.

Would you give up the seat? Quote
04-28-2008 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by kak1154
It's a bit unrealistic to think that every time a seat opens up, the dealer should individually question each player with a SC button. What a waste of time.
QFT. And for the next hour or so every time a seat opened in the vicinity the Floor, who made the first incorect ruling and was apparently "educated", made a big deal of asking each person who had a seat change button if they wanted a seat. His voice carried because he was obviously not pleased to have to do that...
Oh, and you don't lose your SC button when you switch seats, either, so there's none of this "button shuffle" going on. You just keep it and you still get first crack at the next open seat.
I've seen the "hot potato" thing at FW. Quite funny actually. I'm sure a nit fight would break out if a guy tried to hold onto "Seat Change #1" after moving seats.

To RR: I am assuming that when going by seniority you should get to use that privilige only once and then become the "last person to sit". And you are essentially leaving the decision process up to the players because the dealers rotate.

The Seat Change Button system works pretty well - this was the first dispute I've seen for a seat. The biggest problem I've seen with it is they are always running out of the buttons. People take them table to table and possibly when they leave. I'm thinking its accidental...
Would you give up the seat? Quote
04-28-2008 , 12:32 PM
Out of my cold dead hands...
Would you give up the seat? Quote
04-28-2008 , 03:33 PM
"Okay, I've been playing poker now for about 4 years now, and while I've heard of some really wacky rules in poker rooms that I've played in around the country during that time, I've never heard of a 'seat change' button."

Play at the Orleans or Suncoast & you will see people ask for seat change buttons almost every session. YMMV.

& FWIW......

I would have let the guy have the seat. Since he did have "The Magic Seat Change Button".

Best Wishes

Would you give up the seat? Quote
04-28-2008 , 03:41 PM
I have played all over the west coast and have never seen a seat change button. Most places have the dealer keep track. At Bay 101 in SJ, the dealer keeps track at the smaller stakes. At big stakes, there is a piece of paper where people write in their name for seat changes.
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